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Firefly Tattoos


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  1. @Johnny3D , I would be very interested in trying out one of your implants if you're still planning on making extras.

  2. @Semilovr12 said:
    I have no doubt in saying that the v2 is definitely not as bright as V1. I wish an implant test of the v2 was done prior to being released instead of me being disappointed.

    Not to ruffle any feathers, but when you buy one of these mods, you are essentially a beta tester. If you want an implant test and full review, then wait until the early adopters have them installed.

  3. ^ This is true. x3x

    I will not say that I am displeased with this development, failure is always an option, and the fact that we have an implant that in theory may be generating light while also absorbing more radiation than it outputs.. I've had my firefly V2 in my face below my right eye for a long time. It has been one hell of a learning experience! :o

    Of course, there is always room for improvement and refinement. And there will always be friction. This is okay. :3 The goal is to correct it and keep making headway.

    At the end of the day, it is functioning. Personally, I would grade it a C, in regards to overall. It is functionally stout and robust, and has acted quite stable and predictably, all the variables given that could be failing. I personally feel like, though do not have definitive knowledge due to this being from observations and opinions, but that while this is a stable 'success', it has room to be so much more than it is. ^^

    Please keep developing and upgrading this, @AlexSmith. :3

  4. @Johnny3D Totally love your project using phosphorescence. Like, a lot. .3.

    But, and this isn't in regards to it being 'similar' or 'a challenge' or whatever. Everyone should work and build and develop things. it may branch to totally different and awesome applications. Still, I would really suggest making your own indivigual thread, and keeping it seperate from the Firefly's, both to isolate confusion from references/misreadings of one or the other, and to keep respective ideas to ones selves so there is no toe stepping questions. ^^

  5. @Zerbula said:
    @Johnny3D Totally love your project using phosphorescence. Like, a lot. .3.

    But, and this isn't in regards to it being 'similar' or 'a challenge' or whatever. Everyone should work and build and develop things. it may branch to totally different and awesome applications. Still, I would really suggest making your own indivigual thread, and keeping it seperate from the Firefly's, both to isolate confusion from references/misreadings of one or the other, and to keep respective ideas to ones selves so there is no toe stepping questions. ^^

    "This is true. x3x"

    I love the idea phosphorescence idea as well and am working towards making a feasible tattoo using it. I love the idea of an implant, (or of incorporating it into an implant), but lack the resources to pursue that branch atm.

    But please. Can we keep the threads separate?

  6. @trybalwolf v1 was tested fully by the maker with posted results, v2 was not. Since I had V1 already implanted I had no reason to think I would be unhappy with v2 because it's supposed to be an upgrade.

  7. @Semilovr12 said:
    @trybalwolf v1 was tested fully by the maker with posted results, v2 was not. Since I had V1 already implanted I had no reason to think I would be unhappy with v2 because it's supposed to be an upgrade.

    Well, we had photos, radiation tests, and a slew of us lined up for beta tests. I myself expected it to be a huge improvement, but I waited to see if there might be any unforeseen issues. Everyone on the forum was pushing for its release and with nothing indicating that it would miss the mark in any way, I would have released it too had I been @AlexSmith.

    Look at magnets for example. When we first came out with TIN coated magnets, everything pointed to a huge success, and while some were, some had minute manufacturing flaws that made us stop producing them while we waited do more R&D. Implants done by members of this forum are a big part of said research.

    This isn't Apple. We're a community pushing forward to achieve our goals. So long as that is the case, we will continue buying "dangerous things", understanding the usage and risks along the way. One of those risks is disappointment, but that's just another part of this cyberpunk fever dream of a community we all know and love.

  8. Hello everyone! I am sorry I have been away for so long. Circumstances in my personal life got in the way and I couldnt post for awhile, then after I could I was so busy that I didn't have the mental energy. I bought the V2 the morning it came out and implanted as soon as I got it, so I was probably one of the first people to implant and I feel it is my duty to do a full review.

    I chose to implant on the inside of my left wrist, where the skin seems thinner and more likely to shine, and I could use it as a dim light like I had seen others do with v1s if I turned out to be bright enough. On the same night, I implanted a v1 in a similar location on my right wrist. The first night, I had to be in complete darkness to dimly see them.
    After a few days it seems my v2 had gone deeper than intended and slipped next to and slightly under a tendon. This caused it to be only as bright as my v1 with slightly more surface area. I wasnt really happy with the placement. One day within the first week it flipped over and in my struggle to flip it back it slipped further down my arm where I could not see it and lodged itself under the tendon. Cue the next 20 minutes of me freaking out trying to find it and shaking my arm to try and discern it's location from the comforting rattle. Eventually I worked it back up where it started and in the commotion it had flipped itself back. Whew! However I decided that the location would not do and i resolved to remove and attempt to reimplant.
    I had to wait til the weekend so it was exactly a week after implanting when I removed it to try again. My plan was to remove and directly implant to avoid sterilization. I created an incision for the new location on my wrist and made a new incision for the removal as it had migrated from the implant site. After fighting to try and get it through the new hole it somehow slipped back into the original tunnel from implantation and popped through the week-long-healed hole, no cutting required. I implanted it directly into the new site and stitched it up. A few more weeks and I was good to go.

    Now that I am months down the road, I can say with certainty that v2 is definitely brighter and better in appearance than v1. The light is at least 1.5× as bright, as well as having a much larger surface area. When I wake up at night and my eyes are adjusted I can even use it as a flashlight a foot away if it's really dark. I definitely can't do that with the v1. When I flip it over it does not disappear but it does get dimmer. In fact the size becomes twice as large due to refraction in the skin. It is because of this that I believe the lead and reflective coating actually inhibits the brightness of it. I think if it were allowed to shine from all sides it would become much larger and brighter in appearance. Maybe @AlexSmith will take that into consideration in the future.
    I don't ever notice the rattle unless I purposely shake my arm and listen for it. It's definitely not bothersome. When I was re-implanting it I took a closer look at it and the craftsmanship and quality appears to be just fine. Obviously they don't look like a factory has been pumping them out.They look hand-made, but they are very nice and don't look like they would ever break or anything.
    All in all i give my approval in saying that the v2 is an improvement over v2. I think there are still improvements that can be made but I am very happy with it and love it.

  9. Thanks for the review Beano. I've noticed i can see mine even in not total darkness. Like driving home at night now, although i wonder how bright it would be if i implanted in an area with thinner skin.

  10. @ama I get the same thing. Mine is visible with just a little darkness.

  11. I kept trying to upload to the site but couldnt get it. Here is a pic I posted to imgur. I adjusted it a little so it looks like it did in real life.

  12. This the normal brightness of a V2? It is a lot brighter in the pic than real life, it takes nearly complete darkness just to see a hint of glow.

  13. @FireBreathingReptile @Zerbula @trybalwolf I will definitely move to a new thread. When I first started trying to make them I kind of was just doing it for fun but now a lot of people have shown interest so I'll move more towards getting them to people. I still want a firefly though, having a tritium implant would be so cool. I don't think the one I made really compares! I'll go ahead and make a new thread so those that are interested can follow along

  14. Wanting to remove mine, after having it for about 1 year. Anyone have any tips/videos where they detail the most optimal method of removal?

    Like - what to think about when performing the removal, for example - is the skin flexible enough that you only need to make a small incision and then it is possible to push it out or should one make a generally larger cut than the implant itself.

    My plan was to press down on one end of the implant and then use a scalpel to cut the other end, as the implant will create an edge to cut against and then pushing the implant out through the hole.

    Thanks for your thoughts and time.

  15. Your plan should work just fine, that's what I would do. Why the removal?

  16. @Semilovr12

    I tried my plan and another one, for a total of two attempts, without success in either. I kinda feel like it is stuck, and if it was fibrotic tissue I was unable to cut it with my dull ass scalpel. Instead it just kinda stuck to my scalpel and could be lifted out of the wound.

    Anyone got any suggestions? I'll have to let the wounds heal a bit before my next attempt.

    I just want to remove it because it has started to hurt after long climbing sessions, as well as wanting to minimize risk for cancer, however small the risk may be from this implant.

    Thanks for your reply.

  17. The dull scalpel was probably the enemy. To implant mine in my hand, it took a bit of force to break the skin in that area so I imagine you would need the same amount of force to cut it open and don't cut on the scar line, a but above or below should work.

  18. My v2 is in! Finally! Tried to attach an image but it won't let me upload nor will it take the imgur link..

  19. Holy shit, in the back of your neck!

  20. @Semilovr12 said:
    Holy shit, in the back of your neck!

    Yeah. My friend is a doctor and implanted it for me.

    He did apply some local anaesthetic though.

    Said he has no idea how any of you did it without anaesthetic as he struggled quite a bit to get the needle in. And he does those birth control implants regularly.

    So far there is minimal swelling and only some slight bruising. Barely even notice its there and its only day two now.

    The rattling, thankfully is unnoticeable until I give it a few taps then I can kinda hear it.

  21. Ok. I can hear it rattle when I towel dry my hair. Strangely, I find it kinda pleasing. The knowledge that there is this thing inside me, that makes interactions with my body via movement. Or whatever. If that makes sense? It's like an added benefit.

    I have yet to see how it glows. Although I suppose that might take some time, as @Zerbula discovered. Is a little difficult to check. Have been playing with two mirrors and different angles to see how best to see it as close up as possible.

  22. That's a interesting location, keep us updated

  23. So far it's going well. The wound is healing nicely.

    I asked a friend to check in the dark on Friday and she did not think she could see anything.

    I have been cleaning it nightly and putting a special plaster on to try and avoid scarring, and while doing so checking in the mirror.

    Tonight I can see a faint glow from about 3 ft away with my back to a mirror and pivoting a hand mirror in front of me. This once my eyes have fully adjusted to complete darkness and if I kinda squint haha

    As @Zerbula found, giving the skin a quick wipe causes the glow to be more pronounced. I have hopes that it will improve with further healing.

  24. It has been a royal pain trying to clean it and apply these plasters. They have this gelloid stuff that "integrates" with the wound, keeping it moist and allowing the skin to heal without scarring. But getting them dead centre is a mission as they are thick so I have to place my finger on the wound and then retract it quickly while slamming the plaster on, while trying to hold a mirror and see.

    Also, I have tried taking pics with my iPhone 7 and can confirm that nothing shows up, even in total darkness. Will keep trying though.

  25. @vorfotun said:

    I just want to remove it because it has started to hurt after long climbing sessions, as well as wanting to minimize risk for cancer, however small the risk may be from this implant.

    I thought it was ascertained that there was no risk of cancer with these? Are there new findings? Or are you just being cautious?

    I realise that it is experimental and one can never be 100% sure.

    I am a tad concerned with mine being so close to my brain! However I am a smoker and have lived quite the party lifestyle in my youth so if anything those will probably get me first. ;)

  26. I would put v1 literally anywhere and not v2 simply because of the size. V2 has no added benefit of any extra brightness, I fail to see v2 as an upgrade.

    I still believe this is a crazy cool implant and could be improved. I've never heard of anyone getting cancer from these but yet if the unlikely event, the cancer wouldn't spread it would be localised, from what the inventor said. He's been quite silent since people have been implanting v2. Which makes me wonder if he's taking into account what people are saying that bought and now have his product in their bodies.

  27. Had the v2 for about 3 months. I somehow got some pictures in low lighting vs total darkness. It bulges out of my skin now, maybe due to it moving around or slender hands.

  28. @Maedschneewittchen said:
    Had the v2 for about 3 months. I somehow got some pictures in low lighting vs total darkness. It bulges out of my skin now, maybe due to it moving around or slender hands.

    Nice! Looks good!

  29. Anyone else have updates?

  30. @Semilovr12 said:
    Anyone else have updates?

    The placement of mine makes it very difficult for me to say much as I have never seen it myself.

    I was starting to get a little down as no one appeared to be able to see it unless they squinted really hard while staring between their cupped hands in a pitch black room.

    So the one night I tried flipping it (not sure how everyone else does it. I kinda just massaged it around a bit hoping it might flip. Lo and behold, there was light!

    I doubt anyone will ever notice it unless I actually mention it to them.

    Other than that, it has healed nicely with only the tiniest of scars. I don't even notice it is there anymore.

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