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Firefly Tattoos


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  1. Could there be a way to capture the green light and use that to power a implant?
  2. @JohnDoe you could, but it would be so little of power it would do nothing. You would have better luck putting in solar
  3. Okay thanks
  4. @Proteus They migrate a little bit, ask @Cassox about his, he said it moved a bit while healing. We talked about adding an anti-migration coating at the ends to hold the implant in place, but we decided not to worry about it yet, if people find they migrate too much we'll add it in later versions.

    @McSTUFF thanks, yeah, keeping it quiet for so long was really hard, but I'm glad I did, having a working and available implant is much more impressive than talking about it early. Actually when you started talking about it in the other thread in 2014, I'd already been working on it for about 2 months, but then you also thought of it, so I was super worried someone would be beat me to it, and have a working design before I did. Thankfully people just seemed to drop the idea.

    @JohnDoe The idea of harvesting energy from the implant to power something else has been talked about, but yeah, we came to the same conclusion as Benbeezy,  the power output would be so tiny it would be useless for most applications. But there are a few super low power systems which might be able to be powered by it.
  5. @JohnDoe Betavoltaics. They already make them.
  6. @ElectricFeel yeah, you can even buy tritium batteries, but they cost a LOT.
  7. If you wanted to harvest energy from it you either wouldnt want the lead glass, which is dangerous, or you would want the betavoltaic device paired with the tritium and both coated. The second option would make the implant larger.

  8. I've been theorizing something like that for years, I never knew it was already a thing and had a name. betavoltaic..... hmm.... 
  9. Yeah my research takes me to some interesting places. The manufacturers won't sell you a handful, and the per-unit costs are four figures.
  10. Wow. This is really awesome. I love seeing some of this stuff get more into aesthetics. 

  11. sweet
  12. i just hope it works for my skin color..
  13. The only things holding me back is if this will be as vibrant with my tattoo or even how much it could migrate. My location is very specific as it would act as eyes.
  14. That's where I am... but I'm going through with it anyway and hoping for the best. Gonna put it right in the middle of my face. Will try to figure some things out to keep it in place... Might try @AlexSmith ('s) idea with sports tape. Could use it when I'm not working.
  15. that'll be fresh. I wonder how things would go if implanted in the earlobe..the last thing I want is having to take it out, fuck up my ear, and end up looking like Mike Tyson bit me. Still worth it though.
  16. Just a couple of things I want to mention:

    The Fireflies are autoclave safe, so if you open the packaging but don't implant them right away, you can get most tattoo/piercing shops to re-sterilize them in an autoclave.

    Since they come pre-loaded in needles, most of the light is blocked, but if you take them to a dark room and try to look down the needle shaft, you can see a very faint light. You can do this to confirm your implant is working and is the correct color before implanting.
  17. Been away for a couple weeks and I come back to see this.  Awesome.  Ordered one immediately.
  18. @trybalwolf just be careful about the facial nerve and other delicate things...Not a lot of room for error in the face.
  19. @zombiegristle Yeah, i have looked into the facial nerves, arteries, and blood vessels quite a bit. It really just makes me scared to get a facial piercing of any kind. :)

    I have looked a lot into subdermal facial implants like horns, cosmetic surgery, and like things. Seeing just how many people have shoved various things into parts of their face with no horrible issues makes me pretty confident in the procedure.

    There is always a chance for issues, but I think the chances here are pretty low. 
  20. I've got a PRM-9000 geiger counter here.  I'm looking forward to taking some readings myself off this implant when it arrives.  Not that I'm worried, of course.  I trust the 1.5 CPM reading and know that is terrifically low.  Hell, I've got things in my little collection of radioactives that read many thousands of times higher than that.  Admittedly, those are kept in lead "pigs" and not in my body.  I'd never gotten around to adding a tritium light to my collection.  Now I get to add a tritium light not just to my collection, but to my SELF.  Sweet.
  21. @aviin where are you looking to place yours?
  22. Probably my right hand in the traditional triangular area between the index finger and thumb.  More than any other implant, I would not want this one to break and that area seems to protect implants well (alot of meat to cushion blows).  I'd have opted for the left instead since it's my "off" hand, but seeing as I already have two RFIDs in that area in my left hand, that's kind of out of the question.

    @AlexSmith, regarding anti-migration coating, I'm personally in favor of it.  In recent months, my xEM has migrated a bit and actually rotated a fair bit, too.  Nothing problematic, and my other non-coated chip (xNT) hasn't moved, but my other three chips (all with anti-migration coats... two have a polypropylene "cap" and one is coated in parylene) are all rock solid in location.  With an implant that's designed to be visible, ensuring it stays put will be important for many people.  Of course, anti-migration will make them harder to remove, so it's a trade off.
  23. ok. we'll see how these ones go. They are the first version of the implant. If people will buy it, I can add anti-migration to v2. There is also the possibility of creating them in different shapes... star? heart? but that will not be any time soon, just an idea for the future.

    Also, with regard to the location between the thumb and forefinger. I'm sure everyone with an NFC/RFID chip in that location knows that depending on how you flex your hand, you can make the chip stand out more or less. With my firefly, by flexing my hand, I can make it appear brighter or dimmer. stretching out the skin over it makes it brighter and scrunching up the skin blacks more light. 
  24. I might hold out hoping for an anti-migration v2 for my forehead placement as proper positioning there means a lot to me. Now to figure out where to put the v1....

    Or I could always just go through with it and pop it out to replace it with a v2 if it migrates too far. I have been interested in the whole removal process...
  25. I'm considering making a little cup-like device to wear over the implant as it heals to keep it where I want it.
  26. firefly yellow arrived today, quick question though, how much tritium is in the vial? Just so I dont seem like a total retard if the worst happens
  27. @Cassox, when you say yours are in the back of your hand, do you mean like that weird anti-chipping propaganda pic that is floating about on the web?

    If that is the case, how would you rate the overall safety of the location for an implant to reside?  I would like to put mine on the back of my left hand but with the lack of tissue to cushion the chip from below when impacted, I'm concerned about the viability of the location.  As always, though, I would defer to your wisdom on the subject.  NorthStars have been placed there, of course.

    @AlexSmith, so is 3mm x 20mm the final size of the production implant?

    @actii, while I don't know the direct answer to your question, Wikipedia says that tritium sells for US$30,000 per gram, so you can bet the amount of actual tritium in one of these implants is minuscule.  Total commercial demand worldwide is only 400 grams per year.  That's not to say that whatever amount of tritium in the vial would not present a danger if the vial broke in vivo, but rather to illustrate that any real number amount you could tell a doctor if the worst happened would be so small as to be virtually meaningless.  And I should point out that the volume wouldn't mean anything without knowing the pressure the vial is filled to.  I would imagine that pressure, though, is likely very close to one atmosphere to balance it versus outside pressure; higher or lower and you place stress on the glass.
  28. @aviin almost, size is 3mm x 18mm is the size of the final implants.

    @actii There is ~9.3 cubic millimeters of slightly above atmospheric pressure gas in the green implant, and ~5.3 cubic millimeters in the yellow.
  29. thanks! implanted the other day, no complications, healing fine, showing up fine for being two days old, I imagine it will brighten, waiting on a green one for comparison
  30. Is anyone considering putting one in their forearm? I am interested to see how bright they are under thicker skin.
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