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Firefly Tattoos


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  1. @aviin thank you! I assumed it was from Australia so it would be like 2 months or something cray. I'm glad it will be here soon :)
  2. Mine took about a week. Maine
  3. Theyre just out cali arent they? or no?
  4. is Australia.
  5. right, thanks. I havent checked them out yet. I probably should...
  6. I just had an idea for placement for these- on the face, right where the ear starts, in the groove formed between the cheek and the tragus, parallel to the ear. The skin is pretty thin there, too- should look pretty sweet.
  7. Just to be certain before I stick this needle into myself, this came packaged as an "rfid tag" on both the shipping label and the paper inside. I'm assuming that's for legal reasons crossing the border? @alexsmith
  8. got mine in today :D  .  it hurt considerably less than i had expected. i put it in the classic thumb triangle area. interestingly, my friend chose to go through the edge of the webbing instead of through the top of the skin... i think apart from the fact that we move the webbing alot more than the soft skin of the triangle, it will be a bit more of a b*** to heal. otherwise i.m pretty happy :) 
  9. @dragon5 Was yours packaged as a firefly tattoo or was it labeled rfid?
  10. It's probably labeled RFID because the syringes with the implants are pretty common shipments for low frequency chips, like used in chipping pets. And since sending radioactive stuff through the mail is an iffy prospect within the U.S. due to regulations (I'm not sure what Australia says on it), sending international might be even tougher. Any customs agent looking at it would probably just assume it's another RFID syringe.
  11. @yotonyy yes it was. basically what @katzevonstich said
  12. @yotonyy I label them as RFID microchips because some places confiscate tritium, but has others have said, RFID chip/needle is common for pets. It's just to make sure customs don't block entry into the country, and yes, you're not allowed to send anything radioactive through the post. 

    But if you are worried that I sent you the wrong thing, turn out the lights and try to look down the needle in the dark, you should see a faint glow from the implant.
  13. Mine went in on Saturday, no issues so far. And the parcel was also labelled RFID; it got through Customs here in record time.

  14. @AlexSmith i noticed the needle has a small drop of resin in it. is this to make sure the capsule stays in its place after loading into the needle?  just curious
    also. i just discovered that radon plutonium uranium and radium all glow. purple blue and green i believe. is the main reason why you didn't choose them because they are potentially more harmful in a worst case scenario?  how did you end up choosing tritium?
  15. @Dragon5 yes, the small dab of resin holds the capsule in place in the needle, without it the implant capsule would slide out if you pointed the needle downwards, which would lead to accidents and the implant becoming dirty when people go to implant it. All standard RFID/NFC implants also have this drop of resin in the needle for the same reason.

    As for why tritium rather than some other isotope, there are a few reasons. The main reason is safety, tritium releases low energy beta radiation, which is more easily blocked than that emitted others, such as Radium which emits gamma rays. It is also much less harmful in the worse case as it is expelled from the body quite quickly.

    Another reason is availability. Plutonium and uranium are basically illegal because they can be used to make weapons. Radium can be sourced, but not easily as easily as tritium, because tritium is commonly used in things like exit signs an watches.

    The last is half life. Radon has a 3.8 day half life, by the time he implant was healed the radon would be mostly gone. Tritium has a 12 year half life, which is long enough to make implanting worthwhile. 
  16. Uranium can be sourced pretty easily inside the United States.  I have some; a 25 gram piece of depleted uranium and a 10 gram vial of undepleted (aka U-NAT) uranium dioxide (supposedly from a pre-WW2 pottery factory cache).  They sit displayed in my living room, along with 1 gram of "original recipe" yellowcake uranium (ammonium diuranate), a bit of thorium dioxide, a small sample of radium, etc.  Don't recommend that to others, by the way.  It's just me here, though, so I know that no one will go fiddling with it.

    Just because it can be gotten (and legally, by the way, before anyone asks; in very small quantities, these things are perfectly legal here) doesn't mean I'd want any in me, though.  Uranium is terribly toxic above and beyond the radiation risks.  Even if it would glow super effectively with the right phosphor (which I doubt to be the case since it emits alpha particles instead of tritium's beta particles, though I could be wrong) and even if it would glow with the same intensity for 4.5 billion years (U-238's half life), I still would never implant anything containing it.
  17. @aviin huh, I didn't know you could legally get uranium, but I still don't plan on getting any.
  18. I can totally understand that.  For those interested, though, here's a link for depleted uranium.  They don't ship outside the U.S., though.  And here's a weird bit of trivia...  That company was founded by the infamous Bob Lazar.

    There are quite a few sources for getting uranium, honestly, but United Nuclear has a reputation for filling orders quickly and reliably.  They are actually a government supplier, too, so they have to keep their ducks in order.  Lots of interesting (mad) science goodies for sale there.  If you want to trust ebay sellers, there's almost always some uranium for sale there, too (ex. here).
  19. I know if you were looking for some track down some really old buildings/sites. Alot of the stained glass used was stained using uranium also. Only thing i could think of that wouldnt be too legal there would be" taking feom a historical site." That might be an interesting bit to check out if you can use that to make glowing glass.
  20. You can actually buy uranium glass pretty easily. It's all over eBay and I'm always finding it in antique stores and flea markets. A couple smaller companies make the glass as well, for reproductions or modern applications. I have some uranium glass borosilicate rods I never did anything with that I got from a now defunct laboratory glassware manufacturer. Actually, I have a lot of uranium glass dishes I've been collecting since I was a kid. My goal was to collect enough for a full six person dining set so I could host a radioactive dinner under black light.
  21. United Nuclear is a good supplier, though their prices have always been pretty high compared to buying from rock dealers. I usually buy from eBay and mineral shows, but only because all the pieces at United Nuclear I want are sold out by the time I see them. 

    I've been collecting uranium and other radioactive minerals for about 17, 18 years now. It's still easy to get in the US, but it was a lot easier to get before 9/11/2001. Changes in shipping and importing regulations have really impacted the market. My favorite mineral dealer finally stopped carrying radioactives about five years ago because it was too much of a pain in the butt. The last mineral show I went to had only one seller with radioactive minerals and she had collected them herself from a prospect.

    The prices have gone up too. A full vial of uranium dioxide used to cost about ten bucks, but quarter vials were going for $30 last I checked. The price of uraninite is currently insane and there's only a few eBay listings for andersonite anymore. Carnotite and uranophane used to be cheap as dirt and just as plentiful. 
  22. @katzevonstich Love the idea of a radioactive blacklight dinner party. I also collect uranium glass; think I might have to borrow your idea if I ever get enough dishes.

  23. Had the firefly tattoo put in today, under and to the distal side of my collarbone. I went to the same piercer who did my RFID implant. It hurt way less than the RFID implant even though I think the needle was a little bigger. Initial stab hurt more, but it went in easier. With the RFID, I had ice packs on my hand afterwards, this one is just a bit of tenderness.Probably a combination of more nerves in the hand and that a stealth vein had gotten nicked. 

    @AlexSmith My piercer was pretty excited about it and had me show him your website. I relayed the info from this thread as well.
  24. PLEASE invite me to the radioactive dinner!! @katzevonstich
  25. @katzevonstich  thanks, I hope it heals well for you.
  26. Not sure if this was brought up as I admittedly skimmed through the posts but how durable is this once it's in? I'm planning on having in the top of my hand (the standard spot it seems) and I'm wondering how likely smacking my hand of something could break it, releasing this lovely glow liquid into your body. Also, if this were to happen, what could you do?
  27. It was brought up. The wonderful glowing liquid will pass through your system so just chug fluids.
  28. FWIW: I dropped a large metal shelf full of tools right on top of my implant, two weeks into the healing process. It swelled instantly and turned a nasty shade of purple but no problems with my implant.
  29. Hey everyone, 
     I've been wanting to get a tattoo for awhile, but never really knew what I would get. I thought a tattoo of something from Firefly would be totally awesome, and something I wouldn't regret even when I'm 80 years old. I like floral motive and color. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a tattoo, or even pictures of Firefly tattoos they got themselves. I wasn't really sure where to post this topic, but this thread seemed relevant. 

    P.S. I have an idea for one right now, here it is below: 
  30. I think you are confused about what this is. This thread isn't for a firefly tattoo but rather a device named that. It's an injectable glowing tube that can be seen through the skin. Again not a tattoo
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