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Firefly Tattoos


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  1. @Zerbula said:
    UPDATE! :O

    It's starting to get a bit brighter over time. ^^ can see it in dim lighting from a couple feet away consistently now. Think it will continue to get brighter. ^^

    Oh I am happy to hear this! Still waiting on mine to arrive. Should be implanting in about 5 weeks.

    Still not showing up on a photo?

  2. I have not tried recently, and I know right this second would not do it justice; it's been getting moved a lot... x-x

    Will give a try if it becomes reasonable to demonstrate in the near future. ^^

    I think it's still way too soon to say for certain, but I think the healing time on these might be a bit more than the V1, from my own personal observations along with those stated here.But I don't trust that assumption to actually be true yet. More time is needed.

    If anyone has any advice on something like, a cream that helps promote healing in a local area, it would be appreciated! I would love to know of anything that could be used topically to help all this heal.

  3. @Zerbula said:
    I have not tried recently, and I know right this second would not do it justice; it's been getting moved a lot... x-x

    Will give a try if it becomes reasonable to demonstrate in the near future. ^^

    I think it's still way too soon to say for certain, but I think the healing time on these might be a bit more than the V1, from my own personal observations along with those stated here.But I don't trust that assumption to actually be true yet. More time is needed.

    If anyone has any advice on something like, a cream that helps promote healing in a local area, it would be appreciated! I would love to know of anything that could be used topically to help all this heal.

    I'm not a doctor, but maybe something like Arnica oil. They use it for sports injuries (muscles & joints). Or vitamin-e oil for tissue restoration although I think that is more for the surface. Maybe coupled with an oral anti-inflammatory?

  4. @Zerbula said:
    I have not tried recently, and I know right this second would not do it justice; it's been getting moved a lot... x-x

    Will give a try if it becomes reasonable to demonstrate in the near future. ^^

    I think it's still way too soon to say for certain, but I think the healing time on these might be a bit more than the V1, from my own personal observations along with those stated here.But I don't trust that assumption to actually be true yet. More time is needed.

    If anyone has any advice on something like, a cream that helps promote healing in a local area, it would be appreciated! I would love to know of anything that could be used topically to help all this heal.

    If you are in a state where cannabis products are legal, topical CBD ointments or an RSO-type preparation could be pretty helpful. I'm aware that there hasn't been extensive or clear research done on a lot of the compounds contained within cannabis, and people have mixed opinions on their use.

    I can anecdotally say, however, that I have found RSO-type preparations (cold, full-plant extracts using alcohol) to increase the rate of topical healing on abrasions.

    Just be cautious, however, as it could very well absorb through open wounds and have the potential to make you high if you weren't prepared to be so. Also be careful about the quality of the RSO; a more ethical manufacturer will list the alcohol types used for extraction and specify that it won't contain any harmful solvents.

    Aside from that, brutal implant job. That took a lot of courage! It looks cool so far.

  5. @Heretic Cali. ^^ Also have a medical card. May look into CBD, it's uses don't seem to have much to not like... lol... .3.

    A co worker passed me off a "boo boo cream" (it's some kind of home-made ointment), it resembles like a triple antibacterial ointment? But it has something in it I'm really liking, because it's not like it hurts but it definitely makes it feel better. ^^

    It's been in his family since his grandparents were kids. Again, I know homeopathy isn't the golden rule here... but it's a nice ointment that seems to be helping. ^^

  6. UPDATE!

    Healing nicely! It's barely distinguishable from the rest of my cheek, not really bulging up like it was at first. ^^

    It's performance as far as light emission has been steadily degrading the last 4-5 days, however. ;_; visible from ~3 feet away, any more and imperceptible.

  7. @Zerbula said:

    Healing nicely! It's barely distinguishable from the rest of my cheek, not really bulging up like it was at first. ^^

    It's performance as far as light emission has been steadily degrading the last 4-5 days, however. ;_; visible from ~3 feet away, any more and imperceptible.

    3 feet is better than no feet I guess! haha

  8. I had my V1 implanted this weekend. It was far less painful than i expected, and i'm so excited. At the moment i have no light; could have been deep, or could need healing.

    Some patience at hand, and if i have some luck with it, i'm so excited to get more.. maybe v2s, maybe v1s, but at least um. um. 3! :D

  9. @AlexSmith would you be against sharing where you get your items built? I don't want to tread on secrets, but am curious about getting some things built/tested.

  10. I've still got an unopened v2 available for resale if anyone is interested?

  11. Anyone else that implanted v2 have updates?

  12. @NickD email me a price, dtwebb44@gmail

  13. @AlexSmith when will there be pics on the V2? I want one but am wondering how much better, if at all, it is compared to the v1.

  14. I'm 2 weeks into healing my V1 Firefly Tattoo implant. Breakdown of thoughts/review:
    A) is just excellent for customer support/service and making you feel important.
    B) the included installation kit, went beyond what was needed, unexpectedly excellently thought out and appreciated.
    C) installation had ouch, of course, but not as bad as you'd think for that syringe size.
    D) healed comfortably and fast.

    Light @ 2 weeks is enough for my wife to see at night! Or friends, in a dark room... Not yet bar dark. I placed on my collar bone.

    I look forward to at least one more (maybe 2?) V1s and look very forward to V2.

  15. UPDATE!

    Getting brighter! people are able to pick it out in the dark now without it needing to be pointed at on my face from a few feet.

    Its still not bright enough to pick up with a 'standard' cellphone camera. ^^' but for not being able to, it's still pretty bright. :D

    Hoping for further results, in regards to healing of tissues contributing to further transparency. :3

  16. My v2 in my hand is not noticeably brighter than the V1. A side my side yields the same results. Still awesome, but also a bit of a let down. In my opinion, V1 blows v2 out of the water in many ways.

  17. @Semilovr12 do you think it's the lead back sheet doing it? Part of the light from V1 maybe because it's simply lighting up more akin around the area... The same way when we put our finger over a flashlight it still glows bright red?

  18. @Zerbula that's exactly what I was thinking

  19. updoot as well: Thing has healed amazingly. It's visible now in dark evening light, not needed fulldark. Still hard to photo though. Seems i may never get to show it in pictures, just in person.

  20. I shined a laser pointer thru it, I wish it was this bright

  21. @Erischilde said:
    updoot as well: Thing has healed amazingly. It's visible now in dark evening light, not needed fulldark. Still hard to photo though. Seems i may never get to show it in pictures, just in person.

    That sounds good! Mine is very visible in a room with all the lights on if I hold it in the shadows. But it is not implanted yet. Should be going in this coming week hopefully.

  22. Any updates from anyone?

  23. I would really like to purchase a green v1. If anybody has one for sale or if @AlexSmith has any left over I would take it. I know they are out of stock :(

  24. @Semilovr12 said:
    Any updates from anyone?

    I just did mine on sunday.

    Can't see anything even in a darkroom at this stage... hoping i didnt put it in too deep.
    Will have video footage soon and here is a picture of the "damage" from this morning. (72 hours of healing ish)

  25. It'll take at least a few days to be able to see the light. Where did you put it?

  26. Right H. Between thumb and index.
    I went into a darkroom and on my left hand, held the flash on my smartphone under the same spot as i injected into, and i could veins and stuff through my hand.

    I did the same on the right hand, and i was pitch black.... So i'm thinking its definitely still healing.

  27. That's the same spot I have my v2 in also. I have V1 in the other hand in the same place. Does the clicking bother you when you move your hand?

  28. havent noticed it at all yet. :s... oooooh actually if i shake it right by my ear i can kind of hear it. pretty faint though haha

  29. I'm really hoping to get my hands on a V2, still waiting to hear more about the brightness as compared to the V1. It seems like it should be substantially brighter. I've found the recent posts rather surprising.

    My V1 is visible from about 20 feet in darkness.

  30. @trybalwolf said:
    I'm really hoping to get my hands on a V2, still waiting to hear more about the brightness as compared to the V1. It seems like it should be substantially brighter. I've found the recent posts rather surprising.

    My V1 is visible from about 20 feet in darkness.

    My V2 is really bright inside the syringe. Here is a pic of me holding it while standing in my lounge. The overhead light is on. But my back is to it so there is some shade cast. this picture does not even do it justice. I have not had it implanted yet but will provide feedback once that is done!

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