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Firefly Tattoos


Displaying comments 421 - 450 of 589
  1. @Zerbula is there any chance it flipped?

  2. I've flipped it at least two dozen times and back when I did have a tiny tiny bit of glow;

    Yes, it's very flippable! .3. Intentionally. it has not inverted unwanted.

  3. Mine already glows about 5 days after implantation, it's faint but gets brighter everyday. My hand has a hint of green around it so the bruising is healing. Resist the urge to touch it until it heals at least.

  4. Btw, I'd love to see pictures if you guys would share. This is my hand at 5 days

  5. @Semilovr12 is that a v2 or a v1?

  6. V2. I just put that in my right hand. I have V1 in my left hand along with my magnet.

  7. @Semilovr12 said:
    V2. I just put that in my right hand. I have V1 in my left hand along with my magnet.

    Looks like it is healing nicely. Is it quite deep under the skin? I would have expected a more noticeable bump. The incision site looks promising. Was not sure what to expect with all the talk of sutures and glue. How did you manage yours post-implant?

  8. No it's not that deep but can't really say exactly. The v2 sits flatter than the V1 cause V1 is round vs flat. If I push on my skin I can see it and it clicks when I move my hand. Immediately after implanting I put a band-aid over it for 24 hrs then left it uncovered since then.

  9. @Semilovr12 said:
    No it's not that deep but can't really say exactly. The v2 sits flatter than the V1 cause V1 is round vs flat. If I push on my skin I can see it and it clicks when I move my hand. Immediately after implanting I put a band-aid over it for 24 hrs then left it uncovered since then.

    Great. I think I am ready to do one myself! Does anyone know when the V2 will be available for purchase again?

  10. @Semilovr12 said:
    No it's not that deep but can't really say exactly. The v2 sits flatter than the V1 cause V1 is round vs flat. If I push on my skin I can see it and it clicks when I move my hand. Immediately after implanting I put a band-aid over it for 24 hrs then left it uncovered since then.

    Great. I think I am ready to do one myself! Does anyone know when the V2 will be available for purchase again?

  11. Depending on where you put it you may need some help from someone. I don't know when more will be available, I got one of the first 20.

  12. @Semilovr12 said:
    Depending on where you put it you may need some help from someone. I don't know when more will be available, I got one of the first 20.

    I am going to have it put in my neck. Just under the hairline at the back. If there is enough skin there. I have a doctor friend who is willing to do the procedure. He is a little skeptical about it but I have given him all of the info that came up around the V1 and he is comfortable enough to do it as I am making an informed enough decision.

    @Cassox You were running tests on the V1 for background radiation comparisons, yes? Did you guys test the V2 as well? Is there any significant change considering the size? Does the extra glass have any additional shielding effect?

  13. If it's in the back of your neck, how would you enjoy it? Are you concerned about the area of placement? It does move around a little bit, it just doesn't sound like a good idea.

  14. @Semilovr12 said:
    If it's in the back of your neck, how would you enjoy it? Are you concerned about the area of placement? It does move around a little bit, it just doesn't sound like a good idea.

    I would enjoy knowing that anyone walking behind me on a dark dark night might see a green dot floating about in front of them. I feel it would almost be like a power light on any device. I like that idea. I will think long and hard about placing it there once I have one in hand. the point I am thinking of might be rather muscle dense so that could pose a problem but my doctor friend will be better able to advise me once both he and the v2 are in front of me lol

  15. Def lube up that huge f-ing needle, it was hard to get in initially. I'll post a picture of the difference between V1 & v2.

  16. @Semilovr12 what lube did you use?

  17. @puzbiks1 It was mentioned by @Zerbula earlier in this thread that KY jelly is an appropriate surgical lubricant.

  18. @puzbiks1
    I didn't use any lube and that was a mistake. I had a hard time with getting it in dry.

  19. @Semilovr12 said:
    I didn't use any lube and that was a mistake. I had a hard time with getting it in dry.

    Archived for the ages. |blush

    hehe ~3~

    Likewise, no surgical lubricant here. AGAIN, will do a write up when it stops getting brighter. It's started to come out! :D

  20. @Zerbula said:

    @Semilovr12 said:
    I didn't use any lube and that was a mistake. I had a hard time with getting it in dry.

    Archived for the ages. |blush

    hehe ~3~

    Likewise, no surgical lubricant here. AGAIN, will do a write up when it stops getting brighter. It's started to come out! :D

    Hehehe! Quite!

  21. A week after implanting, it's about as bright as V1 and still has a bit of bruising. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I hope that v2 will be like 5x more bright.

  22. 12 days, just visible enough I can reliability put my finger on it in the dark. Have a pretty identifiable bruise round the implant, and a mild yellow discoloured bruise about the size of my hand. I pushed it a wee bit down my arm and back a few days ago which probably didn't help.

  23. Excited for the Parylene coated ones! I still dunno where I want them though. :(

  24. Sorry for not replying in ages, life is super busy.

    @Jupiter Everything @FireBreathingReptile said is correct. but let me know if you still have questions.

    @aidoneus My lidocaine supplier said they can't sell me the lidocaine any more because of a law change (and because I'm not a doctor), I have to find a new supplier, but I do have one lidocaine kit left, not sure if you bought the Firefly yet, but if not, I can sell you the last one.

    @bentpins please avoid implanting in the palm of the hand. The constant pressure etc will likely cause it to reject, or possibly even break if you smacked it hard enough. The forearm is a much safer location.

    @Semilovr12 yes, movement of the inner capsule in normal. It is not fused with the outer capsule.

    @Beano Yes, it would be possible to "glue" the inner capsule at one end of the outer capsule. I haven't done it yet because it adds cost and a couple of months extra time because of extra shipping of parts, but it is totally possible.

    @bentpins Thanks for the feedback about the injector. some of the things you mention are simple for me to fix, some are harder. I'll see what I can do for future injectors. The "no resistance/seal on the plunger" is something I can fix right away for the next batch I ship, adding a protective cap on the needle is harder but I'll look into it. Adding the implant guide sheet is also simple, I just choose to save trees as the PDF is available on the site, but if you think it's important to have a physical copy I can definitely put it back in.

    @thetarn plus others: hmm, yes, adding some kind of medical lube is a good idea. I'll look into it for future implants.

    @thetarn Yes, cass did radiation testing on v2 as well, the results are lower than v1. I have to write up a full blog post with all the details, but it's hard finding time.

  25. @AlexSmith said:
    @thetarn plus others: hmm, yes, adding some kind of medical lube is a good idea. I'll look into it for future implants.

    @thetarn Yes, cass did radiation testing on v2 as well, the results are lower than v1. I have to write up a full blog post with all the details, but it's hard finding time.

    Thanks for the update @AlexSmith! Last question. When will the second batch be ready? I have managed to save up and am ready to put one of these babies in me!

  26. @AlexSmith said:
    Adding the implant guide sheet is also simple, I just choose to save trees as the PDF is available on the site, but if you think it's important to have a physical copy I can definitely put it back in.

    I hadn't found the guide until now! Maybe the link could be added to more pages?
    How about a tiny slip of paper in the box saying "3x5x21mm, implantation guide at"

    Thanks for taking the feedback into account!

  27. @AlexSmith I have since found a Lidocaine source. Chironex recommended Rupharma. Thanks though!

  28. So I've had my firefly implant (version 1) since sometime in June 2016. It's still my favorite thing ever. I had it implanted in my left shoulder below the collarbone, but it migrated to over where roughly the coracoid process is during healing. Close enough, so I don't mind. It still likes to migrate. I noticed early on after healing that it wanted to sink more and I would fiddle with it to keep it closer to the surface. I stopped fiddling with it on a daily basis about six months ago, so it's sunk further.

    The glow is still strong. I'm really, really pale so it shows up well for me in the dark, even though it's deep. It didn't glow at all when I first had it implanted just due to the swelling and bruising and took at least a week to see anything, with the full glow not coming through until about three or four weeks.

    In me, it doesn't glow well in low light and I definitely can't see it until my eyes start adjusting to a dark room. In the dark, it glows really bright, though not quite bright enough to glow through standard tshirt material. It does glow through the thin cotton button up shirts I usually wear. Husband said it's funny because he can see me walking through a dark room by following the glowing dot.

    I am hoping to get two or three more so I can have them form a row, column, or shape. I think they might stand out more if there's multiple glowing points together than single glowing points apart.

    I'll dig out my camera later and try to get an accurate picture of what it looks like in the dark.

    Oh, and a couple months ago I had chest xrays to look for pneumonia. I forgot to ask for a copy at the time, but I'll go ask the office in the next week if they still have them. If the implant showed up, it would be nice to see it.

  29. I see there's 3 back in stock on the store!
    @thetarn @Xaion27 & possibly @Helyx (not sure if they have parylene)

  30. @bentpins said:
    I see there's 3 back in stock on the store!
    @thetarn @Xaion27 & possibly @Helyx (not sure if they have parylene)

    YAY!! I just ordered! I was still dithering about the cost before the next batch but now I was like, gimme! Stupid miner fees on BTC payments tho. Waiting confirmation ugh.

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