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Firefly Tattoos


Displaying comments 451 - 480 of 589
  1. Can anyone tell me how the item ships? I opted to use my global shopper accoutn for shipping from the US as it is literally half the price of what USPS charges. I see now, though, that they don't allow needles.

  2. @thetarn it ships in a box with a sterilised needle and prep kit. You might need to change the shipping service!

  3. The shipping company won't know what's in it

  4. Awh I wanted to order 2. Next batch! ^_^

  5. Yay, got one!

  6. How long should healing in the hand take? It's been almost 3 weeks and v2 so far is not brighter than the V1. Is the black stuff on the backside blocking a good portion of the light output?

  7. No light (or not enough to tell for sure) after 25 days. Regretting not testing it in the dark pre-implant. I'm thinking perhaps my unit might be defective. Perhaps a really long exposure picture of my arm in pitch darkness might be able to check whether/where light is emitted.

  8. @bentpins, Semilovr12 Have you tried to turn the implant over? unlike v1 it only glows on the top, they are loaded into the injector with the glowing side facing up, but it's possible during healing the implant could get flipped over. I suggest trying to massage the implant and turn it over.

    I very much doubt you have a defective implant, I checked every implant I shipped in a dark room AFTER sterilization, with the implant inside the injector/pouch, to make sure I could see the light when looking down the needle. They only way the implant could have failed is if it was damaged during shipping, which I would think we be clear from the damaged packaging.

    Keep me updated updated, I hope you are able to turn the implant over and see it.

  9. Cheers @AlexSmith, worked a charm! I guess it did flip in healing. I didn't try until now since my piercer thought I'd notice if it had flipped (and I didn't want to impact healing).

  10. Anyone got any suggestions for other places to put it? I want to get a V2 but I already have a V1 in my left hand webbing and a NFC chip in my right so can't think of anywhere else to put it. Not really interested in having it in my forearm either as due to the cold climate here, I'd never end up having it actually visible. Was thinking perhaps my face but am unsure as to whether having a source of radiation so near would end up affecting my eyes. Would the front of the neck work as an implant spot?

  11. Honestly, I am displeased with the v2. For me there is not much difference between v1 and v2 as far as light output. I think the build quality on V1 was much better. No major difference in brightness, it clicks when it's moved, and it's too long with a lot of empty space in it. I think the black coating on the back of it is blocking some light output.

    I still think it's a cool concept and I'm not going to remove it, at least right away. I think someone should have reviewed it before going on sale. If I knew what I know now I personally wouldn't have bought it.

  12. Heh. @Semilovr12 @bentpins this is a little worrying! Maybe I should have waited for the second batch! I am curious what everyone else who bought one has to say! May just wait a while before implanting mine.

  13. @thetarn said:
    Heh. @Semilovr12 @bentpins this is a little worrying! Maybe I should have waited for the second batch! I am curious what everyone else who bought one has to say! May just wait a while before implanting mine.

    Mine was upside down, it's definitely working now!

  14. @bentpins said:

    @thetarn said:
    Heh. @Semilovr12 @bentpins this is a little worrying! Maybe I should have waited for the second batch! I am curious what everyone else who bought one has to say! May just wait a while before implanting mine.

    Mine was upside down, it's definitely working now!

    What can you say of the brightness? Did you have a v1 for comparison? Any chance of a pic?

  15. @thetarn said:
    What can you say of the brightness? Did you have a v1 for comparison? Any chance of a pic?

    To be honest it's a lot dimmer than I was expecting. Definitely not bright enough to light up a keyhole or anything. I don't have a V1. I think I would have a lot of trouble taking a picture of it. It's either going to be a green blob surrounded by absolute darkness or a picture of my arm with no visible glow.
    I'm guessing some people's are showing through better than others. Perhaps flipping it means it needs more healing. I have noticed that it's brighter looking straight on. It's also made me realize how much light there is in my city, even "dark" places really aren't all that dark.
    I'm happy enough with it and hopefully it does get brighter, although that might be a stretch at this point.

  16. @bentpins said:

    @thetarn said:
    What can you say of the brightness? Did you have a v1 for comparison? Any chance of a pic?

    To be honest it's a lot dimmer than I was expecting. Definitely not bright enough to light up a keyhole or anything. I don't have a V1. I think I would have a lot of trouble taking a picture of it. It's either going to be a green blob surrounded by absolute darkness or a picture of my arm with no visible glow.
    I'm guessing some people's are showing through better than others. Perhaps flipping it means it needs more healing. I have noticed that it's brighter looking straight on. It's also made me realize how much light there is in my city, even "dark" places really aren't all that dark.
    I'm happy enough with it and hopefully it does get brighter, although that might be a stretch at this point.

    Fair enough. I guess not having had a V1 myself it won't be much hassle to compare. However this thing cost a pretty penny after currency conversion (nearly a month's rent!) so it is a bit disheartening to hear that it is not as great as we were led to believe.

  17. I have V1 in my left hand between the thumb and finger and v2 is in the same place on my right hand, so I have have them side by side for comparison. I have not been successful taking a photo of it, my camera just can't see it. I can clearly see v2 so the right side is facing up.

    I just wanted to leave a honest review and how I felt about it. If I was going to rate V1 on a scale of 1-10 to include brightness and quality, I would give it an 8 only because it's not that bright and quality was great.

    V2 I would rate at a 3. There were so many cons, brightness level, the clicking, the needle size, the bad quality of the workmanship of the capsules, I don't have any pros. I would have rather had another V1.

  18. I'm trying to figure out how to make mine brighter. The tricky thing about mine; It keeps going dark for a few days if it's played with at all. ;^;

    It's also never reached a staggering brightness, even when left alone. People have chronically taken time to spot it, it's not something that has ever presented itself without being pointed out, even under my right eye. Pretty visible spot on the body. ><

    I love it, but I want to see it brighter too, and wondering whats going on, on the biological side of this implant, if this is the mechanical limits. >< I;m assuming it functions perfectly and is outperforming V1's, so I'm trying to figure out why it's not notably present... ><

  19. Out of curiosity, those of you who are unhappy with the light production of the V2, where did you place them?

  20. This doesn't sound like the V2's are as big of an improvement over the V1's but is there a chance that the larger size along with the more brutal implant method is just going to take longer than a month (or how ever long it has been) to heal and show the full brightness of the larger implant?

    Here's the comparison of the 2 implants from way back on page 9 of this thread.

    and in the dark.

    Those pictures were the prototype and the final versions shipped out were sealed better but the brightness should still be much brighter.

    It sure looks like these really should be very noticeably brighter. Please keep updating those of us who haven't gotten either version of these implants as they heal up better.

  21. Well I haven't been on here much lately but when bird was out at the compound I noticed that the v2 seemed much brighter then the V1 I used to have. I need to get ahold of Cyberlass. She has them both and can do a side by side comparison.

  22. @Birdhandz Very accurate, and that's what I'm considering... What I'm trying to figure out.

    @trybalwolf, you know my story and everything. ^^ trying to figure out this myself. Think it might be blood flow, refer back to my little thread.

  23. I have V1 in left and v2 in right hand. I see the side by side comparison. It's been a month since install. On paper v2 should blow v1 outta the water but it doesn't, not even close. That's why I'm upset and hugely dissatisfied. I've also had my friends opinions and they agree with me as they look at the brightness of the lights or lack thereof.

  24. I'd gladly post pictures of my V2 that I've collected throughout the last few weeks, but they are just black rectangles. I have no input nor familiarity with brightness, other than when even left at rest for over a week without being touched, I have never had it be bright enough to be picked up by a 8mp camera on a cell phone, using any settings or lightings possible.

    Just waiting to see what other aftercare/healing produces. ><

  25. That's so strange. Is there any chance you place the v2 deeper then the V1?

  26. Hi, I bought a v2 with a plan to swap out my v1 but i changed my mind, it's still in it's sterile pouch. If anyone that missed out wants it I'm willing to sell.

  27. @AlexSmith if you get any more FireFly V2 available please tag me. I can't believe I missed this last batch.

  28. I have a V1 placed in the center of my left forearm (on top of the wrist tendons). I'm planning on purchasing 2 V2's when they are available/more widely reviewed. Plan to upgrade the left forearm to a V2, and place a second in the right forearm to mirror.

  29. UPDATE! :D

    Spent a lot of time outside this evening, and had a friend tell me to look at it when I went home. They commented on it multiple times throughout unrelated conversation.

    In the mirror in perfect darkness, it's 90% of the above picture. Though I still cannot get my phone to catch it at all with its camera. It is brighter than it ever has been before right now. My theory is further healing and better self-control in regards to playing with it. ^^

    I will fairly tag on with a grain of salt eyes were extremely adjusted to darkness, but still nonetheless. All is accurate. ^3^

  30. UPDATE! :O

    It's starting to get a bit brighter over time. ^^ can see it in dim lighting from a couple feet away consistently now. Think it will continue to get brighter. ^^

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