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CALL TO ACTION: Magnetic Injection Procedure

Everyone, can we please actually step forward on this? D:

I'll willingly admit that I don't have a ton of exposure or experience here in the biohacking community, but I still appreciate being an active member. I love learning and researching and understanding ideas, and helping to educate others and encourage their ideas, providing critiques and new ideas to explore, the like. ^^

Injection of magnets is a recurring set of questions that has popped up over and over. To site the extent of some of my own personal encounters on the forum,  

This is a call to action itself. I would love to see the Injection procedure made an 'official' method for implanting of magnets. So far, the only method that's explained in the Wiki is the scalpel method, which does work, but... The injection method appears to have many benefits and differences, giving more options to grinders, new and veteran, prospective and established. 

I understand elements of this procedure, But I still am not quite as well versed with the process. I intend upon starting the wiki page and establishing what I can. Please help me fill in what I can't. :D


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  1. :D

    Scaffolding laid, Let's do this, people!c Please help!  ^^
  2. I am assuming that this method would only be for cylindrical magnets? Ive got a 3x1mm TiN that I still want to implant, but the traditional method did not go well >_< So I am willing to try any other method before I buy more scalpel blades.
  3. I believe this should be functional for either the m31 or the m36... And any other commonly shaped cylindrical magnets, basically, any magnets established to be good ideas to implant. Just needs the proper sized injector for it.

    I could see spherical working, too. ;o But those have their own complications. I have gone over a degree of information on it, many threads exist. I simply don't feel comfortable enough to do a writeup on the procedure...

    Considering I haven't even ever tried implanted anything. ^^'

  4. To quote myself... Character limits are being stupid and aren't letting me edit things... The general understanding I personally have about injections is that they heal much faster, are a lot less invasive, have higher success rates, don't need anesthetic, don't hurt as bad, are a lot faster... As in the only reason they aren't mainstream is, IMO: A) HEUG NEEDAL OMG B) One off injector, whereas knifes are easier to get. C) They aren't popular enough to have gained the background procedure down, not enough people do the thing to have concise write ups on it. :l Which spawns threads like this one... And they don't grow and just stay dead and OMG PEOPLE LETS START PUTTING TOGETHER A PROCEDURE FOR THIS SO IT CAN BE AN OPTION! Raaaaa >~> And here's a few links.

  5. I am down with this, who here has made a aluminum needle? It only needs to work once, and aluminum seems like a better bet then plastic when it's that thin. What about lube? Surely there has to be some kind of lube the the body could just corroded away and be biocompatible.
  6. KY Jelly seems to be something a few people here are partial to, i THINK @Aviin, If I'm correct? Sorry If I'm tagging the wrong person. I recall that it was supposed to originally be a surgical lubricant... At least that's what I've heard a couple times. >~<

    I know there are non-ferrous metal needles that have already been utilised for this exact purpose. Just not knowledgeable enough to know where to procure them, exact dimensions. @Trybalwolf knows about this stuff well, too. 

    This was a related project that might have some interest here. ^^
  7. I'm willing to test it, only problem is that i don't Have a magnet. I ordered a larger (3mm?) Injector from @Alexsmith . Perhaps it will work? I'm sure the needle and magnet will attract eachother but a plastic plunger will help there. I can try to get a magnet this weekend or next week,but finances are a bit sad at the moment so i can't promise anything. As the magnets are Tiny and not that Strong i think that a normal injector would work?
  8. @NLmax, I already personally know from studying that this does, in fact, work well. ^^ 

    What I'm hoping to establish is a perfect set of procedure instructions and format everything to make it a method that is considered a 'standard procedure' to be used alongside the scalpel method.

    A 3mm inner diameter injector should work just fine, I would expect. and I know Alexsmith has played with these injectors fitting the m31. The one's he is using for the fireflies should fit the m31 and m36 as well.:D

    If there's a source of non-magnetic 3mm needles, not that ones with plastic plungers won't work, those should be explored for sake of a more ideal tool, IMO. :3
  9. Well if there are nonmagnetic ones those are deffinatly worth looking at, but if the others work.. why change it? Guess i just need to get some Cash to grab myself a magnet and autoclave :(
  10. @NLmax just to make sure the information is there, DO NOT autoclaive the magnet!  XD

    In regards to if it works... The same reason we use scalpels instead of X-acto blades... An X-acto blade can work just fine, if one has the dexterity and skill. But it's not optimal.
  11. Haha @Zerbula , i know! Don't worry i need an autoclave for my current project of placing my bankcard in a tag so i can pay wireless with my hand :)
  12. A thing to think about : how can u get an injector in a fingertip haha. They are way too big
  13. I did a magnet with a hollow need kinda like an injection. I used a second needle to do the plunger and it worked out amazingly. I can feel things and it left no scan to be found. Granted it was a smaller than normal magnet, but I think the idea has come real backing. The only issue is the needle its self being magnetic. If you could get stainless steel needles it would work amazingly. 
  14. I've been playing around injecting a block of form with magnets ;)

    What I found was that just sticking in the needle and pushing down the plunger didn't work, i.e. the magnet stuck to the needle tip and come back out again. but I found two ways of making it work.

    The first was to glue a piece of plastic to the end of the plunger. This made it longer, which made the magnet be pushed passed the tip of the needle and it didn't come back out (I had to pull the needle out slightly while doing this to make room for the magnet).

    The second was to press formally down on the injection site before withdrawing the needle, and by doing so there was enough pressure on the magnet to stop it coming out with the needle.

    So while I think non-ferrous metal needles would make injecting magnets easier, the current needles will work. 

  15. Good to know! ^^
  16. I like where all of this is going! I've got a m31 all ready to go and would be willing to try this procedure very soon if someone would like to point me in the direction of some needles!
  17. i like the idea of non-ferrous metal injectors. that seems like a simple fix to the problem 
  18. So I got some 6g needles and printed out one of the injectors that was designed by @aviin, and was discussed in some other far flung thread. I also have some other non-bio magnets that are almost the exact same size as the m31's, and was messing around with them. 

    The needles that I got were ferrous, but they were less than a dollar each, so I figured it would be fun to experiment. I was thinking, that it might be possible to glue one of these magnets on the end of the plunger, and have it help repel the magnet you are trying to implant. One of the flaws that I see with this is that once the biomagnet was free of the enclosed confines of the needle, it would want to flip and then immediately stick to the plunger magnet. I will experiment a little further.

  19. @Chrisbot What ever happened with this? Any results, ever? :o Incase this thread ever generates more information to be reffered back to, linking it here. >3<
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