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Magnet Status


Displaying comments 121 - 150 of 384
  1. @Avio  Off topic but yes, the name was chosen because I have PET chickens and am trying to hatch button quail which are supposed to be the size of your hand full grown.  Also, my only tattoos are of eagles but they are not on my hands.

    I would also like the chloroprep to be included.  I have or can get everything else needed except for the nerve to purposely cut myself open and stick some foreign object inside.  I want to have a safe magnet here in case I really do it. 
  2. On a side thought how long does lido last if you buy it and store it for a later use? Also that storing would it be a fridge or some place not at 80+f
  3. Do believe it just stores at room temp - up till the expiration date on the bottle of course.
  4. Is the expiration date on the bottle the same as say milk where it's more a suggestion then when it's bad?
  5. If this list is still being added to count me in =)
  6. Meanderpaul - I do believe using it past the expiration is just considered less effective. Ping Cassox - he'd be best to clarify this.

    EDIT: Just did a bit of Googling and found most stable drugs have a maximum expiration of 5 years from the month it was manufactured due to a FDA limit, even though it may be good for long after that. But again, Cassox. Dr. Mark is not open for business yet lol.
  7. Haha Ok will do, thanks for the input. so @cassox is Dr mark correct?
  8. @mmuyskens and @Meanderpaul, I researched this a while ago and aside from the actual expiration date, the potency will decrease, but could even have reasonable potency ~20/30% even after like 5 years after the expiration date. 
  9. I would also like to be added to the list, thanks!
  10. Ok, time for a long overdue update, I've been traveling and am finally home. 

    Today is day 16 after implanting. Bruising is completely gone, the injection site has healed nicely, only a small scar. The color is completely normal and it no longer hurts to press on the site of the magnet. 

    tl;dr it has fully healed with no signs of rejection. so far so good.

    I will leave it in for another 14 days and then remove it and check it under a microscope for any signs of coating failure.

    @Fromasterjasper added to the list

    @Avio probably $49 for the magnet and a vial of Chlorhexidine Gluconate. Full implants kits with scalpels etc will be separately but can be bundled together for shipping. This is the same price as the original M31 and the price @mmuyskens is aiming for.

  11. Yayyyyy :D
  12. @AlexSmith would you be able to make like a Pioneers bundle for the people that want to try implanting the magnet via a syringe, i know its a new popular thing that im sure a bunch of people would like to try.
  13. @AlexSmith could you add me to the list?
  14. i have 2 questions about magnet implants. would i be able to travel with one, and will this come pre coated. i dont trust myself to coat it 
  15. Alex sells implant magnets which means all ready to implant. Traveling has no issues same as mri with no issues. See the search bar for more on both subjects. It has been talked to death.
  16. @Wikitiki33 added.

    @lolsmcfee Yeah, I probably won't include a syringe as standard to begin with, but it's easy to add for those that ask, if/when enough people have used the injection method I'd include it as a standard option.

    Yes, magnets this size are too small to picked up by airport metal detectors, I've never had them detect mine. And yes, the whole point of the current testing is to make sure the coating is safe, you can get uncoated magnets very cheaply on ebay but they will reject if implanted, my magnets have a Titanium coating to make them safe to implant.
  17. Add me to the list, please. I'm waiting for good news
  18. @alexsmith When do you think you will have M36's?
  19. If you could add me to the notification list, that would be amazing c:
  20. @AlexSmith I would appreciate being added to the list to notify when magnets are available.
  21. I'll write a longer post tomorrow, but here is a picture of the magnet I just removed from my arm:
  22. @AlexSmith Shit dude, that still looks to be in really good condition. there only one thing that looks funny in the upper left side of the image. I think its probably just a weird image artifact. other than that id be willing to implant assuming I can get the injector method to work.
  23. Wow.  That is looking quite fresh.  That is excellent.  What is the next step in testing?
  24. Ok, heres the longer version, yesterday afternoon I used one of the "magnet implant kits" cassox made up to cut the magnet out of my arm, it had been 30 days since it was implanted and there was no external signs of rejections. Color was normal and there was no pain even when pushing hard on the magnet. 

    I used some ice on the area but no other painkillers/anesthetic.

    I used the No.15 scalpel blade to make a small cut at one side of the magnet, and tried to use another larger magnet to pull it out. This did not work as it was hold in place too well by the scar tissue. I then made another cut across the top of the magnet to form an "L" shape with the first cut. It was still very hard to get the magnet to come out, but I eventually got it, some 45 minutes after starting.

    Here is a picture during the removal:

    As for the magnet, I've been looking at under the microscope, overall it looks really good, pretty much identical to when it was implanted. There are a couple of small cut/scratch marks on one edge, but I'm 99% sure they are from the scalpel blade when I was removing it, I could hear the blade make a "tink" sound when it hit the magnet while cutting, and if those scratches had been there before it would definitely have rejected long ago.

    I think this proves the coating worked, at least for medium length implantation of 30 days. 

    @willzgz,  Edupopnix added to the list.

    @JohnDoe maybe around the end of the year? lets get the M31s well tested before we start on a larger version.

  25. @Wikitiki33 I think it looks fine, there are microscopic differences in coating which make it look slightly different in places, but once the coating starts to fail it is normally very obvious, see the pic of a failed coating earlier in this thread.

    @TheDiabeticGM I think the first in vivo test was a success, so it's time for a larger in vivo test, I'm thinking of giving ~5 of these away to people and having them report their results. what do others think should be the next step in testing?
  26. If your looking for guinea pigs for the larger in vivo test I'm happy to offer a finger.
  27. im happy to test aswell
  28. I'm looking for two identical matching at the same time.. But would be willing to test! :O
  29. I'm gladly up for in vivo testing too!
  30. I would volunteer myself for testing of course! I'd love to help.
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