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Magnet Status


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  1. I too would love to be added if there is a waiting list. I've been checking DangerousThings every now and then hoping to see the return of the m31's. :)

  2. Hey I’m looking for a few magnets too. Anyone still have a couple they are willing to sell? I hear if they are coated in Titanium nitride , parylene , and gold that is the best bet but if someone has one that has been working for a long time without getting infected eventually that would be cool too

  3. I was looking at the silicone coated magnets from Haworth but (and this may seem silly) I wondered if anyone has had both to know if the silicone buffered (dampened) the sensation of fine vibrations?

  4. @Daniel said:
    I was looking at the silicone coated magnets from Haworth but (and this may seem silly) I wondered if anyone has had both to know if the silicone buffered (dampened) the sensation of fine vibrations?

    I'm actually getting one implanted on the 26th. I'm excited, but heard they are less responsive than the M31's, for example.

  5. @Daniel, The sensations you pick up from the magnet rely on it vibrating against your nerves. Silicone dampens vibrations.

  6. Any new information?

  7. Eu gostaria de adquirir um imã implantável moro no brasil e se alguem puder me ajudar serei grato

  8. I got my magnet on the 14th of February. I visit a friend at a library, and I feeled my first magnetic field at the security gate - it was so amazing :)

  9. @Sandra said:
    I got my magnet on the 14th of February. I visit a friend at a library, and I feeled my first magnetic field at the security gate - it was so amazing :)

    Where did you get this magnet from? I'm asking because of safety concerns...

  10. The Bodymod who implanted it, got it from Samppa.

  11. Has anyone tested the Steve Haworth magnets?

  12. Is there any reason these would not work? Of course if their coating is poor but i meant any other reason?

  13. @Fealix said:
    Is there any reason these would not work? Of course if their coating is poor but i meant any other reason?

    Those are much too weak N40 magnets, they need to be N52 or higher and the gold coating may have good corrosion resistance but terrible mechanical properties and won't last long, damage is inevitable.

  14. Appreciate the feedback. I blanked on the malleable nature of the coating.

    But the n52 or higher is good info. I am a bit new to this all but I am finding myself ahead of my bills lately so I figure i would start looking into this again.

    I just sent an email to applied magnetics about possible coating options they have. I have seen a lot of discussion about TiN coated magnets. I also saw that steve haworth has some coated in silicone but I have heard that it deadens the sensation.

    has their been any consensus on what the best coating is?

  15. @Fealix said:
    Appreciate the feedback. I blanked on the malleable nature of the coating.

    But the n52 or higher is good info. I am a bit new to this all but I am finding myself ahead of my bills lately so I figure i would start looking into this again.

    I just sent an email to applied magnetics about possible coating options they have. I have seen a lot of discussion about TiN coated magnets. I also saw that steve haworth has some coated in silicone but I have heard that it deadens the sensation.

    has their been any consensus on what the best coating is?

    Yes, titanium. Unfortunately most common coating processes damage the magnet and it's difficult to get a full coating on the micron level.

  16. Good news: Alright so I have discussed getting some magnets. They told me that they can make them.

    Bad news:

    Dimension Coatings 250 pcs 500 pcs
    N55 Titanium Nitride $2.00 $1.10
    N52 Titanium Nitride $1.95 $1.05

    N55 Parylene $6.40 $4.00
    N52 Parylene $6.10 $3.80 
    Fedex Int'l Shipping cost     $85.00 $85.00
    Lead time: abut 40-45 days

    TiN coating charge: $650
    Parylene-C coating charge: $750

    I was informed by the production team that Titanium Nitride coated parts will have a 1mm hang point that will not be coated. I have included parylene as a back up coating that is also bio-compatible.

    I am confirming that to get a fully coated magnet in TiN it would be double the coating charge. If this is true I will probably not be able to get them right away.

    But hey its progress. I am also looking at the price differences in pieces between the coatings.

    Also does anyone on here have any comments about parylene I have seen it as a coating on a number of other sites and was wondering why titanium is considered a better coating.

    If anyone has more discretionary income at this point I am getting this quote from

    If no one else has this available I will probably continue searching for other options and when none present themselves in the way I like I will just bite the bullet. and get some magnets and try selling the extras to you all.

  17. Not sure if this has been said yet (not on computer so I can't CTRL-F it) but I just emailed and apperently they'll have N55 3x1 titanium nitride/parylene-C magnets for sale, late May early June!

  18. @xepicxmonkeyx said:
    Not sure if this has been said yet (not on computer so I can't CTRL-F it) but I just emailed and apperently they'll have N55 3x1 titanium nitride/parylene-C magnets for sale, late May early June!

    Are they trustworthy?

  19. I ordered 20 of them and intend to test them when I get them. I have a friend who is willing to try them with me if they pass the saline test/ any other test I can run. I will post any info I find on them as well as photos.

  20. @Fireice289, have you ordered the 0.75mm x 1mm ones? Would they be big enough?

  21. It amazes me how difficult it has been to have a supply of biosafe implantable magnets. I've considered several options but many of the coatings used in the medical industry on implants aren't available to the general public, and certainly not in the smaller quantities I'd require. sigh

  22. Does anyone have any confirmed safe magnets that they would be willing to sell? I'm looking to buy either one or two 3x1mm magnets.

  23. I ordered 20 of the 3mm x 1mm parylene coated magnets. all 20 failed testing. This was done more to see if the magnets were viable for more than one attempt. Each magnet had multiple points of oxidation which leads me to believe that they are not coated in such a way to make the cost of a second coat reasonable. Most magnets had at least three points where significant oxidation still occured with my best one only having two small points, however I am not at all comfortable with the results and would not recommend them for this use and will not be using them as such.

    On the plus side the are pretty good magnets all in all so i am sure i will find some use for them. They are quite high quality, just not good enough to trust my longterm health on

  24. Damn... @Fireice289, that sucks.

  25. Would it be possible to make them safe by ordering ones with more coating/layers?

  26. As I talk about in my other post, I’ve emailed a manager at SuperMagnetMan and was able to purchase an early batch of TiN coated magnets. They’re shipping now and hopefully the coating will be a lot better than what most people fine SMM Parylene coatings to be.

  27. Long time lurker here, this is actually my first post. I've been waiting for the sale of decent TiN m31s for about a year and a half now, @nothot I'm quite interested in your results with SMM's TiN magnets and if any of them survive the bath.

  28. I got them, but there's at least one edge on each magnet that has a questionable coating. Check out the pictures here:

  29. Just saying I think that it might be time to look into other possible options for sources. This post is from 2016, its now 2018 and dangerous things is still not selling biomagnets. And the only reliable source I've come across for magnets meant for implantation is Silicone coated magnets sold by Steve Haworth, and from what I've heard these don't give nearly as much of a "sixth sense" sensation, and are more for picking up stuff.

  30. @HalfHuman they're somewhat untested and some have said they have questionable quality but these might be a step in the right direction

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