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Magnet Status


Displaying comments 241 - 270 of 384
  1. Hello @AlexSmith I, too, would like to be added to the list if it's not too late.  I already got a piercer lined up and everything.

    The piercer already has some weaker magnets on order, but after reading through the forums here and the DangerousThings page, I'm just gonna wait until your magnets are ready.  I trust you more after reading through your efforts to make the best magnets available.
  2. I've been looking for/waiting for a magnet for years! Please add me to this "list" I keep hearing about please.
  3. No activity from @AlexSmith  since November and I haven't seen any feedback from the testers.  Sounds to me like there either was a problem or the waiting list is too long already.

    Any news yet?
  4. I received my tester magnet but I just haven't been able to find a suitable time to implant it. Busy time of year and I really don't want to have to worry about another implant right now...
  5. That makes sense.  And I imagine the testing, once it gets in your hands, will take a while, too.  I'm just excited because I work as an electrician and being able to feel the electromagnet caused by the alternating current could keep me from cutting a live wire.  Also, patience is not one of my stronger virtues.  But, I'm determined to wait for quality magnets rather than try and get lucky ordering one from someone else.

    Good luck to all the testers!  I hope to hear good news, soon.
  6. I tried to enquire about some paralene coated ones from vp-scientific, but they haven't even responded. They make you buy like 100 so I figured I'd separately saline test a heap then implant two, but its probably still a bad idea. Just impatient. - what should I say they are for?
  7. Please add me to the list too @AlexSmith
  8. Hey guys!

    I've not been around in a pretty long time due to work and all that general 'real life' stuff going on :) Just dropped in for a quick check and I found this post up top, which is great as it's all about what I wanted to know! Except..... No release date :p

    Now the thing is, well over 2 years ago I bought an M31 (two, actually) from DangerousThings - as a few of you might remember, I was sadly the first person to report a rejection. Glims and Amal suggested I send it back to them for testing, and at my request, agreed to send out a replacement M31 rather than refunding the cash. The reason being that I wanted to pre-order the larger M36 that same week, as they were "almost complete". Sadly however, the U.S. decided that this was the EXACT time to block sales of products such as these magnets, on the same bloody week I sent mine back for a replacement!!! DangerousThings never replied to my e-mails asking when they'd next be available.

    So my question is, as I've been waiting since early 2015, will there be any chance of receiving my order this year? I'm not bothered if I have to wait, just as long as I *know*. I did spend £200 on a couple of tiny little magnets, after all :p
  9. You've got another customer here, @AlexSmith This sounds awesome and I love learning about this plating process. You guys really collect a lot of data! cheers fin
  10. Its been a little while, anyone have any updates?

  11. @ChrisBot have you implanted your tester magnet yet?  Just curious.  

    @AlexSmith are there any updates this month?
  12. @PostHumanist, no I havent. I removed my previous magnet a few weeks ago so I am waiting for my ring finger to heal. I have also be focusing on the recover from my botched FlexNT install. Hopefully within the next month or so I will.
  13. I was talking with some of my fellow electricians, yesterday, about biomagnets.  They were pretty enthused about the idea, like myself.  The ability to sense an electromagnet caused by a live AC circuit is a game changer. 

    If this, miraculously, catches on in the industry, it will save a lot of lives.

    Electrocution only causes about 5% of deaths in the workplace, but that's 5% that can be avoided with this procedure.  

    Now, if we could only invent a biohack to keep us from falling off of ladders...
  14. Hey all, I should probably post an update.

    I was one of the testers who got a magnet from Alex. After I received it I gave it a quick visual visual inspection, I went ahead and got it implanted in my right pinky on October 9th. The incision didn't really heal well and over the next couple weeks the skin was dry and the implant didn't look happy. Best guess was that it settled too close to the incision and just got pushed out since I used a small magnet to check placement and orientation and it was right under the incision, resting perpendicular to the skin. Also it was pretty visible through the skin towards the end (and itched a lot, which sucked). On October 31, with a little encouragement from a bigger magnet, it came right out.

    Since it seemed to be rejection from placement rather than rejection from coating, I looked it over for any scratches or issues and found none, and it held up fine in a saline bath for a couple days, I decided to re-implant it. I re-implanted it, this time in my left pinky, on November 13 and we were sure to make the pocket deep enough and use magnets to help guide the implant fully into the pocket to avoid another rejection. This time the incision healed quickly and I had no issues there. Within a few weeks the site around the magnet was a bit swollen and tender, but I didn't think too much of it and it seemed to be getting better. The swelling went down a little but never fully went away, and then around January I noticed a dark spot appearing in the swollen area. In February not much had changed, still the little bump with tiny dark spot so I figured I should take it out. And finally a couple weeks ago (March 9th) I took the magnet out. The coating had failed on one of the edges, and there was a clump of corroded magnet stuff poking out that matched up with the dark spot I'd been seeing. So yeah, probably not the result everyone hoped for, but we still got some useful information out of the trial.

    TL;DR: Test magnet had a coating failure.
  15. @rpyka, are you sure that the coating wasn't scratched while you were taking it out? 
  16. I'm positive. My phone doesn't like to take good pictures of something as small as the magnet, but this is from a picture right after I removed it. This is exactly how it came out. The dark spot was on the far side of the incision, and on the edge of the magnet towards the tip of the place you can see the large section that's bad. Definitely not a scratch from the removal. Pic:
  17. I am convinced! I still have my test mag as well and I hope to do the implant within the next few weeks,
  18. I took a look at it again today, and there was originally a very shallow pit on the magnet which I didn't think too much of since it was so shallow and was also covered by the coating. But since I can't find that pit now, it looks like it failed in that area. Here's a better pic of the magnet:
  19. @rpyka, oh my goodness, that is a gnarly picture
  20. I have a question.

    Would there be some issue with coating the magnets with the same material that the NFC chips use?

    It's some kind of glass right? I know it could be tricky to actually coat them, but doesn't it solve the whole rejection issue?
  21. @Caia, nah. Those are glass capsules that are manufactured and then have the important bits pushed into them and then sealed off. 

    Coating a magnet in molten glass would make it not  magnet any more...
  22. ..unless you use a laser to melt glass powder onto the surface. Not saying that'd make a lot of sense but it might be possible.
  23. @ThomasEgi, I like your style....
  24. @ThomasEgi would the laser not cause loss of magnetism? I dont know if it does it with just a little heat but if you get a magnet white hot it will lose its magnetism.
  25. the thing with lasers is, you can create very high ammounts of heat in insanely small spots. So you can melt the surface , and just the surface with one or a few laser pulses. But you don't bring in enough energy for the magnet to really heat up to a level where it gets damaged. So you can work very slowly, one tiny bit at a time. At least in theory.
  26. Is the dental resin that is pliable until hardened with a blue light biosafe? If so, this would be a way to coat an implant in a rock hard substance with no heat.
  27. @posthumanist it is, as far as I recall. However, consider the thickness of the layer compared to Parylene, TiN or Au... Resin can add an impractical amount of thickness, methinks. :c
  28. Is anyone willing to take me as a tester? 

    I've been waiting so long now, if more testers helps then I'm willing to do it :)
  29. Yeah, as @rpyka posted, his test magnet failed, so while I'll keep working on implantable magnets, the current batch isn't good enough.

    I think magnet implants are great, but it has to be done right, and sadly getting it right is very hard in this case. But I'll keep working on it until I have a safe implantable magnet.
  30. Hey all. New poster old lurker. I've finally pulled enough gumption to try source myself a magnet. I've looked for them. Can't find any. So was wondering if anyone here can tell me where to find one. Thanks all
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