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Magnet Status


Displaying comments 31 - 60 of 384
  1. ill be watching anyways, most likely it will be redundant. :d
  2. @AlexSmith what testing are you using for this new batch to prove they are solid? I don't want everyones hopes to get high and have another batch fail (as everyones have before)
  3. @Benbeezy I'll be using the gravimetric test as a first step. 
  4. How will gavimetric analysis help you at all? I may be wrong on this but after look its up its used to weigh the particulates in water... I know someone who had magnets and was testing them and in water they were fine for a very long time, but a drop of soap to get rid of that surface tension and all of them failed after that. I might be way off base in saying that gavimetric analysis won't be a suitable test. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  5. @Benbeezy
  6. So you are going for the visual look? I don't think you would be able to weigh the amount of nickel in such a small amount. and won't surface tension still inhibit the very tiny pin holes from showing up? The paper you linked talks about a sample and measuring the nickel in the sample, but a sample isn't attempting to fill all of the hole so you don't need to worry about that surface tension in that application.
  7. yes, I will be using the same method @cassox developed, using dimethylglyoxime as a nickel catalyst and ammonia to speed the process up. This is generally known as a gravimetric test for nickel detection.

    you can read cassox's blog post here
  8. oh okay, so @cassox did add a surfactant a few hours in to get rid of the surface tension.
  9. @ChrisBot, sure. Magnets will be sold under my company name Loop9 Technologies, and will be slated for release early November with possibility of an earlier beta.
  10. @mmuyskens. Well I would love to add you to the list, but apparently the forum has a character limit on forum posts. I'll keep trying though
  11. @AlexSmith. Hey I'm new here and would love to be a part of this community. Could you add me to your list for a magnet? Thanks!!
  12. @BobtheSherpa sure
  13. @AlexSmith Could you please add me to the list for a magnet as well? Thanks
  14. @AlexSmith, We are a professional magnet manufacturer. Is there something I can do for you please? Thank you. 
  15. @Psyber  done.

    @mandyguolucky  I've PM'd you a few questions 
  16. Please add me to the list, thanks!
  17. Please add me to the list as well, thanks!
  18. Some juicy news from @mandyguolucky xD?
  19. @alexsmith Hope it works out for you this time ... Please add me too ...
  20. Please add me to the list, thanks. :)
  21. Please add me to the list. Thanks!
  22. Me too please! :)
  23. Do you have plans for offering the M36 soon?
  24. Added to the list. 

    While I plan to eventually offer M36s, they will still be awhile after the m31s
  25. any updates from @AlexSmith ?
  26. Yes. The second lot of magnets has finished manufacturing and has arrived at my friend's place. Now I need to get them shipped to me for testing.
    Also, the first lot was finally released and returned to the manufacturer, so I had them sent to my friend too.
  27. @AlexSmith I sent a message about being added to this list, but I'm not sure how often the messaging system is used here, so I just wanted to post here saying that I'd like to be added to this list.
  28. Yay :D
  29. im really looking forward to these. hope testing goes well.
  30. @AlexSmith, will update status tonight

    Edit: Updated.
Displaying comments 31 - 60 of 384