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- Joined
- July 2015
- Visits
- 40
- Last active
- August 2017
- Roles
- Member
- Badges
- 0
Comments (18)
@cassox, do you know which day you'll do that?in CommunityJuly 2017
I will probably be there, let me know if you still need volunteers :)in CommunityJuly 2017
Ashwagandha works really great for me, and for some of my family friends who get really bad anxiety while studying for and taking Everything elseDecember 2016
I like: Caffeine with L-Theanine, Ashwaghanda, and Noopept. I'd include Phenibut, but I don't think you should include that in a pre-made Supplements, pharmaceuticals, and nootropicsSeptember 2016
Not sure how true, but I've heard plenty of rumors about special chips designed for military use. Not sure how much of it is BS (probably most) but it's still Coatings, transdermals, other implantsSeptember 2016
I'm doing my senior thesis on the state of sensory substitution devices since I find them absolutely CommunityAugust 2016
Uploaded the video to Youtube, but it's unlisted, so link only CommunityAugust 2016
@DirectorX I can post the video of Proteus getting punch / slapped, assuming everyone in the video is ok with it being posted CommunityAugust 2016
@mmuyskens and @Meanderpaul, I researched this a while ago and aside from the actual expiration date, the potency will decrease, but could even have reasonable potency ~20/30% even after like 5 years after the expiration MagnetsAugust 2016
@mmuyskens thanks for letting me know about that. That would be great!!in CommunityAugust 2016
@cyberlass what is this oxtocin poker wednesday night and how do I join :)in CommunityAugust 2016
Can't wait for Defcon! My brother and I will be there.. are you guys doing a group chat like last year? Can't wait to see Alex's talk this year since last years were really CommunityJuly 2016
So any word on an official meetup?in CommunityAugust 2015
Yeah sorry. I misread the schedule. Its on CommunityJuly 2015
Do you guys want to have a meetup after right after Alex's talk on Friday which ends around 3? The biohacking talks are going to be in Bally's Bronze 4, but it looks like DCBHV won't have a central location as seen on the map CommunityJuly 2015
Wow, I just realized how poorly worded my question was. I meant to ask if he was going to be the only vendor at the biohacking village, but I guess I forgot to type that CommunityJuly 2015
Unless you know what you're doing, I'd recommend against using sutures, but if you have to, try practicing on a chicken or something first. Without practice, suturing on yourself will have a really high mistake rate, but its pretty easy to get Coatings, transdermals, other implantsJuly 2015
Do any of you guys know if @AlexSmith will be the only "vendor" at defcon? I'm not allowed to get any implantables for another two years, but was hoping there might be some other cool CommunityJuly 2015