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Biohacking for a school project.

Im trying to find a project I can do for a class. Im in my senior year of highschool and plan on majoring in Bio engineering. We have an elective in which we pick a project and work on it all semester and nothing else. Anyone have any ideas on projects I can do?


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  1. I would recommend building a EEG/EROSS system to interface with a computer.... Sincerely, John Doe
  2. There are some very interesting mods that you can do to bacteria and plants that may be possible with your school resources.

    Also, search for a local igem group and see if you can work with them. Quite a few great things they are doing that are more into the bio side
  3. I'm doing my senior thesis on the state of sensory substitution devices since I find them absolutely awesome.
  4. Are there any new things that are being done with NFC? It looks really cool and id like to get an implant but there doesnt seem to be anything New that i could do in that field
  5. not really no.... Not to be negative its all been done by now its just a question of cost....
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