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  • So I've had my firefly implant (version 1) since sometime in June 2016. It's still my favorite thing ever. I had it implanted in my left shoulder below the collarbone, but it migrated to over where roughly the coracoid process is during healing. Close enough, so I don't mind. It still likes to migrate. I noticed early on…
  • I wanted to at least have my driver's side door unlockable with my RFID, but my car has manual cable locks. The conversion kit to automatic is too much of a PITA. I did do one lock on our shitty minivan, but my tag implant won't read anymore.
  • Ashwagandha and kava kava are both two things I've been really interested in. Trying to find my partner something he can take to alleviate his anxiety without being too strong. I'm looking into making a blend that he can take to work as a drink mix or capsules. Also looking at both for myself. I've tried kava kava once and…
  • Alternately, we could just shove them in all sorts of random environments to see what would happen. Salt water, fish tank, dead fish, etc. Maybe the compost bucket isn't quite a good mimic of the human body, but surely all of it put together would be a decent analogue. I say this mostly tongue in cheek as I'm still a bit…
  • Ugh, nickel sucks. I never had a problem with it until I got my old tattoo. Despite being a reputable shop that won awards, I wound up with an artist who made his own old school black ink that contained nickel. He assured me it was safe since I wasn't allergic and I was too clueless to question it. That's one reason that,…
  • I'm also always willing to help people out with my own library access. I've got current student access to two universities and alumni access to a third. Also, sci-hub.cc can pull up a lot of papers from 2000 and later that are behind paywalls if you have a DOI for it. @Aeris do you have access to Gale Group resources? I…
  • I know I'm still newish here and not known well enough to prove I'm not a serial killer, but if anyone needs a place to stay, I've got two rollaway beds in the upstairs room. I'm in San Antonio, but it's only an hour's drive to Austin. We're non-smokers, but don't mind people smoking as long as it's outside. We do have…
  • I've had a lot of good luck with bromantane, especially since it's not sedating or highly addictive like most anxiolytics. Though disclaimer, not approved by the FDA, I'm not a doctor, etc etc. Test anxiety is a bitch, I sympathize. I am trained to treat specific anxieties like test anxiety and phobias using…
  • 1) No. All I can really say is because fucking humans, man. We're the worst. We're the worst thing for everybody and everything else (until we meet a species that out-worsts us). Sure, we might save the whales, but we're the reason they need saving in the first place. Sure, a tree would eat us if they could, but that's…
  • In my experience, it's usually the administrators and People In Charge that are the ones fretting rather than the straight up academics. Most non-admin academics I've dealt with think it's interesting at the least. The academics who've responded the most enthusiastically to my interest in biohacking have been (non-admin)…
  • Don't use dental lido because it almost always has epinephrine/adrenaline. If you can't get some lido from a doc or vet without it, there's other places where it's easy and inexpensive. I'm close enough to Mexico for a day trip and vials of lido are OTC there. Mexican pharmacies can get a bad rap, but I just stick with the…
  • Holy tl;dr batman! Sorry about the word salad. While I have some interest in the ethics of enhancement/modification, I'm less interested in that compared to how to make enhancements possible. I admit I'm a die-hard scifi fan and have fantasized about being a cyborg since I was in elementary school, so I'm obviously biased…
  • That sucks, I was rooting for this one. In the event it's a manufacturing issue, would doing another test run with a different manufacturer be feasible?
  • @Meanderpaul Is it Cafergot or something similar? I take that (caffeine + ergotamine) when I get my twice-a-year cluster headache. I know a few people who take it for migraines and love it. It just barely works on me, but better than nothing. I have tried analogues of LSD and related substances before, but got nothing more…
  • January of next year, in Austin, TX. http://www.bodyhackingcon.com
  • @Jupiter If I could get titanium nails (or raptor claws) or another material, I'd take out my finger nails in a heartbeat for replacement. Despite taking synthroid, my nails never recovered from all that time untreated. They're incredibly fragile and will crack, peel, and rip right up the middle at a moment's notice.…
  • Oh nice, it's local to me. That means I can actually go. Definitely signing up as soon as I can. Looks fun as hell and can't wait to see some of the speakers.
  • @SurvivorSVN For manipulation, I waited until it healed because I didn't want to risk messing up the wound. The downside is manipulation was a bit unpleasant at first, with a definite burning feeling as I basically bruised the hell out of myself. Mostly what I did was press hard with my forefinger and thumb on either side…
  • I've never had any luck with getting caffeine to work on me until I started pairing it with L-theanine on my doc's recommendation. I don't know how it all works, but adding taking L-theanine makes it so I finally feel what everyone else does, even when I just drink a soda or something else with lower caffeine. I do have an…
  • My firefly implant is still my favorite thing. I'd also love it to be much brighter, though I can easily see it in a dark room once my eyes have adjusted. Despite very pale skin, my skin thickness where I implanted it is an issue. It still migrates all over the place, but that's partially my fault as I play with it all the…
  • I've been gone due to massive life distractions, but I'm still willing to be a test subject too.
  • Yeah, mine migrates like crazy. I've been manipulating it to get it where I want so it glows as much as possible. Things are still squishy, but it still likes to drift once stuff sets.
  • I didn't order from Peak so I can't speak about them. I bought my stuff from Powder City. Since I was a noob, I got their sampler of three different racetams, choline, and noopept, plus theanine so I could test what I liked the best. I don't take them regularly, mostly due to lack of habit, but do when I know I need more…
  • If my partner's pubic bone was vibrating, that would make things fun for sure. I know there's vibrators for women that are supposed to fit along with everything else during sex for both partners to enjoy, but I don't know how that plays out in real life. > Well if you shake the base of the tree then the whole tree shakes…
  • @Dr_Allcome There's a period on the end of the link. Take that out of the URL and it takes you to a page with the design http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:13741
  • Making NFC payments with an implant would be awesome. I haven't seen too many places around me that use NFC terminals yet, but it's probably just a matter of time.
  • Everyone has their preferences and reasons, even if it seems baffling to the rest of us. I dose myself to the gills with whatever opiates the doc gives me whenever I get tattoo work done, but won't take anything when my shoulder dislocates. I'm not sure a topical would do much in this case, judging by the last time I had…
  • I'm not sure unfurling would be doable in this case, or at least doable with available needle sizes that I'm aware of. I'm not sure what size are the injectors the RFID tags come in, but I think @AlexSmith 's firefly tattoo injector might be bigger. Even that one isn't big enough for the flexible tag to roll up in. The…
  • Had the firefly tattoo put in today, under and to the distal side of my collarbone. I went to the same piercer who did my RFID implant. It hurt way less than the RFID implant even though I think the needle was a little bigger. Initial stab hurt more, but it went in easier. With the RFID, I had ice packs on my hand…
  • The sampler is from Powder City. It has noopept, amiracetam, oxiracetam, choline, and pramiracetam.