The forums were originally run on Vanilla and ran from January 2011 to July 2024. They are preserved here as a read-only archive. If you had an account on the forums and are in the archive and wish to have either your posts anonymized or removed entirely, email us and let us know.
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- [email protected]
- Joined
- August 2014
- Visits
- 56
- Last active
- September 2018
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- 0
Comments (5)
So, does anybody here had success at turning your own magnetic finger into a speaker like the dude from the video? I have been trying it for a while but it didn't worked. I have made a coil with some old copper wire I found in my house and had no MagnetsOctober 2014
Very interested. I'm from Brazil and I have been spreading the biohacking culture here for a while (I work for a major technology website and wrote a lot of articles about transhumanism and my experiences with my both implants, a NFC chip in my Everything elseOctober 2014
Got mine implanted this saturday here in Brazil. The strength of the magnet is incredible! Thank you guys for all the support and information =)in MagnetsOctober 2014
reading distance 1-2cm with a common NFC smart phoneThis reading distance is assured with the chip inside the body? If yes, wow, you got a very nice tag. My current implanted tag has a short reading range and I really have to press my smartphone RFID/NFCOctober 2014
It is not possible to read a tag inside the injector 'cause it is inside the needle. NFC Tags work by electromagnetic induction, so metal can easily interfere with their operation. NFC Tags can never work behind metal and if placed ProceduresOctober 2014