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NFC tags now available from Torchlit Studios

We at Torchlit Studios are proud to announce that after many long nights working on this project we can now offer our first bio-hacking product!  Its not anything new to the scene but by working with a large NFC tag manufacturer we are able to offer Pre-loaded and sterilized Ntag216 glass tags  at a significant saving over other producers. 

As a bonus Just for members We also have a special Promo Code as a thank you for all of the great information and resources you all provide to the Bio-hacking community. 

Enter Promo Code BIOHACK.ME  at check out and the $10 off your order!

These tags are available in the web store at this link:

All proceeds from the sale of this product got towards R&D and production of additional Bio-hacking products and resources. 

I also have several tags reserved for anyone willing to run test and publish test results, write a review of the tag, or promote the tags in some way.  please message me if you would like to receive a unit for testing or promotional purposes. 


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. Nice!! And cheaper than the ones from Amal
  2. This is a permanent prize? And, Are you going to sell this chip forever? I need time to get money to buy it, its awesome! 
  3. Yes this is the regular price and permanent promo code for the community. The only reason the price will change will be to lower the price as we are able to build them in larger quantities. 

    it is my hope that we will be able to bring the price down some around late May as I am working with Hack Miami on setting up a big Bio-hacking exhibit at their annual convention and if sales go well at the convention then I will be able to build in much larger quantity. 
  4. Looks good. nice price as well! I might get one later in the year, when I have a phone that actually has NFC..
  5. I will get one in 2 months I think, keep one aside for me! This is so awesome!
  6. Had a little Issue with the order processing system (all fixed now), but everyone's chips shipped out this morning :) thanks for all of your support!
  7. reading distance 1-2cm with a common NFC smart phone

    This reading distance is assured with the chip inside the body? If yes, wow, you got a very nice tag. My current implanted tag has a short reading range and I really have to press my smartphone in my hand to get it read. Very interested in your product, think I'll order one soon.
  8. I have found where you implant it effects the usability of the tag a bit. if you follow the youtube implant procedure and put it straight in the middle of the skin between the finger and the thumb it makes it difficult to use but if you implant it parallel to the index finger it make it a lot easier to use.  but you should be able to read the tag easily by tapping the phone lightly to your hand. kinda depends on the phone I can read slightly hovered above my hand but not much. 
Displaying all 8 comments