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Turn Magnet Implant Into Portable Speaker?

So i was looking at some videos on youtube the other day and i came across this:
The video shows a coil that come out of a speaker and when the guy places his finger through the coil it makes his magnet implant play music, i feel like I've seen something like this before but i can't remember. My idea was to see if there was a way to take this device and make it a portable ring that you could wear on your finger and maybe connect to it via bluetooth. I don't have much know how so i doubt i would be able to figure this out for myself. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


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  1. *Edit*
    So i saw a post about about magnetic implants in your ear to use as headphones, but i think that requires too much wiring for my liking. I think that if you can contain it all in a ring then you could simply touch your finger to your ear (maybe for listening to music in places your not suppose to be listening to music).
  2. I've been thinking about this concept for quiet some time now. It just feels so secret-agenty to put your finger to your ear to receive audio. I haven't gotten around to doing much research or planning on it yet; I've been waiting until I replace my finger magnet. I believe that Rich powers his tragus implants with coil attached to a necklace. If he is able to achieve that kind of range, I think I would prefer a bracelet coil instead of a ring.
  3. Or:
  4. this falls under the exact same concept as the magnetic sense trainer I have been working on.  only difference he runs the coil up to his finger instead of bringing his finger to the coil. 
  5. A bracelet would be cool, it would give you more space for a bigger battery and all the other electronics. @Osteth do you think it would be possible to fit the battery and the board of your device into just a simple coil?(not trying to give you more work to do I know your already really busy, just wondering if you think it would be possible haha) That way it would be portable and if it worked we might be able to use the same method to create a bracelet of some sort that could connect to a phone wirelessly. We could maybe even put a mic in it so we could have a whole phone convo with our finger to our ear and feel like a secret agent ;)

  6. I also found this little guy on the internet for $30 I don't know much about electronics but does anybody think it would be simple enough to just take the speaker apart, add a coil, and move the components to a bracelet?
  7. you could defiantly fit the whole thing in to a not terribly obnoxious sized bracelet  but the cost to manufacture something like that would be pretty high, you would need flex pbc and a custom battery but it not beyond the scope of things that could be done.  
  8. This SO isn't my area but would you be better off starting with a bluetooth bracelet with a built-in speaker? DX has a couple for under $30.
  9. Don't know about how all this works too well haha but that'll probably work? I guess you just would disconnect the speaker and make a coil with some copper wire?
  10. @kjwx @louisville13 instead of taking it apart and destroying the speaker couldnt you just use the headphone jack and modify a headphone wire to do the same?
  11. I guess you could. But then you'd have wires hanging out. I think it would e cooler if you were able to conceal all the wires so nobody would know what you were doin.
  12. would it work that far away from your finger if the coil where to be installed inside the bracelet?
  13. Id talk to directorx about it he has magnetic ear implants I believe. and they work via an inductive loop worn around the neck like this one: 

    I wold assume wearing the inductive loop around the wrist would accomplish similar results. 
  14. Yeah, the wrist would work. It's a good idea. So we have the wave squared rule to remember. The effectiveness of the of the transmitting loop is reduced exponentially the further we get from the receiver. So a bracelet will consume more power than a ring, but we room for components too so this is probably a reasonable tradeoff.
  15. edit: sorry, I mean inverse square rule.
  16. Am I the only one who thought that if you made the bracelet do nothing but a variable square wave frequency you turn your hand into a vibrator?
  17. @drjaaz how? the magnetic implants only vibrate a tiny amount, we can feel it because it's implanted among nerves, you can't feel the vibration outside your skin.
  18. if it's loud enough to be heard it's moving a fair amount of air. you think our hands are sensitive? think about it. if this thing is vibrating away in your finger and you put it on somebodys most sensitive bits, they'll feel it plenty. And if you don't need a circuit to do anything other than a square wave you can beef up the power without making the bracelet too big so it'll vibrate a lot. you're not hearing through your finger, as in the video, you literally hear the sound.
  19. So being much more of a software type of person (Network Security Major) what would you guys recommend towards me getting into the right path to learn about modifying or creating my own electronic components?
  20. @proxy , Start by learning how to solder and buying a nice soldering iron, then become very good friends with it lol,  I tell everyone to start by building your own test equipment. there are some good kits for sale online (ebay/ sparkfun/ adafruit/ etc.) everyone in hardware needs at least basic testing equipment like a multimeter, power supply, oscilloscope, ESR meter  building your tools yourself lets you get valuable soldering experience and helps you to better understand your tools.  after that start tearing stuff apart and putting it together to see what happens and since you have testing equipment you can actually test what you built and see its results. 
  21. also metcal makes the best soldering Irons I have ever used they are very expensive I just payed $200 for a sp 200 and its an obsolete model new ones go for $800+ but they are worth every penny and more once you use one you will never willingly use a cheap soldering iron again. 
  22. question, how much power would be needed to transmit from wrist coil to finger. Say a distance of 8 inches. If all you wanted instead of music was a square wave could it be run off a 555 timer variable frequency circuit? or would you need to boost the signal before you send it off to the coil?
  23. thing is. there is a very good reason why speaker magnets and coils are designed the way they are (with minimal airgaps). If you introduce a 8 inch airgap your efficiency will be incredibly low. like.. really really crappy crap-crap-efficiency (actually even worse). I recommend you guys take a thicker copper wire , hook it up to a suited amp and play around with some magnets in various distances. you'll see that you'll end up in a single digit cm range for somewhat audible (although poor quality) sound. even a square wave would hardly make it 8 inches.
  24. @Osteth Much appreciated on the advice!! My soldering skills are basic while my welding skills are much better so I have been told I should be able to pick up on it quickly. I found a teacher who likes to mod hardware on her spare time and she said a very similar answer which is reassuring. I certainly will jump on building my own testing equipment this week. Just ordered some components and they said they will be here by Monday which is exciting. Short on time tonight to order some DIY testing equipment however I certainly will order some in the morning. 

    Thanks again for the general direction to work on. Now that I have a topic to look into I should be able to understand the rest of it in relatively short time (being a data junkie helps naturally). Also certainly will save a pay check or two then will order the soldering iron from metcal as I imagine having high quality certainly makes a difference when it comes to soldering.
  25. @proxy, No problem, just watch out. it will consume ALL of your time if you get in to it lol, especially once you start trying to get things manufactured.  a high end soldering iron makes all the difference. I use metcals because they are heated using RF which allows it get to the right temperature and no hotter really fast and then cool down quickly as well. it stops you from burning all of the flux out of your solder and getting a crap connection and it doesn't burn the tip off of your iron causing you to have to clean it constantly.  just make for a much more pleasurable experience and better quality builds.  if your feeling adventurous you can pick one up broken on ebay and try to fix it heck there'c actually good money in it because you can buy em broken for about $35 each, fix em and sell them for a few hundred. 
  26. @Osteth haha gotcha. I am a data junkie so I usually find myself hopping around on different types of projects each week so I can imagine myself having tons of fun when it comes to learning all this "new" information. Sweet. Good to know. I have been reading a load on all the pros and cons between high quality and lower quality and for now I imagine going in the middle to upper route would be best for the moment as I still have a few more events I am investing in before the end of this year and am budgeting accordingly once I realized the options that I have available online. Hmm, might take the broken approach for the sake of curiosity. Any idea what typically is broken or what typically breaks first?
  27. @proxy, I'm not sure but that's how we do it at work one of the guys I work with fixes them all so I can ask him if he knows.  I'm sure its not that hard, usually you can see whats wrong with electronics by just looking for the scorch marks or what piece is broken in half. 

    I always tell people to go high end soldering iron and DIY testing equiptment because eventually you will fall in to a specific area of electronics that you like and will end up buying REALLY expensive equipment that really only pertains to that section and will only ever use the basic electronics tools when you are hacking away on a side project but you rarely need the features the high dollar stuff provides anyways. this allows you to save money for buying a pick and place machine, solder paste printer, reflow oven, 3d printer, board router, and ultrasonic cleaner which will eventually take up all that spare room in your garage where you used to keep your car lol  
  28. Gotcha. Definitely would be interested to figure out his method of reselling. Sure sounds interesting. 

    That makes sense. Bound to happen eventually I imagine. Ahh yeah I know the feeling, I already have loading of miscellaneous projects and devices all around my house and usually use all of them within the month depending on my interest for that evening.

    Again much appreciated for the knowledge and I definitely have more than enough info now to dive into the wonderful world of electronics.
  29. So, does anybody here had success at turning your own magnetic finger into a speaker like the dude from the video? I have been trying it for a while but it didn't worked. I have made a coil with some old copper wire I found in my house and had no success, so today I got a decent coil from a wireless charging module (just like this one) but it didn't made any difference at all.

    Maybe I have to use a stronger coil? Or I need a special/more sophisticated cable to link the sound source to the coil? Or the m31 it's not an appropriate model for this trick? Or I'm missing some important detail that I make no idea?
  30. Well, you don't make a "stronger" coil, so much as you (could) increase the coil density and/or the amplification level of the sound.
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