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Assistance with an Interview

Hello everyone!

My name is Anuj Jivabhai and I am working with an alternative media, online magazine based in Berlin called SensaNostra. We seek to explore original perspectives and turn them into an monologue style prose with an illustration. 

I have come to you all to ask if anyone with an implant (or has experimented with biohacking/grinding on themselves) would be happy to conduct an interview about their implant, the implications of it on them and a wider exploration into the philosophy of Transhumanism. It is a fascinating topic for me since I am also a Philosophy student, and understanding Transhumanism from those realising this philosophy at a grassroots, practical level would be better to explore than someone who is interested merely with the philosophical basis of Transhumanism. If anyone is interested I’d be happy to arrange an interview via Skype/Email/or in person at one’s own convenience. Anonymity would also not be a problem.




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  1. Very interested. I'm from Brazil and I have been spreading the biohacking culture here for a while (I work for a major technology website and wrote a lot of articles about transhumanism and my experiences with my both implants, a NFC chip in my left hand and a m31 magnet in the ring finger of my right hand). I also have created a discussion group for brazilian biohackers (Transhumanismo & Biohacking Brasil) that have been well-accepted.

    So I think I'm can give some interesting words about these topics, especially 'cause I'm located in a country where the biohacking concept is very new. You can email me ([email protected]) if you want.

    As you probably noticed, my english is far from perfect, but I think it's good enough to answer your questions :p
  2. Fantastic, I'll send you an email and we can discuss this further there!

  3. Hey Anuj. If you're looking for multiple people, email me at [email protected]
  4. Heya, 

    The format of my article is somewhat rigid in that I can usually only use one person but if anything changes I will let you know!

    Thanks for the offer!
  5. I might have something of interest, Anuj. Feel free to drop me a line on biohack [at]
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