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- Joined
- May 2015
- Visits
- 143
- Last active
- July 2017
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- 0
Comments (6)
You might be thinking of silicone scar gel? Here's what the skincare addiction subreddit has to say about stretchmarks (same advice can also be applied to scars from injuries/surgical procedures) that community is big on having actual Coatings, transdermals, other implantsApril 2017
John says cardarine supposedly increases endurance, or SR9009 but that hasn't been studied as much. He's taking l arginine to help his arm heal right now and suggests maybe a complex of that and l citrulline to help blood flow/endurance. Also " Everything elseMarch 2017
Ha, I just had my first encounter with someone I know on facebook posting anti-NFC/RFID chip stuff, not religious based more like government/corporation conspiracy paranoia, I think if they actually understood the technology and took the time to RFID/NFCMarch 2016
I also had two implanted on the 22nd, one of them was done by @cassox and the other one was done halfway by me (I fainted) and finished by cassox. The one done by cassox looks perfect, the one that was started by me is also going through MagnetsAugust 2015
Is there anyone planning to travel through Santa Barbara on their way that would be willing to carpool? Will help with gas (of course) and buy you a meal as thanks for the ride! Also, @cassox would you like food/booze contributions?in CommunityAugust 2015
I just had mine done on the 22nd, 1) didn't feel a thing in my finger once the lidocaine started working, though the lidocaine injection itself did hurt (4 or 5 on a scale of 1-10, but it was very brief) 2) I lasted about 1 1/2 weeks MagnetsAugust 2015