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September GrindFest

First Weekend-ish/Monday-ish (9/5 - 9/7) in September there's going to be a meetup here at the Tehachapi Labspace. Zoltan Istvan, author of the Transhumanist Wager and presidential candidate is going to be driving out in the infamous Coffin Bus. If you'd like to attend, please let me know. I'd like to make this one a tad more polished than the last... with things like chairs. There will be plenty of booze and food and such.

If anyone would like a time slot to present or teach, please let me know. I'm going to be doing a little class/chat on something or other myself. There will be film crews and whatnot associated with Istvans visit, so I'll let y'all know the day of his visit. It would be fun to have a good turn out on that day. Come show your support. There is plenty of floor space available and it's nice and warm at night if anyone wants to bring a tent.

If you'd like to have an implant performed while at this event, please let me know ahead of time. Last time I was unsuccessful scheduling everyone in and I'd like to have a list ready ahead. Come on out and participate.


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  1. WOOHOO! Looking forward! :D had an awesome time last year, glad to be coming by again!

    I usually hit SD first when I hit that coast, and from SD to LAX isn't too bad. But getting from SD to the lab with only public transportation is... well it's an adventure :) If anyone's traveling up from either SD or LAX or near those areas, it would be super rad if we could coordinate. I'm considering renting a car at some point so I'm not juggling 3 buses, a train, a cab, and a plane all in one day.
  2. Sweet, I'm ready to be implanted. I've got the M31 ready to go.

    I'll be coming from the Sacramento area if anyone wants to coordinate something, else I'll be driving on my own.

  3. I'll be heading down from the SF/Bay area. :)  @cassox, I'll have my m31 ready, what time slots do you have on Sat 9/5?  
  4. Also do you need any help with the event?  
  5. My partner in implant and I will attend! We'll be driving from San Francisco if anyone wants to car pool!
  6. Hey Cassox! Is this what you were speaking to me about? Didn't know Zoltan was coming, that instantly makes it much more interesting. As before, both my friend and I would enjoy having the m31 implant done Whilst there.
  7. Is there anyone planning to travel through Santa Barbara on their way that would be willing to carpool? Will help with gas (of course) and buy you a meal as thanks for the ride! Also, @cassox would you like food/booze contributions?
  8. San Diego here, probably going. I'm driving, so @BirdMachine , I might be able to take you. @bciuser and @yashgaroth , what about you guys?
  9. :D Yes please. I have a final that week (hopefully not that Monday) and some other commitments so let me know what time you are planning on heading back.
  10. Oh that is FANTASTIC news :D Happy to pitch in gas cash and such.
  11. Also driving down from San Francisco. There should be room for one more if anyone needs a ride. 
  12. Well now! Food and booze is always welcome.. as is any help. I'm compiling my procedure list today, so anyone who's already emailed me or said anything on this section you're in... Or you'll get a message looking to clarify date/procedure etc.
  13. Is anyone here close/going through Utah? I would like to go but don't want to make the drive alone
  14. I need a ride :^O
    I'll probably hitch with @meanderingman
  15. Slight shift.. I typo. Its starts friday the 4th although I have no problem with it running into the 7th. Im just throwing this out if anyone wants to show up and get settled a day early.
  16. @Benbeezy You ain't even gotta ask. If you can drive I can navigate/assist with gas.
  17. I REALLY really want to go... if there was anybody coming from the sac area i would love to tag along . i could prob even ride over to san fran or something assuming there's parking for my car ... halp
    haha just re read this and realized how similar it looks to last time's message XD
  18. This is probably the first time something that I really wanted to go to is nearby. like, I can literally look outside and see Tehachapi. so this should be fun!
  19. Oh, if anyone has a Proxmark3, I would be SUPER grateful (and maybe even bring you an extra booze) if you brought it along! I've got a single chip I want to clone onto. It would be nice to bribe someone with hardware to help me out instead of buying my own unit for a single card :)
  20. Spoke with Zoltan this morning. He's confirmed that he's coming out on the 6th if this matters to anyone.
  21. Excellent! @galticus and I will most likely be there. I have another interested in tagging along too. Not sure what day(s) we'll be coming up just yet, but if there's still room on the schedule, I'd love to get one of my m31s implanted.
  22. Im super excited! I would love to get 2 of my m31's implanted. I will be driving from southern orange county area. If anyone is interested message me.
  23. i was thinking it would be pretty cool if we did a highlight reel of sorts of this grindfest.  calling out our cinematographers . i'd be up to do some of the filming, but i am not tech savvy when it comes to editing and putting fancy music in. i just have ideas ...  so if anybody else thinks this is something they'd be up to doing  i think it would be awesome to put faces to our community and fill in visually those of us who can't make it to the grindfest!   yae? nay? 
  24. @Dragon5  +1 for that and also calling out photographers. We might check the Skill Register. I think it would be great if we got some photos/videos of procedures or projects for the wiki  -- add some show to our tell. :)  Up to the group though -- some people might be camera shy. 

    Do we know how many people took a slot to teach or present? They would be prime targets for capturing on film.

  25. Hey, I've been tracking everybody so far I think... but if you guys/gals get a chance, can you send me an email to [email protected] saying you want to have a procedure done, what procedure, what days you're definitely going to attend etc. Also indicate if you've already purchased your implant or not. There will be plenty of every type of RFID as well as M31s being implanted. The magnets can also be placed tragus if anyone would like. Also, I'm now planning all the food/booze/talks etc. and so if anyone wants a chance to speak please let me know and I'll slot you in. Even if we've already spoken about it, please email the above stuff so I know the best time to slot you in. Also, anyone who intends to brings gifts/supplies/food/booze this would be awesome or contribute monetarily. It's definitely not a prerequisite. Come broke and you'll still have a good time but I've been advised that begging and pleading is a more lucrative approach than being silent. Any contributions are appreciated. Also, thank you Cyberlas and Proteus and people who are helping out to make this thing awesome.
  26.  @BirdMachine any nibbles on the Proxmark3? I too would happily pitch in on bribery. :)
  27. @Cassox Thanks for hosting and the willingness to fill your place up with virtual strangers! 
  28. So I wanted to do my bluetooth implant while here, would anyone whos going be willing to help me out?
  29. Id be interested. What coating did you decide on? I found a rather fantastic over looked coating that I'm going to write up as soon as I get the opportunity to try it out. I'm simply lacking the funds for it right now. Yes.. I promise to write it up and disclose. Lol.
  30. I'm not sure on the final coating yet, I'm going to do a hard resin to keep all of the parts in one and make it into a smooth puck type thing, but I'm not sure what the final outside layer will be.

    Whats the coating do you want to test? I'm willing to have the testing done on me.
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