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  • according to the figures provided, one gram of such a battery would provide about 170μW. Or about 50μA at 3.3V. Not exactly a lot but good enough to keep the time using a very low power microcontroller or rtc. I would not expect miracles but I'd love to get hands on one of those to test them myself. Amongst all the fancy…
  • Keep in mind you'd have to weld those capsules. Mechanical strength and biocompatibility isn't the only factor here.
  • @Darlokl17 titanium in such small quantities is very affordable. The setup and tooling costs are high and the numbers we need them are very small. Laserwelding is precise enough to weld even 20μm thin wires. Properly done the magnet would be nowhere near suffering damage. @Crucible I was talking about actual solid metal…
  • Titanium shells should last a lifetime and provide perfect biocompatibility. I have not received any replies from companies providing the required laser-welding service.
  • okay. maybe i misunderstood your entire question. if you want to use electromagnets as sensing element instead of a permanent-magnet-replacement, then it's a different story. Still a poor choice, magnetometers are way more sensitive and power efficient. You'd still need to convert the magnetometer result into something you…
  • okay so. neodymium magnets. Behold: ballpark numbers: Magnetic flux density ranges from about 1T to 1.5T (N30 to N52), very roughly. To achive the same flux density with an electromagnet, simple wire loop with 2.5mm radius (the typical 5mm diameter implant magnet). for the lazy just throw in the numbers:…
  • please guys. Do the math on it. You'll need currents strong enough to turn your electromagnet into a lightbulb. That's really not something you want in your fingertip. Besides you need bulky wires. Even when your permanent magnet loses a significant amount of strength it's still a lot better than even the best feasible…
  • Electromagnets require a source of power. While you can buy magnets off the shelf, they are nowhere near powerful as permanent magnets. They also require a big battery which, on top of that would be drained within minutes and generates tremendous amounts of waste heat. My suggestion on how to go about this: don't do it.…
  • so is mine. Having a background in electrical engineering problems on that front seem to be less difficult to figure out. I posted about some cut-down inductive charging circuits last year: Really not that…
  • @Cha0sthe0rist battery, inductive charging, done. No need to rely on stuff that's not existant, not field proven, or not affordable. Coating is number 1. Circuits are pretty easy these days.
  • Long story short: not feasible. I'm pretty sure we had thermoelectric generators in the ever-so-big implant-power thread. Anyway here's the quick rundown you'r probably interested in: Assuming a healthy fully grown adult body somewhere between male and female and slightly less obese than the american average you get: The…
  • while most plastics won't do a lot of harm in 24h, magnets aren't anywhere close to this friendly when it comes to implantation. Unless you ensure the magnet only comes in contact with the non-living part of the skin you should probably not do it. And if you plan to do it in only the dead-part of the skin you may as well…
  • RFID is the general broad term relating to the technology as such. It includes but is not limited to things like low frequency (125-128 kHz) used for logistics and animal identification, HF (13-ish MHz) which cover wireless payment, NFC and many others, UHF, up to microwave frequency. So NFC is just one small specific part…
  • making NFC tags is a bit difficult due to the frequencies involved and the rather big protocol stack to implement. I'd recommend a good background in electrical engineering for that but certainly possible with enough knowledge and dedication. Using low frequency RFID things are a bit easier if you want to play around with.…
  • conductive tattoos were discussed at length in the past. Summary is: they won't. Summarized: The body is a pretty good conductor already, adding conductive particles won't do much. You'd have to add those particles, fuse them into a proper conductive string (means the particles have to touch each other) and then you'd need…
  • did you mean "biocompatibility" instead of "incompatibility" ? It's not only about protecting your body from the magnet, but also protecting the magnet from your body. in terms of neodymium magnets they hate water and moisture. even tiny amounts of h2o will lead to long-term failure of the magnet. polyurethanes have a…
  • the electronics is just the a tiny chip, usually wired to the contact pads and the antenna (if any, most modern have one). While you can easily dissolve the card chemically you'r left with basically a blob of epoxy and a very thin wire. The bad part is many cards come with anti-temper mechanisms. Changing the physical…
  • you could theoretically use phone chargers, but they are made for high power and not exactly designed to be safe enough in operation to depend your health on it. Stimulating muscles is indeed a lot easier than reading signals from it. Powering something from the tiny signal your muscles generate is pretty much out of…
  • Sign me up for this, or rather, my gf. She knows the pain of lactose intolerance. Has messed her last 3 years up quite a bit. Congratulation on your progress.
  • electronics doesn't exactly work like you imagined it here. You can't just apply voltages and pick up muscle impulses and send them along. EMG requires a proper analog amplifier, ADC, reference electrodes, a proper way of communication (like bluetooth or at least frequency modulation of some signal on a coil if you go…
  • The point is, the high voltage is required by the light element, not the supply. So whatever you do, you'd have that in your body. Cutting power off the system as in removing the external supply is one safe way. Cutting the power internally off the energy storage would be the other. Guess I'll have to dig around in my…
  • I wouldn't worry so much about the power supply going subdermal. The fact that the whole system is working with rather high voltages would be more concerning and you seem to see no problem there. (with PTFE/FEP tubing and little chance to create a current path it's not even that unreasonable). Of course the power supply…
  • plenty of choice, some even as convenient breakout boards. Measures heart rate and blood oxygen saturation, no big surprises there. Same chips are used in smart-watches to do the very same job. Not sure how you'd measure blood pressure but that's another thing. Get a…
  • Quick rundown: 1. a hobby 2. for fun and as learning experience , cause i'm interested in it 3. Not really sure what you ask there, but i don't see a certain relationship between media, users and robots 4. I wouldn't even try to convince people to try biohacking. Just like pickles or garlic. If they don't like it, no big…
  • Depends. In a simple case you can simply plug it with another piece of PTFE. I have seen pictures of PTFE tubing being clamped shut but I have no idea how they did it. That's one of the reasons why I also mentioned FEP as it works as thermoplast. So you could melt it or ultrasonic-weld or whatever you have available (hot…
  • how about PTFE or FEP tubing? (especially since FEP should be heat-sealable and a think it's autocaveable too). Available for a reasonable penny from a variety of lab equipment suppliers. bola pops into my mind.
  • there is a variety of materials out there. And a myriad of combinations to use for specific needs. For pacemakers i'd bet the entire electronic gets a parylene coating prior to getting embedded into resin. Parylene is an excellent dielectric and moisture barrier, however it is mechanically weak. So for pacemakers you have…
  • you missed the problematic point. Epoxy might let moisture through. So even if you dry your magnet with no air bubbles and get a perfect epoxy coating, humidity might still diffuse through your epoxy and your magnet will still get "wet". The whole reason why those magnets are nickel-coated is to protect them from moisture…
  • it's difficult to get a thin, even and reliable coating. Keep in mind, not only do you need to protect your body from the magnet but also the other way around. This may sound obvious as direct contact with the body fluids will break down the magnet. Moisture is a thread most people don't think about. Those magnets are not…
  • hehe. well if coating magnets would be easy you could be sure we'd be running a shop and sell them.