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  • Cyberlass: I figured I'd most likely have to use my schools research databases but I won't be back for school for another month, wanted to try and get a head start though I could still use some of the other resources you mentioned, thanks. Bciuser: that's exactly something I was trying to find, haven't had a chance to read…
  • @thephackt ah awesome, that was one of my major concerns about getting one there. Glad that there's no issues with that.
  • You're awesome Cassox, I was thinking about buying a kit but realized they don't come with the balls required for me to cut myself open lol. I'll most likely have a pro do a wrist implant this summer.@Sixth_sense a nickel coating is baaaad news. You do not want nickel in your blood stream.
  • If you get the chance can you see what it feels like lifting weights? Just stuff like curls, squatting, etc. You don't really have to use weights if you don't have any but just go through the motions of it. Thinking about getting mine in my wrist but idk how that'd work out with me exercising.
  • Just getting into magnets and such thanks to that recent CNN article, something I've been wondering about is how sensitive are they and can you make them more sensitive? From what I've read it seems like you can pick up certain magnetic fields if you're close enough (furthest usually being a meter or so from what I…