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she her hers


  • She would've had it done privately in the UK. Plus a lot of NHS specialists (surgeons, oncologists, etc), basically any medical folk who is more than simply a doctor or nurse tend to work privately too for the big money. And the NHS is soo scared of infection that they wouldn't like it if she held the skull with her bare…
  • What I mean is, the NHS has to approve a treatment. If I was to ask for them to do a skull replacement, they would turn around and say "Sorry, we don't provide that treatment on the NHS". It is however interesting and I like it.
  • I am in the UK, the majority of people here only have the money to access the state healthcare system which is free to the point of use and funded by taxes. The NHS is extremely pre-cautious, they will only carry out treatments which are deemed necessary by "NHS England" because I am in England. NHS England is a governing…
  • I took a big risk, it uses Lentivirus. If you want my honesty, I have no fear of death or the pain associated with it and I was willing to take risks. Based on tests, what I did worked. Please see attached file.
  • Okay yes, that's a good location to put the implant but doesn't feel very warm there, maybe it's just the surface temperature but hot underneath. Here is the full NASA paper: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/research/technology-onepagers/human_devices.html I have to have the MRI scans because I have a skull base cancer…
  • Sorry for late response and for reviving this thread but which channel? Is it a Discord channel? You seem to fascinate me and I would like to talk to you more.
  • Stop playing with steroids, you say you don't trust online places probably through knowing the effects of the steroids they sell, well I'm going to be honest here, you are wanting to make a steroid yourself at home and the funny thing about it is you are asking random people on the internet with the assumption they will…
  • There is a process called "ossification", "osteogenesis" or "bone mineralization" which is the laying down of new bone material by cells known as "osteoblasts". The body of a human baby has about 300 bones at birth, this number however slowly dwindles as you and stops in adulthood at about 206 bones so you lose at least a…
    in Growth spurt Comment by Helenah May 2022
  • NOTE: I read the term "cure" from somewhere, it doesn't seem to be on your post but I thought it was and I didn't realise until after posting my comment so I've ended up writing a load of stuff that doesn't seem to relate to your question. Anyway feel free to proceed if you want to read what I wrote anyway. An important…
  • I would like to show you this: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/images/content/108338main_humanimp1.jpg Also, I would like my question about MRI scans answered.
  • That's why I want it to be my first implant because I intend to only implant things if they don't need a power source connected to them or if they can be run off the body in some way and the body heat has a lot of energy unlike the electrons the body produces, even the blood is a battery in a way. I would even go from one…
  • People seem to be at risk of magnet rejection after years of the implant being inside them I've been often reading because the coating bio-degrades over time and the magnet then ends up breaking down into the tissue layers and the bloodstream causing symptoms such as numbness at the implant site (common), the body may…
  • I'm not sure if "cheap" or "expensive" should be brought into the equation, things can be cheap and high quality, things can be expensive and low quality the details aren't necessarily in the price of a solution but the research behind that solution and the quality of the product. Playing with UV is very risky even if your…
  • You want to know the most easiest while at the same time natural chemical solution for this? Oxytocin. Anyway Oxytocin is known as the "love hormone" and is produced in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. Its main function is to facilitate childbirth, which is one of the reasons it is…
  • Be careful when replacing your hormones, they have to be just right, you can't just go with the initiative of "I want extremely high Testosterone so I'm going to carelessly make it high". Let me put this metaphorically. Calcium if low is bad for the bones, if just right is good for the bones, if high is bad for the bones.…
  • By the way, if you are wanting to change your voice to satisfy others then you are modifying your body for the wrong reasons. Any body modifications you make should be "you" projects and not "other people" projects. The last thing you want with a body modification is to end up in a situation where you start thinking "I…
  • I'm at risk of pituitary gland failure, if that happens and I've to replace hormones that it should be producing but I will let you know. :)
  • Okay so I'm not a biologist but I'm well researched and done experiments in this area, experiments which I'm not willing to share because you could attempt to use them in a way that breaks bioethics. Everyone starts off as a few cells (not literally but it's small), any substance which passes through those few cells is…