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Displaying comments 61 - 90 of 97
  1. Just wanted to say that compared to where the wiki was just a couple months ago it's getting to be pretty fantastic.
  2. I'd happily agree. Still needs a bunch of work but compared to what it was? A million times better. Keep up the great work guys! I'll be jumping back into this soon but am swamped with exams and various projects. Thanks to everyone who is helping out. Ya'll deserve a cookie. Infact, have 2. 
  3. I had a cookie today. :3
  4. @FrankMatheson , you are the luckiest among us.
  5. And yet another page made. I added a pain management page for self surgery. I think the pain management page hasnt recieved as much love as it deserves.
  6. I'm going on another wiki spree tomorrow if I remember to do so. I'll finish First Aid, maybe write a CPR, Pharmacology, or Hypoperfusion article. And then to boot I'll format the whole wiki again.
  7. I'm also going to be going HAM on the wiki over the weekend seeing as how I'm going to have a disgusting amount of free time. Here is one of my starting points, thought it was interesting:
    Also is there any kind of overall site tree for the wiki where all pages and subpages can be viewed simultaneously? 
  8. @bciuser, there isn't a visualization of the tree as far as I know because the wiki doesn't actually work in a tree. Every page is actually a separate page, the only connections between them being the artificial hyperlinks we put between them. It's very clever, from a web design point of view, but sadly it doesn't allow for what you're asking. One could be made, however, it would need to be maintained and updated manually.
  9. The Basic First Aid page under Medical Education is completed. I also started a CPR article. I plan on working on the Becoming a Modder later today and tomorrow.
  10. It's been months since anyone other than me has worked on the wiki. It's not done yet. Let's keep adding more!
  11. Aye aye
  12. Although the additions to it as of late have been much slower than is ideal, I would like to take a moment to formally thank everyone who helped with the wiki up to this point. It has changed since we started and now almost resembles the finished base of knowledge we needed. I think we're almost at the point where I feel we would all be comfortable that a new addition to the community can orient themselves with a bit of reading, without having to hunt through the myriad of magnet questions. So again I would just like to say a very sincere thanks. 

  13. hmmm we really need to change the medical wiki.for example the pain management section is ...abysmal.
  14. I will happily read through it looking for errors in spelling and grammar. It will also give me a chance to read it and learn something new :).
  15. With so many magnet questions and threads, I thought an FAQ page would be handy, so I made one and put a first pass of info in it.

    - also added some breadcrumb navigation links to other pages, did some general cleanup and added some information to some of the Work in Progress pages.
  16. Two questions:
    1) Is there a way to upload images to the wiki? 
    2) How do we delete a page?

  17. The disclaimer page goes to a 404
  18. I filled in more of the magnet implantation procedure. I left the pain managemnet area blank for now because everyone is defferent and was wondering if there was a "standard" procedure. 
  19. Standard for the pain management is lido. Sticking your hand in ice, meditation, one having a high pain tolerance, etc, are all not good practices.

    Digital block is the way to go. Digital with a side of local is better, no reason to make it hurt. We're not artistes here. Just gotta get the job done, right?
  20. Getting an upper cut to get knocked out....
  21. Get really drunk and have a friend do it...
  22. Bad ElectricFeel! Drunkies = bleeders w/ less clotting. You might care less as you're drunk, but it's just mean to the friend who is trying to help you out. ;-)
  23. Even better if the friend has no idea what they're doing.
    Is it supposed to bleed this much?!?!
    schyeah isss fine put ah bannaid onnit
  24. @ElectricFeel, it would only be fitting if they then splash some of the alcohol on it to "cleanse" before the bannaid onnit. I feel like we have the start of a What Not to Do video here. 
  25. That might be to fun @cyberlass. @electricfeel your Boston is showing ;)
  26. That would be fun, How NOT to biohack: the video guide!
  27. @Meanderpaul @ElectricFeel This needs to happen! It would be great fun. :D
  28. I hadn't actually had time to look at the wiki in a really long time (or rather, haven't had much reason). I gotta say everyone has done an amazing job on it. compared to how it was when this all started it's come miles. So thanks again to everyone who helped!
  29. Finished the CPR article and the First Aid article. Also I worked on the hypoperfusion, but didn't get very far.
  30. The Wiki Party... It looks like it stumbled out of the house and passed out a little bit. >~<

    Party still going? Unsure of It's going to be unideal to start to bring the drinks in again... I'll just be here, loitering on the doorstep until something colorful flies through the window beckoning to come inside. :o
Displaying comments 61 - 90 of 97