The forums were originally run on Vanilla and ran from January 2011 to July 2024. They are preserved here as a read-only archive. If you had an account on the forums and are in the archive and wish to have either your posts anonymized or removed entirely, email us and let us know.

While we are no longer running Vanilla, Patreon badges are still being awarded, and shoutout forum posts are being created, because this is done directly in the database via an automated task.


Title says it all folks. This thread is for coordinating the constant overhaul of the wiki. There should be a constant influx of information added to it so feel free, in fact you are encouraged to, jump in and help out. We're constantly checking things over so if you muck something up we'll fix it but don't actively post information you are unsure of. Please site your sources on the page.


Displaying comments 1 - 30 of 97
  1. @glims I wonder how many people thought it and didn't say it

    GurĂº Isaac What you have to do first is to have a decent webpage... I am saying this in a positive way, not being acid... it's just true.

  2. So I've started doing my part but there is lot and lots more to do. Jump in people!
  3. If you have nothing to contribute technically you can still help. Spell checking is needed. Also we need to make sure each page leads back to its parent section. Also if one article leads to other information we need to link it. Interlinking subjects is one of the keys to a wiki. 
  4. Wiki party update. I have been doing the device design considerations section. It could use a little love. I need info from some decent EE guys, @ThomasEgi @rcb. and the Ergonomics section could use help from some bodymod peeps @hardcoremildred. Lets keep pounding on it. 

    @AlexSmith @TheGreyKnight @Griskard @drjaaz @NuclearFantasies @thatleoguy THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING

    @glims @cassox @DirectorX @BirdMachine where you guys at?  
  5. Is there a copy of the old wiki's content? We had a lot of links to resources, suppliers and papers there and I can't find them in the new sections.
  6. I managed to move a small handful of threads this week, but work has been drowning out most of my time. I should be able to dive into wiki stuff this weekend and help with spelling/organization :)
  7. @ThomasEgi all the old pages are there. just go to administration and you should be able to see a list of all the current pages.
  8. I was in Seattle. Expect to see me in full effect in the morrow

  9. how do i edit? cuz i can spellcheck if anything.

  10. Digging into the wiki at noon. I noticed there's no haptics or external monitoring devices page, and there's now a second eeg thread that also mentions emotiv. That's something I do actually have resources on! Did we agree on the status of external goodies for the wiki? Shall I add and get some info in place RE the emotiv and what's publicly posted RE the south paw and bottlenose? 
  11. A note about the wiki. Please don't just post links in topics. At the least give a quick writeup about what the link is and why it's useful.
  12. I know it is not much difference, but for spell checking, what form of English do we use (like American, Canadian, British, or Australian)?

    actually, no, that is really the least of our worries. Let's just make sure everyone uses metric.
  14. I'm a fair hand at english and its nuances. Once we get a fair amount of info up, I'll go through and fix all of the spelling and grammar fails.
  15. Ok, I start reading through it, remove some spam and then begin editing articles.

    I just recognize there are problems with numbered lists. Sub-points don't show up in my edits as they should.

  16. Ok ya'll the Wiki Party is over. But that doesn't mean you can't still help. We really still need it!

    The following people participated and should be cheered, admired, bought drinks and given free oral. I will be willing to provide most of those service if you make it to the grinder fest.



    if I somehow missed you let me know!

    Those people that are mods and didn't participate should be shamed vigorously, and should have to provide the service in the aforementioned list. 

  17. False. the wiki party is over, when the whole damn wiki if filled. Everyone please keep contributing theres still a lot to do. It's pretty empty still
  18. You cant the stop wiki party cause the wiki party dont stop!

    also, i have just been sorting tags and doing all that whatnot.behinds the scenes yo... makes ninja sounds....
  19. Is there a way for me to suggest edits or should I just go ahead with them and see if they survive reckoning?
  20. Just have at it. Add stuff as you like. We monitor it to make sure things are accurate 
  21. Do things first. We will pare away the excess later. It's the wiki way :)
  22. Will claim my free oral when a grindfest comes to Australia...

  23. I've been seeing a few "Hey is there anyone in area x" posts lately, so I'm thinking about adding a lab list or meetup or some such section to the wiki. For quasi-local regional collectives of grinders/labs/groups. Chapters? Herds? What to call a gaggle of grinders? :)
  24. I think Labs is the term we should embrace...
  25. I second the term labs.
  26. Motion carried! Labs is now the term for a flock of grinders.
  27. I updated the skill register on the wiki with the raw text of all posts on the discussion. If you guys can think of a better way to sort them, clean up the information, etc. I would very much appreciate it, make sure everything is accurate. Perhaps update to look more professional if you want xD. Direct link to the wiki page:
    @mezquite @Spyral @Joshua @KylaFae @Lucas_Dimovio @NeoSapiensSurgery @Shaedlaer @Cobra_kid @NuclearFantasies @FrankMatheson @DocMorbid @iWasAWizard @Pax @Loptr @Benbeezy @BirdMachine @Azriel89 @ThomasEgi @TheGreyKnight @TimmyCNinja @RandomCharacter @drjaaz @Gpy1123 @cerasi @purplep @otptheperson @Alternate @PsyNinja @Ghost02236 @odei @Oak @E0N @DirectorX
  28. I filled in the A History of Magnet Implantation article. Feel free to check it for formatting and stuff.
  29. The Skill Register has been alphabetized and spell checked to the best of my ability. I didn't remove any content or rephrase any sentences. I just moved usernames into alphabetical order, changed formatting (usernames are now encased in 3 equal signs, while important skills are two asterisks), spelled out abbreviations, and fixed misspellings.
  30. Who is in charge of adding features to the wiki? I think the addition of a table of contents system as well as the ability to add pictures to reference would be very helpful.
Displaying comments 1 - 30 of 97