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Displaying comments 31 - 60 of 97
  1. I also wrote the History of RFID Implants page.
  2. I did some implant stuff. It could use a technical eye.
  3. Heyo. It's been crazy busy lately (Thank you mid terms), and my tech has been confoundingly useless lately (I receive odd errors when trying to access the site from my laptop). But since all of that has almost been resolved, I'll soon be launching into some more page editing and creation.
  4. Started writing the Becoming a Modder page. I'm 8 states into 50 + territories. Would appreciate any UK brethren starting a UK section in it.
  5. Just wrote up an entry under meditation on how to make and use a memory palace for all interested. It's one of the only techniques with meditation i'll actively endorse since it's well established and super useful (its why im not failing school)

    Also did sterilization to some degree but needs a bit more work. Didn't do chemical yet.
  6. Formatted the Meditation page you wrote. I also added some things to the Wiki Markup Key and formatted Regional Groups and Labs.
  7. Added a bunch more stuff on post care, sterilization and more. I know cass is gonna add to it eventually but now at least there's an easily available standard reference.
  8. Worked on the Becoming a Modder page. I've got the UK done and I have 28/56 US territories left to research.
  9. if ya get a sec, feel free to look into canada as well. Finding info is a pain in the ass when it comes to that
  10. Man, I know nothing about Canada. I mean, I managed to do the UK pretty well even having never been there or learned anything about their government, so I'll try Canada too, but ya know. I'm gonna put in a disclaimer that this should all be double checked by the person applying.
  11. Whoever renamed the Meditation page, you have to take the content from the old article and put it in the new one when you do that. I did it for you. I formatted the After Care page too. I also edited the Markup Key to include Table of Contents formatting guidelines and then added TOCs for the Markup Key, Meditation, After Care, History of RFID, and History of Magnets.
  12. It would be cool if we could have superscript and subscript for references.
  13. Since you have a particular format you like I'm just gonna keep adding content and you can adjust it to how you like afterwords. I'll do my best to keep it nice but im more worried about content atm so I miss things when im working quickly.
  14. also if it says housing.carleton or something i'm the one editing

  15. there used to be a bunch of great links on sourcing medical equipment but whoever edited the sourcing page the first time deleted it. I'd like those links. They're helpful. If anyone had sources for medical gear please post so i can get it on the wiki.
  16.  there's this thread for some basic gear via amazon, if this will help in that area!
  17. Yeah, don't worry about formatting. I can handle that. My problem is that I have a very limited scope, so I can't write a whole article myself unless it's a research type topic. So I've been editing and formatting and such to help out.
  18. As of now, I have formatted the entire wiki. Also, the Becoming a Modder page has all but 23 US territories filled in.
  19. I filled in the Electronic Components sourcing page.
  20. Finals just ended, so into the fray I go! I'm in the process of editing the Nutrition and Exercise page. I apologize if it reads a bit scholarly, that's where I get all the info. Gonna cite so many sources it's going to make your heads spin.
  21. @bciuser Following the format <3
  22. Added myself to the skill register. Im a new human here. Ill get to the hand anatomy page as soon as i get a real computer. I feel like thats a pretty important resource to have for less science grounded grinders.
  23. Made the hand anatomy page. If someone could look over that one, spell check it and whatnot, that would be great. Thanks.
  24. I took a bit of a liberty with the wiki if nobody minds. I started a new section on the main page called Education. I think we should be clearly differentiating between the "project instruction" and the "learning about stuff" sections of the wiki. I also moved the Anatomy and Physiology and Genetics pages into the Medical Education section, seeing as they're more of information based pages than instructional.

    I plan on adding articles to the medical education section on a regular basis, so if anybody has any knowledge in Mechanical, CS, or other education, feel free to start spreading some knowledge.
  25. Started writing a Basic First Aid page to go in the Medical Education section.
  26. @FrankMatheson Without proper formatting we're no better than the animals that only exist in Fox News comment sections.
  27. Is there a write-up somewhere on how formatting works when editing the wiki?  Is it html, BB code, something else?

    *EDIT* - Nevermind.  Found it.  Here's a link for those who want to know.
  28. Ok. The skin page is done too. If someone can check the spelling or add anything helpful that'd be great. Thanks.

    And does anyone else get a giggle out of the fact that literally everything in the misinformation page is directly from Lepth?
  29. @Lex Where's the Anatomy and Physiology section? I've looked fairly hard, and can't seem to find where it's hiding. Though I did do a check over your article. If we haven't anchored that section in a particular location, I'm going to go ahead and add a link to it.
  30. @TheGreyKnight if youre on the main page, there are three sections. The second section is education. Click on "medical knowledge" under that. Then to anatomy and physiology. And the two i need looked over are "hand anatomy" and "skin, what it is, and where to aim when sticking things into it".
Displaying comments 31 - 60 of 97