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Implantable edison project


Displaying comments 61 - 90 of 138
  1. @ElectricFeel

    Doing some more research, it seems like the sparkfun battery block will in fact boot the unit up when external power is applied (and keep charging) so long as the switch is left in the on position.

    I'm pondering getting it along with their MicroSD board rather than wait on your custom PCB - is there a solid reason why I should wait? No offence, but it seems you're quite busy and i'd like to move things along.
  2. It would be faster and get things rolling, but I would be able to add some sensors and haptic feedback.
  3. @garethnelsonuk In the interim, how has the voice interface development been going? I've been busy backing up my main laptop, so I haven't had a chance to try getting Jasper running on a Linux VM. I'm also still learning the ins and outs of Linux.
  4. I'm not currently spending a lot of time on the software, got the basics needed for it to run but waiting until I have the finalised hardware before messing further.
  5. Where do you live? I am very, very interested in this. I have experience with the Edison. I have two, myself.
  6. UK, North Wales in particular
  7. I just ordered the parts from sparkfun
  8. And a bluetooth headset to get to work on the voice interface properly
  9. @ElectricFeel would still love to see your custom PCB if you can come up with something before I get to the coating stage
  10. @ElectricFeel I'd be interested in seeing it as well. Possibly buying the board too. 

    @garethnelsonuk Have you had a chance to do any benchmarking on the edison's specs beyond what they provide in the spec sheet? 
  11. I haven't run any benchmarks, it performs about as well as an old netbook
  12. If anyone wants to help this go more quickly, check out this wishlist:

  13. I'll stop by the store sometime soon. I'll probably buy those clean pouches, or the hibiclins for you. That's all my current income can spare, sadly.

  14. Boyohack.
  15. @ChilliEye ?
  16. Sorry, a silly joke, reading you were in Wales, it came to mind.
  17. I don't get it and now I feel dumb
  18. I think he's going for something like, "Hey, boy-oh!" Biohack -> Boyohack
  19. My sparkfun parts arrived today, now I just need a big SD card, silicone and sterilisation supplies and I can wrap this thing up.
  20. So are you just looking to create a general-purpose platform for an implant that requires computing power or do you have any specific applications in mind here?
  21. From what I understand, it's serving as a general purpose platform, and a sort of a network hub for other implants to link up to. See the discussion on Standardized inter-cyborg protocol.
    Possibly for the exocortex project too.
  22. What TheGreyKnight said - it'll be a general hub for other modules to connect to and will be the basis of my exocortex system.
  23. A general-purpose computer can do lots of things....
  24. Bumping this due to recent discussion in other thread
  25. Bumping this and asking again if anyone is able to assist me getting the silicone, if anyone has some spare even and would be willing to have my device shipped out and you coat before return that would be good.

    I also have an amazon wishlist as posted earlier with most of what I need, but the primary thing i'm having difficult obtaining is the silicone or another suitable bioproof coating.
  26. Hell, I might as well spam this here: my paypal address is [email protected] and my bitcoin address is 1NkGx7oc81jYjQ5ReiziRUC4v1cJ3jeHGS - If I can get together $193 I can buy the silicone and have it shipped to me.

    Getting this project to work could lead to big things so i'm asking if anyone is willing to help out - right now it's very much on hold on the hardware side of things.
  27. Bump. I sent $20 so if a handful of people will do the same you'll be funded in no time.
  28. Much appreciated!
  29. Just found someone who might be able to help out more directly on this project too :)
  30. How's this coming along?
Displaying comments 61 - 90 of 138