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Implantable edison project


Displaying comments 31 - 60 of 138
  1. Have you found/attempted soldering the battery straight to the board yet? And have you made any other progress towards selecting coatings or coding the project?
  2. I've been porting Jasper to the edison (see for details) and fiddling with partitoning etc. In terms of the hardware, i've delayed things waiting on ElectricFeel's PCB input.
  3. I'm still going to work on that, but I'm juggling a lot of paperwork and funding requests right now. I'll probably find some time this weekend.
  4. Take your time but let me know :) I'm quite eager to get the hardware going, as my prototype is sitting here tempting me to coat+implant it at current size......
  5. Better a month and a pack of gum than a week and a deck of cards.
  6. Say, how are you porting jasper? ArchLinux?
  7. Debian, though in theory I could run Arch on it.
  8. It looked like debian wasn't compatible with jasper, at first glance. 
  9. It can run any linux distro, it's just a PC without a video card, needs minimal kernel patches for a few hardware quirks.
  10. That makes my life so much easier... Now I can use the virtual machine I already have set up with linux for development work, instead of having to make a new one with ArchLinux.

    Say, are you going to use jasper for just voice, or possibly adapt it for use with the Subvocal Recognition project?
  11. Using it just for voice for now, subvocal will come later as it's far far more complex to make work.
  12. @ElectricFeel how's it going?
  13. Tomorrow I'll get this done, I've been distracted. Bug me on it if you don't hear from me.
  14. I'm going to use the edison block from sparkfun as a base board and toss everything on top.

  15. No offence, but couldn't I do that myself? Or did you mean the PCB design?
  16. They have a template for the PCB. It's the same size as the breadboard you have now, just without any circuit traces on it. So I add the circuit traces and pads for chips in eagle, send it off to oshpark and make a custom shield. It would be the same size as the shield you have, just specialized.
  17. I'm pondering setting up a gofundme for this to cover some of the costs of bioproofing (and if possible, transport and other expenses to have someone else implant it so I don't have to do a DIY job) but to do that it'd help to have some price figures.

    ElectricFeel - got an idea yet on what it might cost to fab the PCB?

    This project could be of use and interest to others beside myself, so gofundme or kickstarter both seem like good ideas - though i'm biased towards gofundme at present.
  18. PCB is cheap, a couple of dollars. Parts on it amount to a little more, probably $15-20
  19. Well that's awesome :)
  20. Just been doing some research on piercers who might be able to do the installation for me in order to avoid a DIY job
  21. Always recommended
  22. So now i'm waiting on that PCB ;)
  23. What does this thing actually do under your skin? Does it give you new senses or does it measure something? :)
  24. @ceres I'm pretty sure that they're making a WiFi network device that's under their skin to allow a small broadcast signal or a router for their tech. Either way, it looks like an awesome idea and I'm looking into getting one eventually. Although I think I'd prefer a slightly smaller piece.
  25. It's a general purpose computing platform to act as a controller for other future implants
  26. @ElectricFeel how goes it?
  27. Slow, I've been busy with my class load. Three phase power systems and electromagnetic theory is a lot of my life right now.
  28. @Juliagami hold off until i've done mine, if it works well i'm thinking of possibly turning it into a commercial product.
  29. Yeah, I'm pretty much waiting on you @garethnelsonuk here. Very interested though, so good luck.
  30. You're waiting on me, i'm waiting on @ElectricFeel and suitable coating material :)
Displaying comments 31 - 60 of 138