The forums were originally run on Vanilla and ran from January 2011 to July 2024. They are preserved here as a read-only archive. If you had an account on the forums and are in the archive and wish to have either your posts anonymized or removed entirely, email us and let us know.
While we are no longer running Vanilla, Patreon badges are still being awarded, and shoutout forum posts are being created, because this is done directly in the database via an automated task.

- [email protected]
- Joined
- February 2012
- Visits
- 17
- Last active
- September 2019
- Roles
- Member
- Points
- 47
- Badges
- 8
Comments (3)
hello,it's nice to see that someone else also working on this kind of project. i've been working on it with professional ppl last 7 years and finally now recently we managed to solve many major problems what we had before. one was a battery as we Coatings, transdermals, other implantsNovember 2012
director x: yes, it's real me here:) glad to hear that u like my work. i'm gonna check ur project out in a min. (and btw, my project is getting there now, we solved many problems and now it looks like we can have first implantable prototypes CommunityNovember 2012
i do magnets and i travel around the world all the timein CommunitySeptember 2012