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Comments (4)
@Larry said: Hey just throwing this here. I know some of you wont like this idea but some might. My dad is getting a similar device at some point in the future to this. MagnetsNovember 2019
@Satur9 Yeah, Pros-Aide is pretty cool stuff. Make sure to get some of the removal liquid too, otherwise it can and will rip layers of skin off. It's strong. I've not seen any data on exactly how long it will last though, it will come off MagnetsAugust 2019
@trroyyc The Adhear's location and method of attachment is actually what got me thinking about it haha! I've already bought some plain gold-coated magnets, I'm gonna test it with just taping it behind my ear first (as Pros-Aide requires some MagnetsAugust 2019
I love this idea. I'm interested in trying a non-surgical version of this, by placing a disk magnet on the hairless area behind the ear and using Pros-Aide (a somewhat permanent skin adhesive) to keep it there. This would actually be bone MagnetsAugust 2019