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Comments (13)
@Jupiter Pursuing your fridge-side idea, how about having a relatively thin and flexible layer of iron (or some other magnetically conductive metal) implanted below your skin? Considering the size of your touchscreen device you could distribute Coatings, transdermals, other implantsApril 2017
The battery itself is really awesome, though I just noticed a thing: Maximum charge voltage: 4.35V. If I recall correctly Qi charging has an output of 5V?Just looked it up, on adafruit it says: Output Voltage: 4.8V - 5.2VCurrent: 500mABoth Coatings, transdermals, other implantsApril 2017
@CathasachI guess so but obviously those magnets are subdermal, so that would be an issue. I think @ChrisBot's mounting is really interessting because it would use a large magnetic area to attacht things instead of just one or two magnets. This Coatings, transdermals, other implantsApril 2017
@Cathasach yeah, sure, but it's one thing if I have to take out my phone, tap my arm and are able to transfer files in notime, or if I have to deploy an armband, a powerbank AND your phone to do this. Having to bring so much stuff with you defies Coatings, transdermals, other implantsMarch 2017
| else there's not really a point in having the device implanted at all is thereHonestly, I don't see the benefit of this project if you had to wear a charger everytime you want to access wour data...You could just put the un-tempered-with WiFi Coatings, transdermals, other implantsMarch 2017
Just had an idea, probably the most useless bone (though not enitrely useless) is probably the tailbone or Coccyx. It can be removed surgically, and if it's replaced by let's say a titanium placebo, the muscles could be reattached and there Coatings, transdermals, other implantsMarch 2017
@Jupiter Keep in mind that you are going to need an Arduino to programm the Huzzah in the first place. The inbuilt ESP might be really great for this kind of stuff, but is quite annoying to manage. A good thing I discovered with this ESP is that Coatings, transdermals, other implantsMarch 2017
@Jupiterany updates? Did your parts arrive already?in Coatings, transdermals, other implantsNovember 2016
Yeah I don't think this is really an option, just watch the trailer O.oThis has nothing to do with science, this is just a toy!But with the $299 price tag I'm probably just going to keep fantasising about it : /in Coatings, transdermals, other implantsOctober 2016
@Meanderpaul What exactly do you mean by "cheaper"? I'm going to need the device anyways no matter what game, or am I wrong there?in Coatings, transdermals, other implantsOctober 2016
@Jupiter I've also thought about thought-controlling, it's been around for quite some time already, just look at the upload date of the video.I maily thought about using this to rotate 3D objects or toggle switches. If you could make the Coatings, transdermals, other implantsOctober 2016
How about getting some ribs replaced with titanium-coated gadets or something like that? Ribs are smaller bones that are easy to access and are simple in their Coatings, transdermals, other implantsOctober 2016
Hey @Benbeezy,any updates on the project?Are you still having no time to continue with it? I would totally love seing you get back to it and bring that awesome project to life! I have been dreaming of an implanted speaker since I read some SF Coatings, transdermals, other implantsOctober 2016