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  • I'd love to hear what he has to say.. is there a way to draw his attention to this thread?
  • I think I understand what you're saying. Let's for the sake of discussion pretend we have a basic electronic implant - a battery, a magnetic switch, and an LED, the LED lights up when you pass a magnet over the switch. The magnetic switch contains and encapsulated airspace and is a crush risk. You are suggesting placing…
  • As far as other implantable devices with diving I would be concerned with some of the components potentially containing trapped air.. At the very least i'd try taking the same circuit down to a significant depth (but within your diving limits) unimplanted and inspecting it for any crushed or collapsed components. To those…
  • I did a shallow beach dive (~20 fsw max) on Monday, which was 15 days after getting the magnet. Worth noting is that my incision was very well done and healed pretty fast, so your mileage may vary. The only slightly uncomfortable part was when I first put my gloves - dry neoprene is can be stiff and rubbed on the scab, but…
  • ---------------------------------------------Hi there, I have what's probably a fairly unusual question. I've recently had an experimental body modification performed where a small paralyne coated magnet was subdermally implanted under the skin of one of my fingertips. A small incision was made, some space opened up, the…
  • Correction, it actually came out more centered than off to the outside so closest edge is only a few mm away from the incision.
    in Greetings Comment by Raven May 2014
  • Just wanted to update this and say I got the implant done last night. Very little pain, just a bit of soreness seemingly more from the suture than the actual cut. Doesn't really hurt unless I bump it into something. Incision was on the opposite side of the finger than the magnet placement around 1cm away. I elected to…
    in Greetings Comment by Raven May 2014
  • hehe I wasn't really concerned with it interfering with keyboard operation, but just encountering a recurring mechanical stress - and hitting the skin between the key and the magnet - which maybe a. uncomfortable b. prompt rejection. I'm a software engineer so I spend 10+ hrs a day at a keyboard.Interesting question with…
    in Greetings Comment by Raven April 2014
  • Incidentally does anyone with an implant scuba dive? Is there any special considerations? I scuba dive regularly. I can't imagine there would be any problem with it but probably better to ask.
    in Greetings Comment by Raven April 2014
  • Okay gotcha makes sense.. Thank you for that input... I've come to realize I hit the "e" key with my ring finger, and that's the most common letter in English, so I'll have to makes sure it''s at least far enough back to not interfere with key strokes. hehe
    in Greetings Comment by Raven April 2014
  • I was thinking offset to the pinkie side as well. I assume yours is parallel to the finger? How effective do you find it for EMF sensing at that location? I'm not sure I understand what movement you're trying to describe.
    in Greetings Comment by Raven April 2014