Implantation Tool Kits are up for sale


So basic magnet implant kits are up for sale now at I'm re-working all the Augmentation Limitless implant stuff as well and revamping the blog/webpage. The old blog stuff mentioned using a straight and a curved set of forceps but I've actually been using non-magnetic fine nose hemostats for a while now which is what is provided in the kits. They're significantly better. Oh, and obviously this is a Cyberise / AugLim collaboration.

Stuff not in the kit: Anesthetic, Chlorhexidine Hcl, Gloves, and Quats Wipes. All of this stuff, except anesthetic is available in the injection prep kit. The Anesthetic is available from dangerous things.

A lot of cool stuff is in the works and I'm happy to be working with all you people.

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