Craziest Experience?

edited March 2015 in Community
Hey guys, I'm new to the grinder's scene and I was just wondering what the craziest thing you experienced as a result of your implants? Tnx!


  • Welcome @oe_ki8 I just got my implant yesterday so nothing here for me but I'll let you know in the future.
  • Can you describe some of your tech?  This is an open community and we like to share our hacks.

    Please link to relevant papers if possible. If we can't test it, it's bad science.
  • This actually sounds incredibly interesting. I would love to hear more about the hardware itself.
  • The problem with the internet is that if someone doesn't actually say "that's bullshit" even when it's completely obvious is that someone really will bite. If it was at least clever or something I mean sure I'd play along.
  • edited April 2015
    Can you provide us with technical documentation?
    • Pictures of the devices
    • Circuit Diagrams
    • Design Diagrams
    Sharing what you have means more than just listing off a bunch of implants that you supposedly possess. Even if you have absolutely no understanding of how the device works, some evidence proving its existence would be appreciated. 

    To be frank, I'm rather skeptical... So, prove me wrong.
  • Just a friendly reminder from the mods:
    Anyone making outrageous claims without proof, hijacking threads indefinitely, not backing up sources with journal papers or documentations, telling people to "just google it", or anything else of that sort, will be banned.

    We are a community of doers, not talkers. That is how we roll. 
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