Some how I feel this has come up



  • In some of my research I've modified bacteria with pVIB, I recommend it because it makes the bacteria glow in the dark rather than just under a blacklight. Obviously modifying bacteria isn't the same as modifying an animal, as discussed above, but I recommend that plasmid regardless of the method you end up choosing. Keep us updated! 
  • I've been watching that channel on YouTube during my over nights. I absolutely can't stop watching it.

    I think I need to commandeer my sisters bio book too before I try and do anything.
  • edited June 2016
    So my suggestion would be to see if you can make a plant glow. Start with something easy like an onion. Then if it works switch to wisteria. If you can make glowing wisteria, I'd happily grow it into the greatest tree the world has ever seen. It's a vine plant that can be grown into a tree so you could cover a house with it or grow it into one of these LINK

    It'll take a fair bit of effort, but would be awesome if you can make it work.
  • Firstly that tree is amazing. I'm gonna try and grab some things that I believe I will need to do this which unfortunately means this will take time.

    I will hopefully be able to start this right after I get the permanent job (fingers crossed).

    Aside from the gun found you suggest anything other then a petri dish and microscope?
  • edited June 2016
    So I've been looking more at the glowing plant guys. They have a kit which includes everything you'd need to make a glowing plant LINK. Thing is though, I can't tell if they're actually shipping those or not. They've spent years working on their plants and have had success but 3 years in they still don't seem to have functional plants (to be clear, they DO have functional plants, just not ones made with a gene gun). I think that's because they're now working on making plants that are allowed to be sold. Basically the EPA won't let you sell plants that have been transformed with agrobacterium (like what would come in that kit). So the kit probably works, but they aren't shipping actual seeds/plants yet. If the kit does work, then you can use it to make seemingly whatever plant you want glow. Tl:dr, if they're actually shipping those kits, that'd be the easiest way to get set up. Thing is, technically, you're supposed to be super careful with things transformed by agrobacterium because it is a plant pathogen and could spread. So i dunno. though if I'm being honest, if plants just started glowing all over the place I wouldn't be averse to it so long as it's not damaging the plants. I'm sure the EPA wouldn't be happy though. That said, since glowing confers no advantage to the bacteria or the plant, neither should spread. 
  • Also, incase you aren't already aware, LINK you can already buy glowing animals that aren't fish. Those beauties are axolotls. They've been made to produce gfp so the glow under a black light. 
  • I actually thought about buy those a while back. I really do love the idea of glowing reptiles.

    I was looking at their site and it does seem like they intend to ship them just that they do not yet have them. They could simply have a high failure rate which is why it's a preorder.
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