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Looking for an Implanter Preferably near Denver, any city with a major airport is OK

I looked at the Dangerous Things site and it lists one partner near Denver but he hasn't responded to my message and it's been over a week, so I'm assuming he doesn't do stuff like this anymore. 
I'm looking for someone to install one of Alex Smith's ATA5577 packages in my left hand. 
I'd prefer if they were somewhere in the Denver area, but due to my job I'm able to travel pretty much anywhere in the continental US with a big airport. (I work for a major US airline.)


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. Austin TX, pineapple pierced. Email ahead of time, he got two shops and may not implant stuff you bring.
  2. Have you considered using the kit one and doing it yourself or with a spare person? It's really simple.
  3. I'd considered it but would prefer to have my first one done properly. I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to get the correct depth my first try.
  4. Ok well I hear ny has a few I planters I just don't know where about. You may still need to get the kit one simply for it being preloaded in a needle since that's the way (most easily and commonly) it's done. I know it's an odd one but if you know a vet try asking them or a person that aids a vet. They use the exact same method for chipping animals and have TONS more experience then most piercers do. when I say vet I do mean a veterinarian.
  5. there are so many medical students in northern CO... if only I knew the right people... I probably do through other people and am not aware of it considering my circle's general...lack of conformity, far beyond that of the angsty college student, but it's a hard subject to just throw out and ask about...
  6. @cassox is not too far away from the LA area. about a 2.5 hour drive from LAX if youre interested
  7. Denver, CO? Head over to Fort Carson and ask any Army medic.
  8. Also looking for an implanter in Denver or Northern Colorado. 
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