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DEF CON 23 thread

So, DEF CON 23 approaches. Let's do a roll call. So far we have:
Me + 1 civilian

Anyone else?
Where are you guys staying? Do you already have parties lined up or will I have to do that part too? lol. I'll be down there Friday night and be at the conference on Saturday and Sunday (if it is still there on Sunday).


Displaying all 17 comments
  1. I'll be there, so long as my ride holds up.  Not sure where I'm staying yet, but I bet it's cheap and near an all-you-can-eat buffet.  Why wouldn't the conference still be there on Sunday?
  2. Sweet! I can't disclose those reasons and hereby retract any statements that may have alluded to any such reasons.
  3. Great, I look forward to seeing you all there.

    There is a schedule up now on the DCBHV site.

    Sorry, I have too much other stuff going on to organize parties... but I'll probably be able to go if others organize them.

  4. Do you guys want to have a meetup after right after Alex's talk on Friday which ends around 3? The biohacking talks are going to be in Bally's Bronze 4, but it looks like DCBHV won't have a central location as seen on the map So I'm wondering if they are going to do demos in Village Talks or if its somewhere else.
  5. Do you mean Saturday? my talk better not be on Friday...
  6. Yeah sorry. I misread the schedule. Its on Saturday.
  7. Hoo-Rah! :D I'll be at Bally's, no strict schedule in mind (save for your talk Alex! And maybe swinging by Queercon on Thursday).
  8. I'm jealous of you guys, I've wanted to go to Defcon for years. College budget is not conducive to flying from the east coast to Vegas and getting a hotel room.

    Maybe next year I could make a road trip...
  9. I.. may actually make this.
  10. Hi @BirdMachine I'm at bsides atm, you in town yet? We should figure out when we want to do the implant and arrange things with the BHV organizers.
  11. Not just yet. Landing Thursday night :) and yes, we definitely should! 
  12. So any word on an official meetup?
  13. The plan is just to hang out at the BHV booth. Unless someone wants to organize something.
  14. I should be rolling in around 7. I'll PM everyone my celly. Please text me. We should do dinner or crash a party.
  15. the biohacking village at DEFCON was pretty good for a first year village, I'm talking with the organizers, next year it will be bigger, so start planning talks/demos etc. It was great to catch up with those if you that were there. Hows the implant going BirdMachine?
  16. So far, so good! It's MUCH happier now that I'm out of con-space (and not constantly bashing it against my bag). Next step is to clone an ID to it. Hoping someone at grindfest will have the equipment.

    SO excited for next year! Happy to help with planning and stuff if any help is needed :) oooh, so many things to plan for next year! And the theme is "Rise of the Machines" which is amazingly perfect!
  17. @BirdMachine -- Yes! I'll kick off a thread for tracking and planning.

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