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The cronical of the Proxy's implants
So to those who might not be aware or who are just plainly interested; I had a magnet in my right ring finger and on Wednesday the 4th of March I got that removed and replaced with a M31 magnet. There also was a M31 implanted in my middle finger however that won't be as much of a focus for this documentation.
From my understanding there has not been a removal and then an immediate implant done before as people were not sure how it would react and what the outcome would be for the new implant location.
I've had the fortune of having @Cassox implant my two magnets on said mentioned date above. He has requested that I provide a daily documentation on how my progress is going as he hasn't done a removal and immediate implant in this fashion before.
All future posts by me will be either answering questions or a post including images and details on my progress for the next month.
From my understanding there has not been a removal and then an immediate implant done before as people were not sure how it would react and what the outcome would be for the new implant location.
I've had the fortune of having @Cassox implant my two magnets on said mentioned date above. He has requested that I provide a daily documentation on how my progress is going as he hasn't done a removal and immediate implant in this fashion before.
All future posts by me will be either answering questions or a post including images and details on my progress for the next month.
*edit* Came to a realization that since I am uploading them to an album I might as well just post that link for those interested in that instead.
Displaying comments 1 - 30 of 47
Day00Side 3/4/15
Here is the night of the implant after having a majority of the blood cleaned off.
Finger on the left is the ring finger which had the removal.
Day00Top 3/4/15Minor bruising below the incision.
Still some blood coagulated on the incision.
Day01Side 3/5/15
Morning image with flash after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Finger on the left is ring finger for consistency.
Day01Top 3/5/15Morning image with flash after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Minor bruising below the incision.
Day02Side 3/6/15
Morning image with flash after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Finger on the left is ring fingerDay02TopMorning image with flash after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Minor bruising still below the incision.Went to turn off my alarm clock this morning and noticed I could feel a field around it with my replanted finger from a few inches away and the newer finger needed to be 1/2 an inch away to feel it at the same intensity. -
Day03Side 3/7/15
Morning image with flash after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Stitches were removed then finger gently cleaned. Wound is looking like it should and no concerns as of this moment.Day03Top 3/7/15Morning image with flash after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Still minor bruising however it seems to be going away slowly. -
Day04Side 3/8/15
Morning image with flash after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Bandaids are used while anywhere away from my desk (work, errands) otherwise I leave it in the open for it to air and have a chance to heal.Day04Top 3/8/15Morning image without flash after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Bruising appears to be nearly gone. Minor redness still remains. -
Post is a day late however images and notes were taken on the correct time and were cataloged until I could reach my computer to document it here.Day05Side 3/9/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Light purple/red remains however it hardly hurts when pressed on it. Otherwise feels fine. Realized that during my first implant I didn't feel numb at my finger tip however now I feel numb on both of the tips. Full functionality however when typing and finer processes that require touch I don't have all of it operating.Day05Top 3/9/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Still have the same pocket size from the previous implant so will take notice of it and will wait to see if the finger adjusts for the new size or will leave it as is. -
Day06Side 3/10/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Still a light purple color around the incision however the incision itself appears to be healing as it should and best estimate for it to be fully closed on the outside will be another week from today.Day06Top 3/10/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Bandage is no longer used and cleaning has just been increased by 1 more time during the day to encourage more air and ability to heal. Advil was taken every 6 hours until the 5th day and has now been decreased to twice a day at most.While working I have noticed some of the machinery's motors operating from a distance however I am still taking care to avoid upsetting the healing process for the first few weeks. -
Day07Side 3/11/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Middle finger has a minor amount of dead skin at the incision point however the rest of it feels as if it is nearly all closed up. Planning on letting it remove itself at it's own pace rather than rushing it.Ring finger still has coagulated blood under the incision flap and seem to be cleaning up a little each day with the alcohol. I believe it to take a few days longer than the other finger to heal up all the way on the outside.Day07Top 3/11/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.Fingers still rather numb along the incision and tips. I can feel pressure however texture still feels more smooth when touching surfaces compared to the rest of my fingers.Using a paperclip to judge its ability to pick up an object without much pressure and the middle finger can mostly hold on to it however the ring finger has trouble still being able to lift it above the table. Time and healing is expected to help that out. -
Nice. These are really great pics. In case your wondering, peripheral nerves can grow as rapidly as 2mm/day after the return of vasculature. So, all sensation should be fine within a month to a month and a half assuming no complications. The finger which had a hayworth.. perhaps longer.
Thanks! I am glad you like the pictures. If there is another view you like or something else you think I should take note of during the healing process then I am game to include that in my posts as well.Sounds good in regards to the sensation returning to my fingers. Always nice to have a medical understanding behind the process of the body healing.
Day08Side 3/12/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Flash is officially broken on my phone so using the sun as a means of lighting up the photo. Not as clear as before however it still looks like it is getting the job done.Day08Top 3/12/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
The pocket that used to store the Haworth magnet seems a smidge smaller than it used to be. Not sure if finger is adjusting or I am just imagining it. Will continue to keep an eye on it to see how the finger is adjusting with a smaller magnet sitting within it. -
Day09Side 3/13/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
As of the moment there hasn't been anything noticeable in regards to the fingers other than I have stopped taking advil and don't notice a difference for any of my recent implants.Day09Top 3/13/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
The outside of it feels like it is healing well and it feels like there is a pocket beginning to form for my middle finger. Ring finger already has a pocket and will be waiting to see what the previous pocket will do with a smaller magnet in it. -
Fantastic job on these photos man. I much appreciate them. Nice and clean and appear to be healing nicely.
I aim to please. I'll keep doing what I am doing then until they appear to be fully healed in a month or so.Happy to document the progress and whatever else I can offer. You being generous enough to implant them for me was already such a big help I have no problem offering something back.On a partial side note; for the ring finger where the blood is still coagulated, should I let nature take it's course and wait for the finger to clean it out itself or should I be invasive and actively clean the blood out and then do a proper cleanup afterwards plus some extra TLC?
Day10Side 3/14/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Both fingers seem to be forming similar sized pockets for both magnets and is feeling like the larger pocket will shrink down eventually.Day10Top 3/14/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Little amount of dead skin on the middle finger where the incision was made and blood coagulated under the ring finger's incision. Another week is estimated for the dead skin to be peeled off from the healing and for the blood to be removed at its own pace. -
Day11Side 3/15/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Nothing out of the ordinary to note as of the moment. Healing is going at the pace expected and doing what I can to keep it dry during the day.Day11Top 3/15/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Day12Side 3/16/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Last night noticed the outer later was peeling off and how it was unnecessary anymore. It looks healthy underneath and should be able to heal better now that it has air and room.Day12Top 3/16/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Now that there is room to heal I an see the the pocket is smaller than I thought previously and it looks like both of the pockets are now at a similar size. -
Day13Side 3/17/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Weather is getting more dry over in Arizona and temperatures reaching up to 90F. Ring finger's dead skin was peeling off on its own so I removed with a blade what was just free hanging.Day13Top 3/17/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Looks like a light pink fleshy color as expected and is barely tender when force is applied. Keeping it away from everything that isn't my keyboard or when I need to pick something up if my left hand is busy. -
Day14Side 3/18/15
Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Hot weather is hot and as a result has dried up both my fingers a tad more than I originally expected. Middle finger has peeled back some dead skin on its own so I just cut away gently with a cleaned blade so there wasn't anything hanging around.Day14Top 3/18/15Morning image taken outside after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Fingers are looking healthy at the moment and will continue with the same plan until some new skin grows over and seals up the soft pink skin. -
Day15Side 3/19/15
Morning image taken after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Nothing really to report with besides that some more dead skin is peeling up so that is being gently removed as needed to prevent it getting caught on anything.Day15Top 3/19/15Morning image taken after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
I suspect a day or two more for the dead skin to stop peeling and settle down. Doing what I can to let it be on its own accord and just maintain where needed. -
Been working on projects and haven't a computer for the last few days to post. Still wrote my updates each day on a notepad though so everything is up to date.Day16Side 3/20/15
Morning image taken after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.
Skin that is pink is slightly tender however nothing more than fresh skin is normally.Day16Top 3/20/15Morning image taken after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.Dry weather is making skin continue to peel slowly so doing what I can to leave it alone. -
Day 17 3/21/15Morning image taken after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.Dry weather is dry. Might start putting on lotion consistently if that seems to help.Day17Top 3/21/15Morning image taken after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.Noticed in the morning that the location on the middle finger where the incision was was slightly softer than the rest of the pink part of my finger. Feels like a layer of skin is covering the opening however the opening itself is not fully closed. Feels like it is healing at the same rate as the last time I had gotten implanted so will continue to observe.
Day18Side 3/22/15Morning image taken after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.Slight tingling sensation as I am moving my fingers around during the day. I am able to feel my house microwave with both fingers from an inch from the screen and have noticed other devices as I am working and wandering around. Limit it down to a few times a day I am testing the range so allow healing to occur first.Day18Top 3/22/15Morning image taken after cleaning up with 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball.Feeling a pocket on the middle finger now, and the ring finger pocket that was there previously seems to have gotten a little smaller to adjust for the new magnet and is as formed as it was before the latest implantation.
Day19Side 3/23/15
Morning image taken outside without cleaning anything.
Scar tissue is starting to form under the middle finger's skin by the looks of it. Planning on just leaving it alone for a while and see how it progresses rather than toying with it and causing it to take longer than necessary to heal.Day19Top 3/23/15Morning image taken outside without cleaning anything.
Little bit of skin appears to be peeling still however it has slowed down since the initial day of it peeling. Letting it peel on its own pace to not upset the healing process. -
Yeah, I would chill on the rubbing alcohol. The EtOH is probably drying out your skin and increasing the peeling / flaking process.
Sounds like a plan man. Would any type of lotion help out the skin or would leaving it alone still be the best route for this situation?
Just leave the poor finger alone... :)
Haha yeah... Will do Jedi master.Nothing to see here you troopers...
Day20Side 3/24/15
Morning image taken outside.
Ring finger seems to be acting normal and the preexisting pocket is nearly all closed up and back to normal. Sensitivity on it is less than the middle finger however time will tell on how the both of them will eventually turn out.Day20Top 3/24/15Morning image taken outside.
Per Glims's advice I am just going to be leaving my fingers alone and let nature take its course. -
Day21Side 3/25/15Morning image taken outside.Ring finger still looks normal besides some of the peeled skin which is growing back like normal now. Middle finger seems to have a larger "pocket" or layer of outer skin at the moment (not sure which honestly) than the ring finger and the darker portion right in the center looks like scar tissue under a bloodless scab however again, I am not entirely sure.Day21Top 3/25/15Morning image taken outside.Ring finger looks like it doesn't even have a pocket there and the middle finger looks like what my first implant did while the pocket was forming. Taking note of how it feels and what the size is compared to what it was earlier while healing.
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