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The cronical of the Proxy's implants


Displaying comments 31 - 47 of 47
  1. Day22Side 3/26/15
    Morning image taken inside.

    Per Glims's advice I am just leaving it alone for a while and letting nature take its course. On occasion when I wiggle my fingers around I can feel a tingling sensation otherwise I can sense a few fields here and there.

    Day22Top 3/26/15
    Morning image taken inside.

    Middle finger looks like it is shrinking down to a "normal" size and the pocket seems to be forming at the same pace of the ring finger. Ring finger is no where near as large as it used to be with the previous implant.
  2. Day23Side 2/27/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Fingers are left alone and seem to have stopped peeling. Ring finger's pocket seems a little thicker than the middle finger.

    Day23Top 3/27/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Middle finger is hardly noticeable if you are not aware of a magnet being there and the ringer finger looks like it has a "normal" bump to it.
  3. Day24Side 3/28/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Scab peeled off last night while I was at work on the middle finger. Hardly any force was put on it and came off while I was washing my hands. Flesh looks normal and pink as it should be.

    Day 24Top 3/28/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Middle finger's pocket is still soft and sensitive enough to feel fields and pick up paperclips. Ring finger's pocket is already formed from the previous implant and seems a smidgen larger than it would be preferred to pick up objects and the fields are a little harder to sense. Paperclips and such are hardly effected when I try to pick them up with the ring finger so I know the magnet is in there however time seems to be a factor to see how that progresses and how it will compare to the middle finger.
  4. Day25Side 3/29/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Both fingers will be used as normal while at work (restaurant) and won't be getting special treatment in regards to the day to day tasks. Planning on waiting another week at least before introducing magnets and heavy electronic devices back into hand's reach.

    Day25/Top 3/29/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Start of April and temperatures are already at 95F at least. Still rising hence the minor peeling of the finger. Otherwise it has settled down for the most part when it comes to any hanging dead skin.
  5. Day26Side 3/30/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Thinking about ending the documentation at day 31 however I am not opposed to continuing for the sake of science. Skin is still growing back however that is nothing special and a post healed image can be taken to show what they will normally look like.

    Day26Top 3/30/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Ring finger has sealed up the incision and the pocket feels just as thick as from the previous implant. At this rate I doubt the pocket will get any smaller and I am not sure on how sensitive that finger will be compared to the middle one. Still going to give it a few months of possibility before I am sure on the outcome.
  6. I think a continuous weekly update would be cool, but jesus man resize these photos!
  7. Yeah, that was one of my concerns when we replaced the Haworth. It was just so huge. A cortisone shot might help although not to close to the magnet itself. Coming back out this way anytime soon?
  8. Avanthus, I can do that no problem for the weekly... On the note of the photo size I know what you mean. My main workstation has them sized normal however my laptop shows them blown up.. Any advice from anyone on the proper method to get that fixed on the thread would greatly appreciated.

    @Cassox As of this moment I don't have plans for a trip back there however my semester will be ending in 5 weeks or so and I am sure I can manage a during the week to visit you all again. Once it gets closer to the summer my schedule will be clearing up much more. I am interested in taking you up on your offer though first chance I can get.
  9. Day27Side 3/31/15
    Morning image taken inside.

    Working on resizing the images if possible. No update as of the moment with my fingers. Just healing and letting them work as normal for now.

    Day27Top 3/31/15
    Morning image taken inside.

    Will be working towards a time for me to meet Cassox to take a cortisone shot to see if it will help with the size of the ring finger pocket. Updates will be posted here on that schedule otherwise will be just letting it heal and do what it will do.
  10. Just my 2 cents but I wouldn't go the cortisone way that early. I would give the body more time (3 to 6 months) to adjust the pocket size, if that won't work one could still use cortisone.
    The reason I say this are the possible side effects which could lead to the exact opposite (a bigger pocket) :

    Local side effects are rare but can include: pain, infection, skin pigment changes, loss of fatty tissue, and tendon rupture.

    (Source: )
  11. Makes sense to see if time will help it out enough. It would be a few months anyways to make my way over to CA anyways so that could work out. Probably would still opt for Cassox's opinion as he is pretty comfortable to recommend it when the time is appropriate.
  12. Day28Side 4/1/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Nothing much to post here anymore. Just needs to heal now however I have a few more days of posting to do to finish up the month.

    Day28Top 4/1/15
  13. Day29Side 4/2/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    That high quality image of some jean leg though.. Same as previous. No noticeable change as of yet.

    Day29Top 4/2/15
  14. Day30Side 4/3/15
    Morning image taken outside. 

    No difference yet besides the peeling skin is behaving and appears to be healing back to normal now.

    Day30Top 4/3/15
    Morning image taken outside.

    Link to the album to those who rather see them all at once instead of them being blown up on this page.
  15. Where did the updates go?
  16. It's been a month of updates and a month since then. I think he's good...
  17. As stated a few times in the posts, I am no longer doing updates as it has healed back to normal and images of regular looking fingers probably only excite a small percentage of people on the internet if you know what I mean. ;)

    For the sake of updating anyone that is still curious on my status though.

    I took a few pictures however as the fingers look back to normal there is no point in posting them up here as you couldn't tell they look any different than before. They have healed on the outside and still will take a few more months to heal everything on the inside as expected. 

    Overall the middle finger can feel fields about twice as better as the ring finger and I cannot feel any pocket forming yet. The ring finger pocket that was existing previously from the Haworth magnet seems to be getting a little smaller and will give it some more time to adjust to the new magnet.

    There was an offer earlier to get a cortisone shot to help reduce the scar tissue and I am interested if that route seems to be the best one however I might wait a month or two more just to see if it reaches a baseline and is still as thick as it currently is.

    When it comes to picking up metallic objects I have noticed I can pick up things around 3 times heavier on the middle finger than I can on the ring finger and I suspect that is due to the pocket that is causing the distance to be further away from the magnet and the object.
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