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Displaying comments 61 - 69 of 69
  1. Looking forward to your results BirdMachine....As far as dark lenses V10lator, I would think auto-darkening would be better if you were in real darkness, and there was a sudden, unexpected light...but idk how sensitive...As I said, very interested in BirdMachine's research.. 
  2. I think this is really cool. This post actually cause me to find this website. Also, I'd have no issues giving some funds if I could maybe test out a batch ;) . Keen to see the progress!
  3. I wonder what stargazing would look like with these eye drops in.
  4. So - trip report from the stargazing adventure. 

    We ended up going to lake Tahoe this weekend and three people took the drops. Overall experience was pretty mild, but there were several places I think we messed up in the procedure. We went out to the shore of the lake around an hour and a half after taking the drops, and stayed out there for about two hours total. There wasn't much noticeable effect on the dark, things in the shadows seemed as indistinct as usual. However, when standing on the edge of the lake all of the lights around the edge were significantly stronger. Also the star gazing was good, it was a moonless clear night. The planets were shining probably five or ten times brighter than any of the stars. It's hard to describe, they were instantly detectable for all members that had taken the drops, and almost indistinguishable for our non Ce6 companions. 

    The following day I did notice some after effects. My eyes seemed really goopy, and my eye lids seemed sticky. I also noticed some minor eye twitching later in the afternoon that lasted for a couple of hours but seems to have cleared up. I feel like this may be related to one of the mistakes we made when we put them in. 

    So we definitely didn't do things as cleanly as the steps documented online and I think that's the main reason the effects were so limited. For future reference here are the issues we ran into. 

    - Didn't use the drops in a timely manner - they've been sitting around for about a month in the fridge. 

    - Didn't have a medical or proper eye dropper. We used a well cleaned out regular eye dropper. This caused problems because the Ce6 was thicker than the natural liquid. It took a lot of pressure to squeeze the drops out, and it was hard to control the precise dosage. 

    - Two people blinked almost immediately, driving a lot of the substance out of their eyes. I didn't blink, but sat up when I felt like everything had absorbed and a significant amount ran out. I think making sure everything stayed in the eyes and spending longer laying down and letting it absorb would have made a big difference. 

    - We forgot about the nasal blocking. This also turned out to be important. Some liquid definitely leaked down my right nasal and one of the other guys blew his nose and it came out black, so I'm sure it happened to him too. This side of my face was much gummier today and it was this eye that experienced the twitching in the afternoon. Overall it feels irritated, not too bad but definitely noticeable.

    - We also hopped in a hot tub before heading out to the lake. Probably not an issue, but in retrospect I would have avoided this. It was stupid to expose our eyes to chlorine or other weird chemicals that could have interacted with the drops. 

    Hopefully if anyone else is planning on trying these out they can learn from our mistakes. Everyone was glad to have the opportunity to try them though. 
  5. "Didn't use the drops in a timely manner - they've been sitting around for about a month in the fridge."  Uhm...uh oh. I never thought about the shelf life of this. Anybody else have any anecdotal or otherwise information on this?
  6. I would like to try a bottle myself. How much would this cost me?
  7. Buying the ingredients would set you back a couple hundred dollars.

    In other news, there is a biohacker space in Austin that is continuing with this experiment and doing the ERG readings. They're just getting started, but if I hear anything, I'll post something here.
  8. I haven't heard of an Austin lab yet, that's exciting! Are they online anywhere?
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