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Displaying comments 31 - 60 of 69
  1. that would be amazing :D
  2. Can't wait to try... 

    But Q: shouldn't quantifying the effect be pretty easy as you can put it in one eye, and keep the other as a control?
  3. Kiiiinda. See your eyes aren't the same.
    Also, that wouldn't be quantitative, that would be subjective. Without some secondary recording device other than my brain, which may just normalize the two, it's not good data.
  4. After seeing the fun that was had at the meetup, I'd definitely like some as well.
  5. Good afternoon (I think)!

    Just got the drops and was wondering what the dosage is supposed to be. As in, how many drops does it take to get the effect? Also, what is the best storage strategy (fridge, room temperature, out of light)?
  6. Wow, those got to you fast!
    put them in the fridge.

    For everyone who has or will be receiving them, here is the handy reference sheet. I was going to hunt down everyone's emails, but this is easier...

  7. I am doing a little write up on what they are, how they work, and how to make them yourselves. Look for it soon.
  8. Fantastic! Thank you!
  9. The write up including methods and mechanism is now available of our website. There is a PDF link for download available as well.

  10. This may sound really stupid, but does it work for only one eye if you put it only into it or will the chemical "traver" and make your both eyes see brighter? Because if it works for a single eye it could have bigger potencial as you could carry the pirate eyepatch over the sensitive eye and see both in the dark and in the light well.
  11. So the chemical won't traverse, but I'm going to have to assume that losing depth perception for a modicum of night vision acuity is probably not going to be net helpful. 
  12. Y'all popped up on my facebook feed:
  13. Nice coverage.
  14. it got posted to reddit and made the front page too.
  15. Awww, we're internet famous... And on reddit no less. Those peeps are gonna find some stupid typo in the paper and tear it apart. *sigh*

    *throws cellphone into the freezer*
  16. they already did^ looool
  17. "These are people looking for attention. They are not contributing to science. This is not a published, peer-reviewed article. It is a document purporting to review a wild idea that a person decided to patent. The 'review' describes subjecting a volunteer to a poorly supervised, untested, unapproved chemical treatment that could cause irreparable damage to vision. No reputable scientific journal would ever publish this study, for very good reasons."

    Dammit glims. Stop pretending to science. Also, I don't think you properly informed the patient of the risks. I mean, that guy's crazy! Of course he agreed to put drops in his eyes! I hear that dude's into weird trans-humanism stuff. Way unstable. *descending into a sar-chasm*

  18. the guy who posted that comment got flammed to shit so don't even worry
  19. Heh, can't even see it on the sub. Evidently it got downvoted to oblivion.
  20. Hey, like a lot of other people here, I assumed this was a lot farther off then it ended up being. Is there any change at being able to order a bottle or two? How many uses are there per bottle?

    Thanks a bunch. Im really excited to try this out some day.
  21. We're not really selling it per se. Some of y'all donated to our research and we had what we would cal... eh.. supporter gifts. We're basically out fo resources atm for that particular project, but you can read the write up on our blog at:

    the method is described there.

    if you want to give us money tho, i won't say no ;)
  22. Well how much money do you view each bottle to be worth? Also how much does each bottle contain and any extra  information people should know before buying this stuff?
  23. There is this image here that outlines some of the amounts and care of the solution:

    and then our write up on the blog outlining the materials needed and the procedure to properly mix and apply the materials.

    People donated roughly 30 dollars. However, we don't have any more Ce6 in powder form, so the cost starts to rise for making another batch unless multiple people chip in. This was really just a preliminary test...

  24. Im sure that finding people to chip in won't be hard. Many people are just as excited to test is as to buy it. How many people are we looking at for the donations?
  25. So we're planning a camping/star gazing trip to test these guys out next weekend. Would having a fire cause problems? I'm not sure how much light is too much light. 
  26. Neither are we. Sorry. We need to do more testing before we know that. Please write down how it goes and email us about your experiences. Even if the stars aren't any brighter, that is good data there. Fails are also data.
  27. Are there any auto-darkening lenses up to par for protection, or do they darken too slowly? I mean, it seems like an accident waiting to happen otherwise...
  28. Why lenses? Doesn't protective glasses work the same? I mean like this:

    Or maybe just sunglasses with some more light shielding:

  29. Picked up from the post office today! Tucked it into the work fridge asap, and will tuck it into the home fridge later 

    Should be safe from accidentally getting snagged :)
    I'll report what I can figure out RE brightness and screens. As a tech-obsessed urbanite, I actually can't think of many if any times I'm not interfacing with a screen of some sort! Dark sunglasses, lenses, and brightness control are all at hand, however. Plus methods to disable screen backlighting! I'll approach this slow and steady, and write up what I find!
  30. Please do. One thing that we have mentioned is that the effects are subtle. No Riddick. However, that doesn't mean that it isn't important to take it slow and document everything. We look forward to hearing how it works.

    I figure we will be doing the ERG testing either late this week or early next week, for anyone who wants hard data.
Displaying comments 31 - 60 of 69