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Big ass magnets that you inject with a syringe!


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  1. For folks who haven't seen my blog: They're on the sides of my hands, under the pinkie and tucked away over what I believe is the abductor digiti minimi muscle.
    Sensitivity is a bit hard to talk about since I have no other frame of reference. I'd say... mild? I can pick up fields from a microwave up to 7 inches away from the source, as well as small pings from my laptop when my hands are actually on it. Distance is pretty limited though. Except for one spot on the MBTA green line between Kenmore and Hynes that I swear I can feel when I sit next to the windows. That's much harder to investigate, though.
    I'm also able to lift some weight (Though not much:
    EDIT: The right side, which I did have some complications with, does sometimes feel weaker and also cannot support as much weight. I feel like this may be because of a placement shift, however. Haven't seen any signs of damage or rejection.
  2. I was also thinking about getting them on the edge of my left hand, mostly for ease-of-use. I already have 2 m31s in my r3 and r4 fingertips, so field sensitivity isn't a big issue for me for these. Excited that these are finally available! Question, what's the closest that these can be installed co-linearly with the long axis more of less on the same line)? I was thinking about getting 2 in my hand, maybe 1/2" apart. I could probably stretch it to almost an inch if needed. One of the few times that having small hands isn't great. .
  3. @Helyx Well, they are really strong. So if you have two of them close, you are going to cause tissue damage. I haven't considered putting two even remotely close to each other, but you would basically want them far enough apart that they don't interact...
  4. Based on experience handling assorted other neodymium magnets with fingers implanted with m31s, I wholeheartedly agree with what @glims said.  You absolutely would not want the arrangement you mentioned, @Helyx.  Constant pressure on the tissue separating the magnets, even an inch apart, would be more than you would want to experience longterm.

    Quick question on the design, @glims or @Cassox.  These (and the m31s) are axially magnetized, correct?  (here's a link explaining what that means for those following along)

    Ordered two last night.  Can't wait for them to ship!
  5. I just ordered my m36 tonight I can't wait to get them I've been following this thread since it started! Quick question that I'm hoping you will be able to answer @glims. I know you said that your pretty sure they ship with an you know when you'll be like 100% sure about that? If not its ok, I sent a message to @amal too.
  6. I'll double check when he swings by the house on monday
  7. That's what I thought the answer would be, and the "reasonable" way to go. Thanks for the input! Still gonna order 2 and decide where to put the other one later.
  8. @amal answered my question about the injector, here is what he said for those of you who were wondering. "The orders will not come with an injector - that is our next order of business and the m36i will be an m36 with injector kit... but we need to do some serious testing of a commercial sterilization process which will not damage the magnet... that needs to come first before we can offer a fully done injectable kit."
  9. @yotonyy did you taze yourself?
  10. It would appear that at least some of the m36 magnets have shipped.  I received tracking information for my order today.

    *EDIT* - Well, nix that.  @Amal tells me that the notification was created when he prepped the shipping labels.  They are not actually shipping yet.
  11. What would be a good way to implant these without an injector? Was thinking making the hole using a 3mm hollow needle and then just finangling the magnet into the pocket, maybe using a sterile bit of plastic to get it deep enough. Was thinking pretty much the same operations as an injector uses.
    Mostly cuz I'm still over-excited about them and want them now . =P
  12. @Helyx, that's more or less what I'm doing.  I purchased some 8G piercing needles on eBay.  Something like 3.2mm outer diameter.  Just to be clear, though the needles are hollow, I will not be placing the magnets into the needle.  I'll use the needle to make the hole in my hand, remove the needle, then insert the magnet.

    Let me tell you, those are some big ass needles to go with these big ass magnets :).
  13. Last night I contacted Dangerous Things to inquire about the status of the m36 and got a reply from @Amal that I don't think he'll mind me sharing here.  So anyway, here's what he had to say:

    "Because of the size of the m36 magnets the coating process has hit several bumps. We're on our 3rd run here but we think we have it nailed down and I'm really hoping they ship mid-June.

    Another fun thing in the works is commercial sterilization which will not damage the magnets. We have a test batch confirmed and we are sorting out how to migrate the magnets through production, test, and sterilization in an efficient, cost effective manner... but right now the primary goal is to get a stable repeatable production process in place."

    There you have it, as stated by @Amal.  Mid-June puts them just a couple weeks from shipping (assuming that everything in the production process goes smoothly).  So good news, yeah?
  14. Good stuff @aviin! I'm looking forward to the m36i, myself - psychologically, an injector appeals to me more than a needle that's then withdrawn and the magnet shoved in, although it's basically the same thing.
  15. Very close to being finished. Coatings are going to be perfect.
  16. Those things still scare the hell out of me.
  17. Received another update from Dangerous Things today.  Sounds like @Amal sent this exact same thing to everyone who pre-ordered, so I suspect others have already seen this, but for those who did not pre-order but are still wanting to stay informed, here's the email I got:

    "Hello there!

    You have a Dangerous Things order that includes an m36 magnet, which has been in pre-sale for a long time now… so long it's really become a long overdue backorder at this point. But, we have good news! After months of rejects and TiN coating hiccups, we finally have a good batch cooking right now. They will take two weeks from today to complete their final coating phase, then another two weeks to receive them here at HQ and run final tests. We are now testing each and every magnet a total of 4 times throughout the process, with a final 5th test here at Dangerous Things headquarters. While this adds additional shipping delays, it increases safety and reliability considerably.

    We really appreciate our customers and do our best to protect your safety. Thank you so much for your patience.

    Amal Graafstra

    Dangerous Things"

  18. Would this magnet be a good choice for the side of ones hand seeing how it is larger? Also I see the rating is higher will that allow the placement in different locations to sense fields similarly to a finger tip? I couldn't find the injector kit yet is that still an In process thing?
  19. NECRO! So anything ever come of these? @amal aside from the obvious magnet issues did you get any thing going?
  20. I want one!!
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