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Big ass magnets that you inject with a syringe!


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  1. If you implanted one of these, would you be in any danger of damaging tissue if you were handling large, neodymium HDD magnets?
  2. @glims @amal @cassox

    Gentlemen I applaud you!

    I have been quietly obsessing about magnetic implants for a few years now, and been limited by availability and price Down Under.

    Just today I received an email reply from one of the two well-known international mod-Pros currently touring with a $450 price tag for one, implanted. Ouch! Cost prohibitive and maddening.

    I check in here semi-regularly hoping for new developments, and a local provider/mod-Pro at more inexpensive rates, but haven't had any luck.

    I spent hours on this website yesterday, reading about your new magnets, and learning about the various procedures and experiences detailed by yourselves and other biohack members. 

    And I decided it was time to take things into my own hands. I budgeted for a few of your m31s, and an RFID kit (good one, @aviin ) to make it happen, with a plan to transfer funds next week.

    Then I found this thread and my heart almost exploded with happiness!

    I have always wanted the magnetic implant for the sensory experience, but secretly also for party trick abilities. And now it appears that I can have it all!

    I have a feeling I might be able to procure a pair of m31s, and a m63, along with the kit, and maybe a little herbal relaxant with change left over for the price offered by the mod-Pro. Blessed be.

    Just out of curiosity, though, what price are you proposing for the new magnet? Will you be selling it with the kit? And when can I get my hands on one?

  3. @spiltwine - Glad you like what I've been up to.  So you know, a piercing needle would work as well as an RFID injector and cost alot less.  Get a 10 or 11 gauge needle.  I'm using the RFID injector because I've got it on hand already.  Unless you are getting it for the RFID itself, too, in which case, awesome.    Others have done magnets with needles but there hadn't been much in the way of specific technique posted that I could find, so I sort of had to work it out on my own.  Which, as it turns out, is a fun process.

    @amal, @glims, @cassox - I'd like to second what @spiltwine said.  We'd love more information :)
  4. What are the chances of more information coming soonish on the m63?  An email I got in response from Dangerous Things made it seem like these could be a little ways off yet.  I'd prefer TiN, but I might start exploring another coating option if the wait will be too long.
  5. (random comment)
  6. Don't do another coating. We're bringing it to the table soon. It's just that the size and shape kinda mess with the coating process. It's worth it to wait to get something that won't cause issues down the road.

    @Dragon5 it's not a dead thread, it's just that the topic is talked out. Please read everything first and then if you still have a question about coating or technique, I'm sure one of us will get to it.
  7. Is the M31 not suitable for injection then?
    Also, Glims, which would you recommend, weighing up practicality/sensitivity/ease of implanting? :)
  8. The m31 has been tested by members of the community for injection, but I am not a fan of the injection method myself.

    As far as what magnet you are getting, I suggest you really consider how much you really need in terms of power and how much you use your hands. If you read the first post in this thread, I am a little concerned about the strength of this magnet. However, we are making it cause you guys want it.

    More importantly is the hand usage issue. If you poke through some of the threads, you'll see a lot of people are having problems bonking the magnets while they are healing or using too much force in some situation and this is causing issues. A bigger implant means a bigger responsibility in aftercare.

    Also, this magnet will not be placed in the finger. I really think it's a bit large for that. In that regards, get both. That way you can build a field of sensation the way others have been.
  9. Quick addendum, the injection method is awesome for sites other than finger. Many people have reported Good results in other areas. It's quick, easy, and fast healing. Fingers aren't a great site for said method though.
  10. In your opinion, how would the M63 go injected into finger webbing? I'd be interested in trying that (so long as there's no major reason not to), although I think that it may have too much contact with metal surfaces in my line of work. It seems like it would be a more reasonable place than the outside of the hand, which I whack a lot.
  11. Unless you have extremely large hands... no wait, nvm.
    What you should do it take a ruler and a piece of paper and cut yourself a little bit of cardboard that is 3x6mm in size. Then place it on your hand and ask yourself,"can i move my fingers without this bonking any bones?"
    If the answer is a no or maaaybe... then you probably shouldnt put anything there.
  12. The rectangle should be 9.424mm x 6.000mm to account for pi. It should fit nicely inside a drinking straw. Right?
  13. eh, i was just envisioning 2D space. That should be enough of a visual aid to see that the webbing is a bad idea.
    The rectangle should be... whaaaa? Its just 3mm in diameter 6mm long cylinder, like 6 m31s stacked. The object that you are describing is the size of a small cherry.
  14. what you don't want a cherry sized magnet? you could tuck it in next to you balls. no one would know till your sack stuck to a girls purse
  15. Would make pick pocketing easier. Although slightly more awkward.
  16. When you described the piece of paper I imagined rolling it up rather just lying the 2D paper down. Hence the 9.424mm dimension which would be the circumference of a 3mm diameter cylinder.
    I made pictures of what this would look like if placed in the finger webbing and to hopefully give people an idea of scale.

    CAD sketch of dimensions

    Printed version with illegible text

    Placement on finger webbing

    Hope this helps clarify what I was saying and hopefully people can envision what this would actually be like under the skin.
  17. aaahhhhhh that makes a lot more sense.
    i was just looking for a quick and dirty solution to a question. You were setting up a cad drawing.
  18. have fun with that. you'll be bruising tissues left right and center and probably causing damage. sure it'll give you great feeling up until it get ripped out

  19. that was my point
  20. All good points. Maybe I'll just leave that for another day. Or magnet.
  21. I hope that seeing the magnet analog made it obvious that it was a bad idea. When I held that piece of paper on my hand it was very conspicuous feeling and the idea of putting it under my skin was nonsensical. For anyone else who wants to get an idea of the size of the magnet in 3D just grab a cheap disposable pen. The ink barrel is about 3mm in diameter. Putting this near a joint would be a idea, it will need lots of soft supporting tissue.
  22. Any news on these? I'd be absolutely delighted to have one before the meetup in March, hell it'd be fun to implant it (them?) there!
  23. So I have a question for any of you, would getting tased be bad while having a magnet? Like would have electricity go through my body negatively effect the area around the magnet or would that not be effected in any way?
  24. Quick update here, a taser does not effect the tissue near a magnetic implant!
  25. And we are live people! Giant magnets are go!

    Remember, questions about design go to SfM, questions about buying, cost, and whatever else, go to @Amal
  26. Fantastic!! Congrats on getting these to market! I'll be grabbing one in another paycheck or so (and when I figure out a good placement. Not sure I'm ready to rip my Samppa cylinders out and swap them just yet)
  27. Woooo! Been waiting for this - will look forward to placing an order :D
  28. Quick question: what are we using to implant these? I'm happy to go with the needle method, but how would it go with using a Dangerous Things xNT injector? I'm unfamiliar with the sizing of the injector nozzle, but if it's suitable I might kill two birds with one stone. Actually, I just had a look - the chip is 2x12mm, so I assume a 3mm magnet wouldn't fit in the injector. Might be useful to make the hole though.
  29. I am pretty sure these are getting shipped with their own custom injector. @Amal does a good job of making sure that you have all the toys you need.
  30. Fantastic news!  I'll be pre-ordering one in a few moments.  Any idea of when they'll be shipping?  Hopefully @Amal will drop by with more information.

    @Alternate - If they do not have a custom injector, these will definitely not fit in the xNT injector.  Those are gauge 12 needles, so around 2.16mm diameter bore.  Not big enough.  Outer radius is about 2.8mm.  Using that same needle to implant 4 m31 magnets, I can tell you that it takes some genuine force to get a 3mm diameter magnet into the hole it creates in flesh.

    Now we need some people to jump in with placement ideas.  Too big for fingertips, in my opinion.  Side of the hand was mentioned in the start of the thread, but maybe wrist is an option (so long is it is placed far enough from the wrist joint itself.  Need a nerve rich area for maximum effectiveness for field sensitivity...

    @BirdMachine - Where are your Samppa cylinders if you don't mind my asking?  And what size are they?  Care to talk about field sensitivity, too?

    * EDIT * - Actually, I just found your site, @BirdMachine.  That placement was one I was considering already.  Would love to hear about sensitivity.
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