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Let's Write a Lab Manual


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  1. I'm happy to do magnets and aseptic technique.
  2. oh hey, wow, look how terrible that got formatted when i submitted it.
    lets try that again.

    What is grinding and why bother
    What should you known before you do anything else
    The scientific method
    The Basics
    Aseptic technique
    Biocompatible coatings and materials
    How to experiment on yourself without ending up dying
    Your Body
    First Aid for the experimentally inclined
    Food, diet, exercise, and sleep
    Conclusion/Discussion/What the future may hold
    Supplies and tools
  3. i'll take biocompatible coatings, and probably some other sections once other people chime in

  4. I can do disclaimer and whatever else needs done. Just let me know 
  5. pokepoke poke. huh, i expected much more excitement. i should know better by now.

    people who have claimed sections, please start writing. 'round mid week next, cass and i will claim what is left and distribute them to willing authours.
  6. Hey glims I finished the disclaimer what else needs doing.? 
  7. If you could start patching together an appendix of terms and tools that would be good. we'll obviously have to add to it once other sections get finished,  but for now, a rough draft will suffice. 
  8. Moth, Bioneer? are y'alls getting started on your pieces?
  9. Yessir. Work has gotten unexpectedly frantic but I'm going to get rolling tonight and have things drafted by Friday night.
  10. That's cool. I don't expect anyone to crank out a full chapter in a week. Let's do this properly. Make it as information rich as possible without making it unnecessary, if that makes any sense.

    also, if anyone else would like to take a few chapters, that would be awesome. Cass will be in later today to claim a few and I will pick more as well.
  11. Sounds good.  I am on it. 

  12. I'm leaving town this upcoming Wednesday, so I might have some time to claim a few more chapters if they're not taken by the time I get my current sections drafted over the weekend.
  13. I'll do a chapter on diy gene therapy using AAV roulette. I don't see that chapter listed in the outline though...
  14. -_-

    we're trying to keep it to things that people actually have the access to do in their home. your average grinder just doesn't have the ... toolset to attach that particular type of task. This was discussed in the outline at the end.

    But I may be wrong. write it up and send it my way and we'll see how it looks.

  15. Um, what's left over? I'd take Aseptic and perhaps the scientific method?
  16. Sounds good to me.

  17. I notice that people keep asking to be added to the gdoc. Editing is closed. All the chapters are posted above in this thread. If you are ready to choose a chapter, please let me know. That is all.
  18. I'd like to help with the Conclusion/Discussion/What the future may hold. The Conclusion section would mainly have to wait until the other parts are complete and should have the Neil deGrasse Tyson vibe. But I could start on 'What the future may hold' ...discussing current roadblocks for the grinder community, possible solutions, possible electronic implants and ideas for implementing..I'd like for it to give readers ideas for starting their own experiments in biohacking.

    The Conclusion/etc section is fairly important and should probably have more than one person attempting a write-up and a separate person to join the two in a cohesive manner. Thoughts, ideas, criticisms?
  19. That is a great conceptual framework for that section :)

  20. Thanks glims, I'll get started on writing up a draft
  21. Updates? Srrsly, pm me or something
  22. So, I've been kinda AWOL for a bit, and I'm not really looking to jump back into grinding headfirst, but this is something I'd like to help out in if yall don't mind. I R freelance manuscript/copy editor and ghostwriter, so if you want to send me your scripts for grammar/spelling/formatting edits this is a thing I do professionally. Feel free to shoot it on over to [email protected].
  23. No promises on deadlines or w/e, but this is kind of informal so I'd imagine that's not a huge issue. I typically can finish editting ~2500-5000 word research papers/technical stuff in a day or two at most.
  24. Sorry for losing my cool but, enough already! I'm not sharing the document more, I'm just deleting it. The finished product is already in this thread. Please work with that.

    It's like everyone reads three posts in and then just dashes off without reading the rest of the thread

    We are no longer in the planning stages, we are in the writing stage. Pick a topic (from the list in the thread) and start writing. 

  25. Not talking about the planning doc, talking about the chapters. you'd mentioned getting someone to edit for grammar etc., so I'm just throwing out there that I'd be willing to do that if I'm bored and having a slow day.
  26. yah, i wasn't really meaning you, i mean the flush of emails i've gotten to add people to the edit section of the gdocs.

    Read the thread people.
  27. OK so what sections are still available? if any. If there's one im familiar with ill write it up.
  28. Actually, I have been discussing this with Cass, as he is the only other person who has been communicating since MattGuy tapped out, and we think that maybe focusing really hard on one section at a time might be a good idea. Like 1000 pages about magnets. Just magnets, coating of magnets, implant step by step of magnets. The Time Life series on ginders <3 magnets.

    Then another one on tools. just tools, 100 pages. so basically, what should every person have in their kit, including methodology, cutting tools, recording tools. The go to for building your own grinder kit.

    Basically, each section will be one idea, with a lot of detail and focus. Each chapter in the outline is a small manual.

    So what are you familiar with within the outline? Since we need so much info, we'll take 15+ pages of whatever you can write.
  29. well if we're gonna focus on one thing at a time maybe we could really go all out. Like even add in theoretical stuff for future tech. So i saw something about extra arms. presuming these were mechanical and attached to nerves we could give an outline of the best nerves to connect things to in various areas of the body and what the affect of each may be. starting of course with hands for magnets sake but later in the chapter could be more of the theoretical stuff. Maybe a section on human and computer interaction so programing implants and the best ways of having living and non living things work together. Of course we should start with everything that's in the outline first but i think if we're gonna do this we could build it into a whole textbook and essentially advance the field years in a short time.
  30. im the most comfotable with basically everything in the your body section. im in the processs of doing some fun things with tdcs so im reasonably well versed and noots have been a fascination for years. also im on a polyphasic sleep cycle to deal with school so im well into all of this. I could start working my way through it all. or just pick one of them if you prefer. it'll take a while cause i need to balance this with school but i can do a hell of a write up no problem
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