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Successful Procedures

Just what it sounds like: I'd like to keep a repository of successful procedures so that we can quickly see what is possible and new members can see what kinds of mods have been done by other people.

So come on in, tell us about the magnets in your fingers and the RFID's you keep in your arms. I want to keep track of how many of all these great ideas have been implemented.


Displaying all 17 comments
  1. *sigh* if you really want to:
    +2 for rfid, position is as you can see in the picture on the left.
    primary use is to lock and unlock a modified external harddisk using the disk-controllers sata-passwords. project had great educational value. security is no good due to spoofing, but it keeps unwanted eyes away from the disk in case you should forgot it somewhere.
    implantation was a matter of seconds, no problems ever since (one and a half year i guess)

    same for a friend of mine (who's hand is on the xray). altho we had a small infection due to weak immune system, after that, no problems.
  2. I have a magnetic implant in my ring finger.
  3. Evolution By Proxy- First Implant
  4. Magnet in 3rd finger of right hand, implanted 3 1/2 weeks ago by Iestyn Flye of Divine Canvas. Post here has waited on proper healing so as to make an honest report.
    I took out the stitches a week after the procedure, but apparently didn't involve enough disinfectant in doing so. One mild infection, a trip to an out-of-hours doctor's surgery, a listen patiently to strong advice to get it taken out, and a couse of antibiotics later, we're in the clear, and laptop chargers feel weeird....
  5. I can't necessarily call it a success (time will tell), but I just had a magnet implanted into my left ring finger ~1 hour ago. I intend to create a detailed account (with video) of the implantation procedure and aftercare, though that won't be completed for a while.

    EDIT: I should note that the video part is completed, having been done during the procedure on a low-quality cellphone camera.
  6. @SixEcho:  Whose website is that?  
  7. @Lukas:  @SixEcho co-writes that blog with someone else.
  8. i implanted a Hitag S 2048 into my left hand a few hours ago. there's more information here, but basically, i just used a 5ga needle (thanks SixEcho) to make a big hole in my hand, then used some disposable forceps from a sterile first aid kit to cram the tag in there.
    not much more to it than that at this point, i just have to hope it heals up properly.
  9. I have a magnet in my non-dominant ring finger. I have the parts for two RFID implants, they are non-reprogram-able "chips" from sparkfun (great site if you don't know it), and I am looking into a few other things mostly the feasibility of sub-dermal or trans-dermal electrodes, for a number of projects and ideas. 
  10. There's been a magnet in my ring finger for about a week, however, it seems to be going the same way as described in SixEcho's blog - much too shallow, leading to unnecessary tenderness and possibly rejection. The magnet was placed in the wound by hand, and slipped under the flap of skin created by the needle's curvature, making it inaccessible to the probe. The implant procedure was totally painless - as far as I know, there's no permanent damage caused by chillling with ice to the point of complete numbness.
    If any of you don't follow this blog. (not me)
  12. Somewhen in January 2011, I had Marcus from Trust Piercing in Mannheim (Germany) put a 2x1 mm magnet (gold plated w/ the new, molded silicone coating) in my left ring finger (I'm very fond of anaesthetics, hence the professional procedure. I had thought about doing it myself for a while, but I had some obligations that couldn't take infection- or pain-induced delays.)

    It shifted a bit out of place (towards the cut) during healing, but other than that I'm happy with it.

    I can't feel some magnetic fields that a friend with the same setup & procedure does, but mine can pick up more weight than his. My theory is that it might have something to do with the amount/texture of scar tissue my body grows (thicker magnet-nerve barrier, movement inhibition?) and with how deep the magnet sits in the flesh (my friend pulled it in deeper with a stronger magnet taped to the opposite side of his finger after surgery... maybe I'll try with the next one.)

    All in all: no problems so far, just fun and fancy sensory input. Marcus does an excellent job for people who can/want to afford it (about 150 EUR).
  13. I got a magnet implanted in my ring finger by Steve Hayworth back in March. No infections, it's been fine.
  14. A Novel Human-Machine Interface using  
    Subdermal Magnetic Implants

    P.S: Kevin Warwick is awesome 
  15. @Lukas

    Thanks for posting this link. You rock.
  16. @Lukas

    Are there any other similar papers that I could access? This was an awesome read.
  17. I haven't read the paper yet, so I'm working off general knowledge, but have a look at this paper's references as a starting point. If you run up against paywalls, drop me a PM with the paper title (and ideally a link) and I'll do my best to get it for you - I can't get papers from anywhere, but from a subset of publishers, yes.
    Take a look at Steve Mann's published output, and the MIT Medialab's publication repository, for some interesting things.
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