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Cant decide which magnet to order

So i wanna order a magnet for an implant and i found two options that seem good.



So if anyone has some experience with any of these it would be really helpfull.
thanks for the anwsers :D.


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  1. So far so good with the SMM magnet.
    Can’t vouch for Haworth’s since I don’t have it but his seems a little pricey(understandably)

  2. SMM magnet just came out and is mostly untested. I believe @nothot Is the first person to implant one just a few days ago. Historically speaking, just about every manufacturer of TiN magnets there is has been tried and very few individuals have had a long term success rate. It is just too difficult to get a perfect coating on them which usually leads to galvanic corrosion. Additionally, SMM is not exactly known for quality products. Many people have tried to purchase parylene magnets from them only to find a very cheaply manufactured inferior coating. That's not to say that their new TiN coated magnets won't be good, but at this stage I personally don't have my hopes up.

    Steve Haworth's magnets, however, have been implanted in a LOT of people and have a proven long term success rate. They have a thicker coating so they are a little bulky and won't be as strong or sensitive as something with micron thick coating like TiN, but I have three of them and can personally testify that they are still pretty great. I love mine, and I can sense just about everything there is to sense.

    If you havent seen them yet @Cassox is working on a resin coated TiN magnet which is looking very promising at the moment.

    No matter which one you go with, however, you should be aware that none of the magnets available currently should be expected to last a lifetime. There just isn't a perfect magnet for our community yet, but hopefully someday that will change.

  3. Another problem with the silicon coated magnets is that they tend to rupture around the edges, Samppa's Parylene coated magnets have a lot of long term success but are only available directly to body mod artists.

  4. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m almost certain this TiN magnet I implanted isn’t going to be permanent. Hell, I’d be pretty happy if I got a year out of it. I do hope to increase the lifespan of an upcoming magnet implant by doing a similar resin coating as @Cassox by coating the most vulnerable areas of my TiN magnets in epoxy. I plan to try several different methods and techniques of application of this resin and post on the forum which seems to be the most formidable for implantation(and actually implant it as well)

  5. @Crucible Actually the problem of them rupturing around the edges was a problem with the first dip coated ones. The new injection molded ones he sells have a very long success rate due to a more even coating. He also uses a much tougher silicone than he used too.

  6. I see this hasn't been touched in a while. Are these resin coated magnets still in process.

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