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Injecting Neodymium Implants?


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  1. Seems like a great idea to open a hole for the needle to be able to slide under the epidermis. My main worry was that the bevel/top of the needle would slice through the skin and cause more damage than necessary. I'm an avid gamer, so I'm pretty keen on causing as little damage as possible. I'm lost without my WASD haha

    I also think a single stitch would be the best way to go, cos it would be one less thing to worry about during the healing process (ie the magnet migrating back through the wound). It might be a bit more pain to endure, but better safe than sorry.

    I know I said I'd be putting up a video soon, but I've been having trouble sourcing suture needles that don't cost a million which I mean I spent one night looking and got demoralised haha, but I'll defs be looking into getting something, pricey or not, next week. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it after that happens.
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