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What new innovations/tech would you like to see?

Hi everyone, I had a question I wanted to pose to the biohacking community. What kind of technology/devices would you like to see developed in the near future? A good amount of work has been done with magnets and LED's, but what is the next step? I am trying to think of ideas for my PhD thesis in BME and I was wondering what the "demand" would be in regards to wearables, implants, and augmentation. My focus is on medical devices and the nervous system, but I am open to hearing all of your wildest transhumanist fantasies :P


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  1. I would love to see a workable SouthPaw ( ), to gain a permanent and reliable sense of direction.

    However, as I built and tried wearing the NorthPaw, I now have doubts for the usability of wearable always-on magnetic compasses in a typical urban environment - it wasn't reliable in most large buildings, and it wasn't reliable while riding a bike (I think the gears and frame of the bike interfered with the magnets). A wrong sense of direction is much worse than no sense of direction at all.

    And that doesn't even address the big problems that have been holding people back with the SouthPaw, which are bioproofing and recharging the thing. But, we're talking future dreams here :)
  2. I was watching a Ted talk on biomedical nanotechnology not too long ago. There seems to be a lot of room for growth there. We're thinking nanobots, ones that could monitor your health and notify you of any health abnormalities. You would still need to see a doctor if something's wrong, but at least you would have a better chance at narrowing down your possible causes. I would like to see nanobots in healthy individuals augment abilities, perhaps neuroplasticity speedup, muscle repair and faster healing from injury, enhanced muscle fiber recruitment in a shorter span of time, and modulation of Mood , reactions, & emotions(i.e. Flight or fight only when you need it). Perhaps you could have nanobots for a specific desired "program", say you want intense focus, you "turn on" nanobots that narrow your focus and turn off the nanobots abilities to augment any other "program" you don't need for focus.
  3. @tekniklr- This is my first hearing of NorthPaw but it seems like it would be useful, especially for someone like me who is always trying to figure out the direction I'm facing around the city. Maybe I'm a bit naive, but the whole idea seems more complex than it needs to be. Thinking of bio-mimicry, I know birds can detect magnetic direction by a small magnet that is inside of their heads. I wonder if anyone has made a magnet that can sense north which can be implanted into someones finger tip. I know some magnets can sense wi-fi (EMF field), so I wonder if a magnet can sense the earth's magnetic field and provide a "sensation" of facing north to the user via integrated nerve endings.

    @Dirksavage88- I love the idea oh having an army of small nanobots all over that could act as sensors for when something is abnormal. It could act almost like a second immune system. Having worked in medical research for a bit, it seems like we have a good idea of markers that indicate a whole plethora of diseases, the problem is just being able to detect them in real time at their physiological concentrations (sometimes nano-molar). Current techniques that scan the metabolite profile of even just a drop of blood can take up a whole benchtop unfortunately, so things need to see a major scaling down. I saw an online video a bit ago about a lab that was working on controlling nano-bots in the eye to perform micro-surgery though, so people are starting to think along those lines. I know I would use functional nanobots to get completely ripped and huge, like that one boss in Metal Gear Solid haha

  4. I have a magnet in my finger and it can neither sense wi-fi nor north. :(

    But, if a running microwave ever sneaks up on me I will be aware of it within six inches of my impeding doom ;)

    I think birds might also have their sense of direction foiled inside/near buildings in the city, but of course this would be a weirdly complicated thing to build an experiment to test for. And it's probably not particularly relevant to birds as they can just fly over most sources of interference.
  5. @tekniklr quick explanation on magnets wifi and north. wifi and magnetic north have very low field strength. also, wifi frequency is around 2.4GHz and your magnet can only get you reasonable sensations below 1kHz (i think 50 to 300Hz is the most sensitive range)
  6. Yeah, I was just fucking around in response to @jthoma99, I don't actually expect a finger magnet can sense these things.
  7. Bird also rely on multiple inputs on finding north they do not have a "magnet" in their head.
  8. I thought I had read once that some magnets could sense wi-fi, but that doesn't seem to be the case then. I guess that wouldn't make sense because then you would have an almost constant sensation with the prevalence of wi-fi.

    @Meanderpaul you are right that it isn't an actual magnet. The cells in the bird's brain do contain magnetite however which apparently will align with a magnetic field in a way that the bird can sense.

    Maybe it would be possible to make a magnetite based sensor to carry out a similar function. Interference from buildings and such would still be an issue though, but it might still be useful in more isolated areas. Maybe the design of the NorthPaw is the simplest way to carry this out after all! It looks like the trend here then is the down sizing of electronics to be easily embedded into the body
  9. I'd like to have a symbiotic multipurpose nanobot swarm with as high AI as possible.
    And 'til that i'd appreciate a working google glass with well made search & context display.
    And for now.. I'd like to change my genetical makeup, and for that i need as in NEED to find a frickin' company that'll sequence my dna (not just parts) for a price that is for me reachable.
  10. I would like to have High volume implantable storage. Sort of like a wifi thumb drive. Most of the difficulties of this would be hard mostly due to the battery and charging. 

    I recently read about a nanowire battery that can last for 4000 years and 500 charges or something like that. I will be looking into the feasibility of such a battery.
  12. @Wyldstorm- What exactly are you wanting to change about your genetic makeup? How would you go about doing it?

    @DmLawrence- What kind of data would you want to keep on the drive? My first thought is it would be a great way to store medical records if you could make sure that only you had access. The link @Meanderpaul posted also has a link to an implantable storage device (transdermal). I wonder if they have built any or if they are still working on it.
  13. Ask him @chironex
  14. @Jthoma99: Increased neurogenesis and regeneration of telomeres.
    How to: 
    First get a couple of companies/university peeps to map my genes.(stuck here atm..)
    Secondly get a good crispr/cas9 kit and learn/experiment, find and research as good a genetic change as i can. (Looking for a way to get the genes swtiched on/off during intense stress to also switch on the genes for neurogenesis (for regeneration & increased adaptability))
    Thirdly.. Infect myself with a geneticly modified virus and hole up in a cabin for a couple of weeks with a few peeps that check up on me, but have a hazard suit before they aproach.
  15. I'd like to see functional brain-computer interface-based VR tech. If I hurry up with my research, maybe I'll grant my own wish, but no idea how quickly it'll progress.
  16. Completely different idea here. ^^'

    They may be able to serve/contain/preform other functions... but at it's base base capacity, would love to see augmented teeth. :o
  17. I am working on a project similar to project transdermal in terms or coating but different in purpose I am working on posting a discussion on it  but here are the infographics from that discussion
    It involves placing an open source modular interface with the body where one's skin was removed via scarification 

  18. @Wyldstorm, what does it cost to sequence a genome now-a-days? I heard the cost was somewhere around $1000, yikes! Still better than the millions it took previously though. In a few years I bet it will be cheaper and it will become a routine procedure at hospitals.

    @TheGreyKnight, what kind of research are you doing? Are you working on developing a brain-machine interface?

    @Zerbula, any ideas for what functions the teeth could perform?

    Let me know when you get that discussion up @Zwytechhacker, that idea looks really interesting. Would you use it to monitor blood sugar, or are you trying to power it with the sugar?

  19. I like the transdermal however I promised my wife I wouldn't have my biotech protruding from my body so it mist be subdermal.
  20. @Jthoma99 you'd monitor it the powering of the device is still something I am trying to decide on should an attachment that has batteries in it transfer the power to the capacitors inside it or should it store batteries, or should the body power it 
  21. @DmLawerence transdermals don't have to protrude from the body they could simply stop where the skin would
  22. @zwytechhacker This seems a little too wide eyed and hopeful to me. All every one has been trying to do is make a transdermal work and as far as I have heard they have a time limit on how long till it gets issues. I have some questions/issues I want to ask. 1) You say it's not a transdermal cause it stops flush with the skin....does it come through the skin cause if it does then it's transdermal if it's just under then it's subdermal. 2) "OR should the body power it" please explain how the body would. This is a MAJOR hang up with electronic implants and is what is holding up functional products. 3) It seems redundant to have either internal batteries or external that would power capacitors. That would essentially make the capacitor a battery internal. Why not just have rechargeable batteries inside with a qi charger? I only see one real option to power it which still has drawbacks and that's the battery with qi charging.
  23. Also please make a thread for it so it can actually be discussed out truly.
  24. @meanderpaul trying to make it a thread but it has a lot of details and I am working on the best wording so that it's understandable, not too long, and sums up the project  sorry that it's taking so long

    but quickly(and not completely)  
    1. the skin is removed altogether
    3. when I say batteries I am talking about like the ones you buy at the store most  capacitors are smaller than those, qi charging is also something that I just didn't think about and is most likely the better or best option 

  25. @Jthomas I feel that it's worth mentioning that I am working on something similar with him, different but like none the less.
  26. THe cost is highly fluctuating, the problem is that almost all will not sequence the whole thing. the-
    -thing was the latest i found. (TL;DR: 350$.)

    And the kits.. There are too many and too fast changing market.. Most dont deal with viruses afaik, though.. So sad.
    If any of you know a good one that can deal with virus/bacteria, do tell.

    Will you be using some kinda nanotube-ish interface to the nerves or..?
    You could in theory use the heat to produce electricity for the thingy of you did.
  27. @Wyldstorm pls just wait for the official post
  28. @Zwytechhacker, You ant to remove all of the skin in the area to implant the device? From your figure it looks like you are working on a Pip-Boy :P  I'll hold on until you make a thread so we can talk more!

    What exactly are you working on @JohnDoe?
  29. @Zwytechhacker Its transdermal if it crosses the dermis.  I'd just like to point that out. 

    Sci-fi fantasy doodles in MS paint is not "working on a project".
  30. 1.) I know that never said anything that contradicts that transdermal just cross the dermis
    2.) I know that diagrams of where on the body it would be placed and how it would look does not qualify as working on a project, but if you would have read the whole thing then you'd know that I doing much more than just "doodling" and that everything on here about that project is not even 1/8 of the research that I have done for this but I am trying to finish the discussion with most of the research and concepts that the project encompasses 
    SO CAN YOU ALL JUST WAIT (it's a lot of stuff to explain and post with visuals to make it easier to understand)
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