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Grindfest 02: Altered States, April 8-10 - Everyone had a blast!
What: Grindfest 02: Altered States
When: Friday April 8, 2016 to Sunday April 10, 2016
Where: The Lab, 19445 Adalante Court, Tehachapi CA 93561, USA
Register ("pay what you can" donation based):
Contact us: Grinder Slack channel -
or via email Cassox - [email protected], Cyberlass - [email protected]
or via email Cassox - [email protected], Cyberlass - [email protected]
Contact @Cassox or me if you are interested in speaking or teaching. Event schedule is in the works. No tv crews this time but more experiments, grinding fun -- and tshirts!
Implants and piercings - Cass has time slots available for implants. Piercings will also be available ("pay what you can" for a portfolio).
Activities - Bacteria races, tDCS, Binaural beats, Salvia Chair rides
Venue - As with previous events there is crash space and some basic meals that will be available. Blacklight bar and slavia ride in one room. The other option is one of the three hotels in town about 10 min away.
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Oh hey, also... I have a very limited number of diamond coated magnets. So far they've tested out fantastic. I'll be implanting one this weekend. I can't give a price yet and unfortunately can't even promise they are safe. But let me know if you're interested.
Im Interested.
HIGHLY interested! :D
I'll know soon if I'll be flying to Bakers or SD. If anyone's riding up from SD and has an open seat, I'll gladly pitch in gas cash and GPS support :)
Also highly interested.
I should be able to drive up also, with 4 extra seats.
Also interested in a diamond implant. I'll be driving down from San Francisco Friday night if anyone needs a ride.
Are there just none of you all over here in the East coast?
There's a bunch of us on the east coast, but /very/ spread out
To be fair we'd fit within the space of california if it were on the east coast, but things are way denser here.
I'll be there, and I'll bring the noots! I'd love to talk about inducing hypomania with megadoses of -racetams... or half a decade of excessive psychadelic usage. I knew those years of substance abuse would one day pay off.
Galticus please send my your email. How would you feel about also doing a Nootropics 101 lecture?
Can that be videotaped for the wiki?
Seconded, I would love to see all of this recorded. :D
I can record things again if you'd like. I'm also interested in a diamond magnet.
Work is keeping me around 50ish hours a week, however I will still work on being able to make it. I think I can rub the right elbows by then to make it work.Might either take the 6 hour drive there or fly into LA/SanFran and hitch a ride from there, with monetary compensation of course.*edit* No luck this time round. Work instead compensated by offering me to attend Blackhat on their time.
I wish I could go v_v Color me mildly jealous. >~< If I could get the time off I would. Raaaaaa
Damn, I was just informed that an event I'm staffing got moved from next weekend to the same weekend as this. I'm hoping it gets moved again, but if not, I might have time to show up just for the night festivities.
Added some of the experiments/things to try. Yes, the God Helmet and tDCS are inconclusive about how well they work -- I say we try at Grindfest and make some conclusions. If it doesn't work at Grindfest it's crap!
Added Eventbrite link - Tickets are by donation so $0 or greater, pay as you can. We're trying it out so we have a vague idea of headcount and don't spend too much or too little on supplies.
Speaking of money stuff though. . There are a few projects that do require cash. Here are a few things I'd like to share but would need help with: Cerebrolysin. It's a well researched and highly rated cognitive enhancer. Its less commonly used because it's administered iv or im. This is about 10 bucks per person once we include the equipment such as needle and hub. Intranasal insulin. .. also a very cool cognitive enhancer. Well researched but super uncommon. This is like 5 bucks or so a dose. Hallucinogenic chair ride... have you ever been strapped down and restrained with your eyes speculumed open and forced to watch disturbing things while tripping your ass of on Salvia? Something like 5 or 10 bucks I think. There wI'll be a lot of other stuff but it's just not very costly. Let me know if you are interested in any of these though so I can get the supplies ahead of time.
And you ll have to check with Rich but last couple of grindfests.. mustache rides were free.
Ok, so as far as I know there aren't any TiN magnets available before grindfest. On the other hand, I do have a supplier for Parylene C coated N52 magnets. Implantation is 50 and I'll throw in the magnet for free. The Diamond coated unit seems to be healing nicely. No issue as of yet so those are a go as well although as I said the number are really limited and I already have a list of people. Also, is there anyone who hasn't contacted me yet that wants to present?
Can we do a 2.5 as an online type thing
@Cassox If you do enough salvia, the disturbing things are on the inside of your eyelids.
I would like to be a speaker and or teacher.
We are getting closer to Grindfest time! Please register or at least let Cassox or myself know you are coming so we have a vague nose count for supplies. Volunteers always welcome.Register (it's "pay what you can" donation based): us in the Grinder Slack channel - or via email Cassox - [email protected], Cyberlass - [email protected] -
Just found out that I can come! Definitely excited, just bought my ticket!
I might be able to go, it is only a 30 hour drive and I might be able to get some of my friends to go with me just because of the cognitive performance nootropics.Edit: Nevermind, no chance of going despite how well it works out with my schedule.
Well i know a lot of people caravan if that help.
I should be coming along with frankmatheson's sister. I should have a few seats open from San Diego
Bah - work stuff came up. Might still be able to sneak down, but I'm not counting on it. Sorry SF folk - might need to find another ride.
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