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Pub Crawl Meetup San Francisco - Friday Feb 19, 2016
@Cassox will be in town Friday Feb 19 and thought it would be fun to meet up with some of the SF/Bay area locals. Who can make it out Friday evening?
Since it'll be Friday night and everywhere will be packed, I think a pub crawl makes sense. We can get a drink or two and then talk on the way to the next spot. I picked out three that looked good (the beer hall is further away from the others so may not make the cut):
Yes: Cyberlass, Cassox
Maybe: @mmuyskens
Meet at 6pm?
Hogwash, 582 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
Benjamin Cooper, 398 Geary Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
Mikkeller Bar, 34 Mason Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
The Beer Hall, 1 Polk Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
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FFS that's my area, but I'll be busy with work. I'd love to meet him, too. V_V
Yep. Itd be fun if you could make it.
>~<Friday is my 'swing shift' day in the week. Work really late, work really early the next morning... And SF is already a decent drive there and back on top of it... At least 3 hours round trip >~<If you are passing through Santa Cruz later in the night, hit me up. That's something I might be able to make, possibly. no promises, But that would be possible. :3
Throw me down as a maybe? Depends how early I get off work. Keep me in the loop.
Aye, are you running karaoke somewhere that night?
Slightly of topic but know the less.... Why is that it seems like most everyone is in about the same area of California? Texas is a big ass state how can there be no one else here is from Texas? Sincerely,(a confused) John Doe
California is still pretty big, this 'close distance' is still hour(s) apart for what looks like the closer of us... >~<We should have a map with like little dots of the zip codes everyone is in or something to show density or something. ^^ That'd be cool
Agreed, a map would be cool. I'm in Texas, San Antonio. Remember the Alamo!
@JohndoeTrust me, I understand privacy and the jazz you're talking about. At the same time, if someone REALLY wanted to know where you live, they would find you regardless of what you tell them or not, the information could easily be dug up here if someone tried hard enough.I don't mind telling people general 25 mile proximity. That's a stupid amount of area to try to cover to look for one person, unless again, you have intent to find someone. in which case, refer to the above. ^^'
@Cassox - Friday night gig died off. Was more of a hassle then what it was worth. I stay busy enough with the day job. Speaking of karaoke.... I'm sure there's gotta be some good places in SF....
@zeebula Have you ever heard of the great guitar tone wood debate? Look at willseasyguitar on YouTube and you will see how crazy people will get.
We should have a map... like the one DT has for partners. Maybe I'll start something...
Just a rough map. >~< by zip code would be more than adequate. Or by major nearby city, or even county. X_X
I'll stick some info out there if you make something.
Cyberlass updated the info at top, but it didn't show as a bump.
I can't make that, sorry... >~<
Work has me up in Napa of all places, I'm in.
Cool, we'll aim for 6 then and see how it goes.
I might be able to make it out - moving into my new place that day though so I'm gonna have to play it by ear.
That day is about 30 minutes ago, silly. ^^'
Heading to Benjamin Cooper
I'm like a half mile away from there, I'll be there shortly
Have a Shirley Temple for me, please. :v
Too gay, beer only right now.
Ya'll missed out on a good time.
Bah! That's what I get for checking the forums once a week. Next time
@meanderingman you nearby?
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